Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 53: Storm

In the space of the universe 50 million kilometers away from the magic star.

Various bizarre and unprecedented phenomena are constantly colliding fiercely in this void.

What is vacuum? It is a sea of ​​energy that fluctuates constantly. When the energy reaches its peak, it is transformed into pairs of positive and negative elementary particles. When the energy reaches the trough, pairs of positive and negative particles annihilate each other and convert into energy.

For Li Anping and Dionysus, it is the vacuum that is not empty. The vacuum zero-point energy everywhere has become their infinite source of power.

But the different fighting habits of the two people still form two completely different ways of fighting.

Li Anping kept moving around Dionysus at high speed. His body was almost completely in a semi-decomposed state. In this environment without air resistance and gravity, his speed was constantly released, exceeding tens of thousands of meters per second, and it was still increasing.

He seemed to have turned into countless rays of light, constantly stabbing at Dionysus who was standing still. Every second, thousands of fists were thrown at the opponent, and each punch triggered countless collisions between positrons and electrons, releasing huge energy after the annihilation reaction. It was equivalent to thousands and tens of thousands of hydrogen bombs swallowing and spitting out surging destructive power towards Dionysus every second.

Any punch here, if it appeared on the earth, would cause a huge disaster of the level of annihilation, but in the vast universe, it became an invisible dot.

And his opponent was not injured by this level of attack. Because Dionysus was a top powerhouse at the same level as Li Anping. Facing the annihilation-level attacks released by Li Anping, he was always able to break them one by one with continuous upper-level magic.

Fire, freezing, lightning and other destructive spells were more than a thousand times more powerful in his hands. And his brain structure seemed to be different from that of normal people, or he used some magic as an aid. No matter how fast Li Anping was, he could not escape his reaction.

And from time to time, a high-level time freeze can give him a lot of extra casting time, and even give him a slight advantage in the battle with Li Anping.

But there was no complacency in his eyes. Even if he couldn't find anyone with a fighting power close to his on the magic star, he had imagined countless battles of this level in his mind.

When people of their level start fighting, with the endless sea of ​​energy, as long as there is no absolute gap, then a few days, weeks, months, or even years of fighting time is possible.

While he was thinking about this. The magic on his body did not stop at all. Countless hurricanes suddenly gushed out of his body, and then spread rapidly around like a violent cyclone.

Dionysus's thoughts directly turned into a mental wave, which was transmitted to Li Anping's mind in a form similar to electromagnetic waves. He continued to communicate with the other party.

"Remember five hundred years ago, I started a long journey, in your words, it is interstellar travel."

"Thanks to the existence of the portal, if you have my magic, you will have an advantage over you in the universe."

"I have passed by dozens of planets, but I have not found any life."

"But even so. The different environments of various planets have also given me countless inspirations."

In the time it took to say these few words, the cyclones around became stronger and stronger, and countless particles were glued together to form a storm visible to the naked eye. When Dionysus finished speaking this sentence, the storm cyclone had grown to a terrifying cyclone of 30,000 meters long and more than 10,000 meters in height.

Dionysus went on to say, "There is a planet that has left a deep impression on me. It is made entirely of gas, like a whirlwind. The ubiquitous ocean and storm make up its body. It is so beautiful that it is fascinating. Just like now."

As Dionysus spoke, Li Anping and his eyes were engulfed by countless gases. Hurricanes with speeds exceeding 400 kilometers per hour blew in their ears, and from time to time they could see a 4,000-meter or even 6,000-meter-high cloud tower being born around them.

In just a few words. Dionysus has created a place similar to a gaseous planet, but this is a beautiful scene for them, but for ordinary people it is a forbidden zone for life and an endless hell.

The atmospheric dragon that is enough to tear everything apart roars in their ears from time to time. Hurricanes that crush all matter into fine particles can be seen everywhere. The low temperature of more than 200 degrees below zero is the normal temperature here.

In such a harsh environment, even a level 5 ability user may not be able to hold on for long and will die immediately. If the wizard had released countless protective magics in advance, he might have been able to hold on for a few more hours.

