Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 45: Beginning

Tony Abel's legs crossed the boundary gate, and what appeared in front of him was an endless jungle. According to the information given by Jonah, this is the western part of the Mondo continent, known as the Amala Basin.

The air sucked in the nose feels a little moist, which is the same as the scientists behind the humans judged before setting off. This should be a continental basin, created by crustal movement, and the air is very humid.

Tony looked up at the sky and could only see a huge fireball slowly burning in the sky. According to robot detection, the Mondo continent here, like the Earth, also belongs to every solar system.

But astronomers have yet to discover any familiar celestial objects in the night sky here. Maybe it's too far away from the earth, or maybe it's not in the same universe as the earth.

But Tony doesn't care about this. He only needs to know that the gravity and air composition here are suitable for ordinary people to survive.

Just when Tony was stunned, a blond man in front of him had already said hello to him: "Hey Tony, come over and help me build the barracks."

The golden retriever is more than two meters tall and looks like a standing polar bear. Every time I speak, my voice sounds like I have a loudspeaker.

This blond man's name is Ivan, and he is a member of the Knuvisen family of Ice Castle. Before Li Anping ascended the throne, he escorted Sergei, the leader of Ice Castle's splinter organization and Bloodborne, to Tianjing.

He is also one of Ice Castle's current elite ability users. But in Adam's view, Ivan is more like a big bear that can walk upright, although their bloodline ability 'werewolf form' has nothing to do with bears.

As for Tony Abel, who had been possessed by Li Anping's clone and had been manipulated and trained for a year, his combat effectiveness was naturally considered elite. Especially his experience of being possessed has aroused the curiosity and envy of countless people. Ivan is naturally one of them. When the team was first formed, he expressed full kindness to Tony.

Tony took the components handed over by Ivan and began to set up the camp. This newly developed component is self-scaling and only requires the user to select the program in advance. This allows the components to expand and splice themselves to complete the construction of the camp.

On the sidelines, others were also busy, either building camps or detecting the surrounding environment. Brian, who came from the Federation together with Tony, is a bloodline user with the ability of the Flame Wolf, who once worked with Tony to stop Seagram and Fibrizo.

He was debugging in front of a huge sphere. This is a simple satellite that they specially brought here. There are more than twenty similar satellites on the opposite side of the boundary gate. They will be launched one after another to explore the planet that is currently named Magic Star by the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Two hours passed, and with the help of superpowers and high technology, the entire camp was quickly set up. Most of the ability users stayed in the camp, except for Yan Bei who left alone and began to explore the entire Amala Basin.

Other scientists began to conduct various planned physical and chemical experiments in simple laboratories to determine the differences between this world and Earth.

There are also scientists who collect soil, plant and animal specimens. Of course, this often requires the assistance of ability users.

According to the plan of the Pan-Continent Alliance, they will stay near the boundary crossing gate for about three days, three days later. They will start their own different tasks.

Because the appearance of the people in Mondo Continent is more similar to that of Caucasians, Jin Guang (transformation), Liu Feng (face change) and a group of Caucasians will find ways to blend into the local society of Mondo Continent. Establish certain social relations on the Internet and obtain the information currently needed by the Pan-Continental Alliance.

People of the yellow race like Yan Bei, Fang Haojie, and Fang Yuelin will focus on all inaccessible areas and be responsible for collecting information on the natural and ecological environment of the Mondo Continent.

After activating the ability of the Steel Spear, Yan Bei, who was wrapped in a layer of silver-white metal, was hovering in the sky of the Amara Basin at subsonic speed.

The ability of the steel spear in Yan Bei's hand comes from Vivian, a former fifth-level ability user of the Imaginary Number Agency.

After activating his ability, not only did he have a pair of steel-like wings that shot out directly from his back. Being wrapped in metal all over his body, his physical fitness in terms of strength, speed, reaction, agility, etc. will be greatly improved. The armor that wraps him is not only amazing in defense, but also hides many weapons with special abilities.

The thought energy in Yan Bei's body was transformed by the armor. It directly turned into a white turbulence, which looked like some kind of plasma jet engine, causing Yan Bei's speed to increase again and fly towards the boundary of Amala Basin.

Under the observation of Yan Bei. This basin is the same as the information Jonah told, it is a completely uninhabited land. Various animals live in the vast forest.

However, because the basin has a variety of rare animal and plant resources, Yanbei can also see some hunters or herb gatherers working in the basin.

Yan Bei was flying at high speed in the sky, and these ordinary people couldn't even notice his presence. And Yan Bei was unwilling to communicate with them. This is not his mission.

And according to the plan of the Alliance Staff Department, this time the Earth's intelligence acquisition of the Magic Star will be like a ghost, with as little impact as possible on the entire Magic Star, leaving no unnecessary traces.

Like a ghost, it passed through them, sensed them, understood them, but made the other party unaware.

Yan Bei circled in the sky and planned to end today's patrol and return to the camp first.

But just when he turned around, a quack roar suddenly came from the sky.

I saw a flying bird as big as a car falling from the sky and grabbing towards Yan Bei's position.

'Oh? Is this the animal here? ' Yan Bei turned his head and looked at the giant bird rushing towards him. The other party obviously regarded him as prey.

'It's more fierce than the animals on Earth. '

The next moment, a small dot appeared on the head of the giant bird, and the collapse force field squeezed his entire head into an invisible dot. The headless bird corpse fell to the ground along inertia.

And Yan Bei didn't even look at him, and turned directly to fly towards the camp.


Just as Yan Bei activated his ability, in a small city dozens of kilometers away from the Amarra Basin.

A woman with wine-red hair suddenly opened her eyes and said to Dong'er beside her: "They are coming."

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