Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 44: Mobilization

New Dongyang, East 23rd District.

This is a large area like a primeval forest. Because of the dense monsters, even some bounty hunters who specialize in finding rare monsters are reluctant to go here.

But today, this desolate place welcomed a group of guests.

Liu Feng walked in the front, and behind him, there were a total of ten men and women. Among them were yellow, white, and black people, and it seemed that many nationalities were gathered.

In addition to Yanbei, Jin Guang, and Fang Haojie, there were Tony Abel and Brian from the Federation, as well as people from Ice Castle, Southern Xinjiang, and Code Country.

They are all elites found by Daxia Dragon Bird and the Imaginary Number Agency from all over the earth. Under the leadership of Liu Feng, they will be responsible for their tasks of exploring the alien world and protecting the accompanying scientists.

Liu Feng walked in front and said, "We are very tight on time. We only have about a week. During this week, we will organize a field training like this every morning, and learn common sense about the magic world in the afternoon.

In the evening, you will take turns to fight against the wizard Jonah."

In addition to what Liu Feng said, Jonah will use the language proficiency technique to solve the language part. In addition, they will also receive a series of vaccines urgently developed by the Royal Academy of Sciences to help fight against various pathogens currently detected by robots on the other side of the gate.

In addition, there are various trainings that Liu Feng has compressed into one week. After one week, they will step into the gate and start the investigation of the Mondo Continent to determine whether the Earth will use an alliance, hostility or other attitude towards the Mondo Continent in the next period of time.


Seven days later, before the investigation team was about to enter the Mondo Continent through the gate.

In the northernmost part of the Mondo Continent, in the cloud courtyard on the highest peak of the entire continent, a unique meeting was also taking place.

Including the Saint Laurent Empire, the five most powerful countries in the entire Mondo Continent all sent their representatives.

And there is only one person in the entire continent who can summon the representatives of these five powerful countries in just a few days, that is Dionysus, who is known as a demigod and is also the spiritual leader of all the mages in the Mage Guild. He represents the most powerful man in the world.

"Have you heard that the blood of Lord Dionysus before he became a wizard..."

"Well, it is said that it is a boy named Adam, and this meeting seems to be related to him."

"Is it true? You said this boy..."

"Don't talk nonsense... It is said that he has passed the blood monitoring and is indeed the blood of Lord Demigod."

Just as the representatives of the five countries were whispering, a teenager who looked only in his teens walked in.

He looked very handsome and wore a gray robe. The robe looked very ordinary and inconspicuous, but it was a shocking message in the eyes of the representatives of the five countries.

"It's actually the Shadow Robe..."

"Lord Dionysus actually gave it to him."

Although Dionysus did not attend this meeting, the robe draped over Adam alone has made the originally careless people put away their frivolous expressions, and look at Adam with jealousy, surprise and envy.

Adam ignored the emotions of the crowd and went straight to the main seat at the conference table. Behind him, Kudia and Night Beast, who changed into magician's clothes and covered their heads with cloaks.

Looking at the scrutiny, questioning, or flattering eyes of the crowd looking at him, Adam, or Shang Tian, ​​smiled lightly, as if he could not feel the pressure contained in these eyes at all.

He coughed lightly and said, "Everyone. The main reason I asked you to come here this time is that in the near future, a huge disaster will occur in the entire Mondo continent. This disaster is so terrible that it will overturn the countries where you are present.

No, not only that, it will even destroy the glory of the wizard. Destroy all the humans in the entire Mondo continent."

Adam said this right at the beginning, which really made everyone feel a little alarmist. Those who were sent to attend the meeting, not to mention their magical attainments, at least they are all old foxes in interpersonal relationships and politics. Adam's pyramid-like words are impossible to impress them.

But he didn't care. Seeing that everyone was silent, he continued: "At the western end of the continent, in the Amarra Basin, a door to hell has been opened. From that door, countless demons will pour out. They have powerful power, but are completely immersed in endless desires. Their appearance is destined to set off a bloody storm on the Mondo continent."

Adam's words immediately caused everyone to whisper.

"Demons? Hell?"

"Mr. Adam, are you sure you are not kidding?"

"Demons that can overthrow the entire continent, do they also have the powerful power of the demigod?"

The magic civilization of Mondo Continent has been developing for countless years. Although it lacks the popularity brought by science on Earth due to the limitation of the number of magicians, through the development of magic, most magicians have long confirmed that the so-called gods, heaven, demons, and hell are just tools made up by religion to control believers.

It can be said that in the entire Mondo Continent, as long as there are existences above the lower level mages, as well as most of the upper-class nobles, they are all atheists. And firmly believe in the power of magic.

The title of demigod Dionysus is purely out of awe of power.

Magic, this is the biggest belief in the entire Mondo continent.

Adam was also deeply aware of this, so he was not surprised by everyone's suspicion, but stretched out his hand and handed the palm to Kudia.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, a pure white long sword was handed into Adam's hand.

"This is……"

"Holy Sword Cardinus, how is it possible?"

"This holy sword should have disappeared during the final holy war."

In the historical records of the Mondo continent, the Holy Sword Cardinus was forged by Odysseus, the first emperor to unify the entire country more than 4,000 years ago and was called the Holy King. He gathered a total of two hundred of the world's best magicians at the time to create this holy sword, hoping that through the inheritance of this sword, his dynasty would prosper forever.

Unfortunately, even with the greatest power, the country he created ended up being divided from within. The Holy Sword Cardinus also disappeared afterwards.

Legend has it that this holy sword has all kinds of incredible powers, even for an ordinary person. After holding the holy sword, you can have the power to destroy the city with one strike.

It is considered to be the most powerful magic weapon in the entire Mondo continent.

There is even a rumor about the Holy Sword Cardinus...