The destructive magic that manipulated the storm in front of him could already be called a miracle. Just relying on the cosmic storm created by this magic, Dionysus already had the power to destroy all humans on a planet.

"After thousands of years of accumulation, although you haven't figured out the essence of this universe, you have indeed discovered many interesting tricks."

In this violent cyclone that was enough to destroy a planet, Li Anping still didn't show any panic on his face, but the excitement in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

The atmospheric knife that could be seen everywhere in the air, when it scraped against him, was like an obedient kitten, and could not leave any trace on his body.

When he spoke, he did not use electromagnetic waves at all, but just spoke out word by word with his mouth, and then it was as if every word he said had real power, controlling the airflow around him and sending this sound wave to Dionysus's ear.

Facing Li Anping's words, Dionysus asked slowly: "A little trick? Then what is the so-called essence of the universe?"

While saying these words, the storm around him roared like a giant dragon, and the cyclone that was more than tens of thousands of meters long trembled, giving people the feeling that the whole world was roaring with Dionysus' words.

Then, they rushed towards Li Anping, who was in the center of the storm, regardless of everything.

Facing the crazy attack coming in front of him, Li Anping saw nothing but airflow, and the boundless wind cut towards him at a speed of more than 400 kilometers per second. From the outside, it looked like a gaseous planet was collapsing violently and collapsing inwards.

Li Anping only shook his arms lightly, lowered his waist and sat on the horse, and then punched out.

After the punch, time seemed to stop at this moment, marveling at the surging power.

The storm in front of him was like a cake cut in half with a knife. With Li Anping's punch, the storm, which was 12,000 meters deep, was directly split into two.

What is the destruction of the world, what is the collapse of the sky and the collapse of the earth. Li Anping's punch was the destruction of the world, the collapse of the sky and the collapse of the earth.

After the punch was thrown, Li Anping's figure flashed and appeared in front of Dionysus again. He laughed grimly, and his entire right fist had turned into a ray of light, shining on Dionysus in front of him.

A ray of light is not an adjective, but Li Anping's entire right palm really turned into light.

If Dionysus was just surprised when Li Anping broke the cosmic storm he created with one punch, then after Li Anping threw this punch, his surprise had turned into shock.

What is the speed of light? It is 300,000 kilometers per second. Dionysus did not have the opportunity to react at all. Hundreds of thousands of punches had completely destroyed all the force fields and barriers on his body.

And then before the surrounding storm swallowed him, it completely tore his body apart.

However, long before the half plane was released and entered the universe, Dionysus had already elementalized his body into a gaseous form.

Although Li Anping's attack tore his body apart, it still did not really hurt him.

Dionysus' body turned into the omnipresent wind, and quickly retreated behind him. He said in surprise: "What happened to your attack just now? What happened to your arm?"

Li Anping stood still, but his arm, which had turned into a piece of light, had returned to its original state. The difference was that in the palm of his arm, there was a small ball of gas flowing continuously, as if struggling to escape, but was tightly held in Li Anping's hand.

Dionysus's face changed, that was part of his gasified body. But the next moment, Li Anping's action made his face change drastically.

I saw Li Anping's palm loosen, and the escaping white airflow was sucked into his stomach by his mouth.

"You... you actually ate me?"

Dionysus's shock and anger only earned Li Anping's bloodthirsty eyes. He slowly said, "I am very, very, very interested in your current body."

With a flash of his body, he approached Dionysus again: "Give me a little more?"

As Li Anping finished speaking, Dionysus had already activated time to stop, giving him an extra ten seconds of casting time, allowing him to add millions of protective magic to himself at once.

When time resumed flowing, his body was almost countless times harder than the strongest magic fortress on the Mondo continent. Now, even if he faced a positron cannon, he could retreat unscathed.

Seeing Dionysus wrapped like a lantern, Li Anping asked coldly: "Are you scared?"

The next moment, his arms disappeared together, all turned into light, and hit Dionysus at the speed of light. Millions of defensive magics were torn and destroyed in an instant. When Dionysus activated the teleportation to escape, his gaseous body was taken away by Li Anping again.

The roar full of shame and anger sounded through the entire cosmic storm.

PS: There are many things to do during the holidays. Sorry for being late today.

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