"When the Holy Sword appears again, the Mondo Continent will also be unified again..." As a magician present murmured these words, the Holy Sword in Adam's hand glowed with bursts of milky white light. , seemed to wrap up Adam's entire body.

Most of the magicians present could not completely believe the so-called rumors of the reunification of the continent, but when faced with the Holy Sword Cardinus, which was known as the most powerful magic weapon, they were still distracted for a moment.

"Everyone. The Holy Sword was born just because the entire continent is about to face an unprecedented disaster. If you don't want to believe it, you can send people to the Amara Basin after you go back to find the portal that transmits evil spirits."

Facing the shadow robe given by the demigod and the holy sword in Adam's hand, everyone present seemed to no longer reject the so-called evil theory.

"Sir, may I ask what kind of existence the evil you are talking about is?"

Adam withdrew the holy sword and continued: "They have similar appearances to humans, but are more evil and greedy. They do not have magical power, but they possess another kind of power called technology and superpowers."

Adam clapped his hands, and the servant on the side immediately brought a pistol.

"This is the weapon I seized from them. They call it a pistol." Adam said to a magician among the representatives: "Sir Lawrence. I will use this pistol to attack you next to demonstrate his The power.”

"Come on." Lawrence said carelessly: "But how are you going to use it to attack? I can't see any part of his body that can attack others. Are you going to throw it over and hit me?"

Lawrence's words brought a chuckle.

But the next moment, a loud gunshot interrupted everyone's laughter.

Lawrence frowned, picked up the twisted and deformed bullets on the ground with the hands of a mage, and asked curiously: "Oh? He attacks by spraying these metal particles?"

"Yes. This kind of weapon can be mass-produced by the demons. Quantity is their biggest advantage."

Lawrence shook his head: "With this kind of attack power, even if an ordinary high-level mage lets him shoot for a day, he still won't be able to break through the protective force field."

The night beast on the side couldn't help but said: "But these are only the most basic weapons. They also have many more powerful weapons, called tanks and missiles, and they can all be mass-produced."

"If the upper level mage can't do it, then just send a few magicians."

This sentence seemed to represent the thoughts of all the magicians present. Most of them don't seem to pay much attention to so-called technological weapons. In their opinion, the pistol Adam presented could only be regarded as an interesting toy.

However, the superpowers Adam mentioned later were considered by them to be the abilities of a warlock. Got a little more attention.

"We already understand the power of evil spirits, so what are the plans of the demigod?" One of the representatives said what everyone present wanted to ask the most.

They value the will of demigods more than some illusory demon that doesn't even have magic. Just like people in developed countries look at tribes in the primitive jungle. Demons who don't understand magic are just ignorant beasts in their eyes, even if these beasts have mastered some special skills.

"Father has recently made a new discovery in magic and has devoted himself wholeheartedly to research. Even I can't go to the laboratory to find him.

However, he said before that if anyone on the mainland can catch an evil demon, he will personally spend his magic power to permanently solidify a seventh-level magic for this warrior. "

Before Adam could finish his words, a strange light immediately appeared in the eyes of everyone present. Compared to demons without magical abilities, the solidification magic of demigods obviously attracts their attention more.

Immediately, more than half of the representatives stated that they would send troops and mages to capture the evil spirits.

Looking at the backs of the representatives in front of him passing through the portal and slowly leaving. Adam showed a smile.

The night beast on the side was a little worried: "Little... um, Adam, is this okay? Why don't you show them the more powerful weapons on the earth? They are so underestimated, and they will suffer a great loss at that time."

"I want them to suffer." Adam laughed softly: "Uncle Ye, what do you think is the biggest difference between the magic world and the earth?"

"Is it magic and technology, two different civilizations?"

"No, it is the cognition of the world. Earthlings understand the world with technology, and the people here rely on magic to understand the world. Before paying the most, they will not take technology seriously.

Thousands of years of history of conquering nature with magic will make them have a unique pride when facing the earth's army. In their current view, earthlings who do not master magic are no different from primitive people."

Adam turned his head and walked to the border of the cloud courtyard. Looking at the Mondo continent under his feet, he slowly said: "If they realize the power of the earth too early, they will not fight easily. What we have to do is to stop them from trying. Before negotiating with the Earth, let the blood and hatred continue to escalate. Drag Li Anping and Daxia Longque into the vortex of this war. "

Kudia on the side said: "I have no interest in fighting, but Dionysus, are you sure there is no problem? Putting aside the issue of your identity, I don't think he completely agrees with you.

This guy's talent alone is too terrifying. It is hard to imagine that he can increase his power to this level with magic.

You just give him so much scientific information on the Earth. Aren't you afraid of raising a tiger to harm yourself? "

Adam shook his head: "I said, this is a problem of cognition. Dionysus's talent is indeed terrifying. If he was born on Earth, he might also have the hope of the ultimate, but the experience of the magic world has limited his vision. To change this cognition, it takes time, not talent.

And during this time, he will become our best weapon to resist Li Anping. "

Adam raised his hands and made a hugging gesture towards the boundless land under the mountain, looking like he wanted to hold the entire Mondo continent in his arms.

"Li Anping, can you feel it? Your sinful life will soon be ended by my own hands."


At the same time, Liu Feng and his team had already put on their equipment at the underwater base. On the surface, they were all wearing coarse linen shirts, but under these medieval clothes, they were all wearing the latest nano armor created by the Royal Academy of Sciences, and they were hidden by optical camouflage.

Liu Feng looked back at everyone and said, "Let's go."

The next moment, a group of 18 people, including 11 capable people and 7 academy students, passed through the gate one by one. After arriving at the White Land, they will pass through the gate of the Mondo Continent and start this adventure in the magic world.

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