Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 46: Magical Society

Four days later, Liu Feng, Jin Guang and his party appeared in a small town on the border of the Amala Basin. In addition to Liu Feng and Jin Guang, there are three ability users in their party: Ryan, who masters the flame wolf, Tony, who was possessed by Li Anping, and Ivan from the Ice Castle.

In addition, they were accompanied by three sociologists, economists and military experts.

In the small town, although their clothes were as shabby and rough as those worn by ordinary civilians, their relatively delicate skin, tall and strong figures, and confident eyes distinguished them from the residents of the small town.

The economist Frant rubbed his eyes. Because he is short-sighted, it was rare for him to wear contact lenses during this inspection, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

He and Liu Feng on the side said: "According to our observations during this period, they are still stuck in the era of using animal power, but because of the existence of magic, their agriculture is extremely developed, and they don't have to worry about any natural disasters. This makes them The food problem has been completely solved, but their commodity economy has not developed..."

Lauren, the sociologist on the side, added: "Because there is a natural class in their society, and that is magicians. Compared with our ability users over there, the society here has developed earlier and stronger because of magic. The dependence is also much stronger. Agriculture, construction, military and other aspects all need to rely on the power of magicians.

And because magic can solve everything, no one develops science. "

Liu Feng nodded: "So civilians without magic abilities have become parasites attached to magicians, and they have become existences that can be abandoned at any time. Even if there are no civilians, magicians here can survive alone."

Several people around him nodded. Through their observations over the past few days, they already knew that the world in front of them was somewhat similar to the Middle Ages and was a severely deformed society.

The food plants were transformed by magic, and they were all planted neatly on the land that had been planned and transformed in advance. The only thing farmers have to do is sow and harvest.

All the buildings in the town were jointly built by lower-level mages, and almost all of them were boxy and of the same style, just like the brown linen clothes worn by civilians. For mages. Civilians are just consumables, used to reduce part of the magic consumption.

All daily necessities and food are basically distributed evenly by mages, raising the common people like pigs.

Those without magical talents are civilians, while those with magical talents are naturally superior to others.

Mages that civilians can do can naturally do it, and mages that civilians can't do can do it even more.

On the continent of Mondo, mages are the first class, and other civilians can only become warriors if they want to stand out. Or have some special talents, such as soldiers, officials, chefs, etc. These are considered second-class people.

Those who have not mastered skills useful to mages are civilians. It's the third class. They must unconditionally obey the mage's arrangements and work for more than ten months a year before they can be allocated materials sufficient to ensure their survival.

As for the lowest fourth class of people, they are prisoners of various defeated countries, criminals, aliens, etc. They are considered slaves, almost like beasts. They can be bought, sold and killed at will.

And facing this kind of life. Civilians who only possess medieval weapons are unable to resist. As long as a most ordinary high-ranking mage turns on the protective force field, even if he stands there and allows civilians to attack, he will not be harmed at all.

The so-called change of dynasty is nothing more than replacing a group of mages and officials to rule.

Liu Feng and others looked at the civilians on the street and could only see numbness and emptiness in their eyes. In addition to eating and sleeping every day, they live a life day after day, year after year.

There is no internet and no toilet. There were no lights and no television.

Most of them will probably never leave their villages or towns throughout their lives.

Almost none of them are literate, and they never have any innovative ideas, because almost all the innovations they can think of currently can be done by magic, and they can do it better.

And thousands of years of rule have already tamed all civilians like sheep.

Liu Feng tried to change his face. Talk to some civilians and discuss some scientific, political, and financial issues with them. For example, the earth may be round. Why is the mage born to rule the common people, or to borrow a little money to do business and so on.

But the civilians he talked to might be surprised at Liu Feng's remarks at first, but after being curious, they would run out of interest and leave after a few words, returning to their daily lives again. It's as if there is a huge invisible inertia behind them.

Some even reported it to local officials to report Liu Feng’s reactionary remarks.

Because the mage not only rules them, but is also their universal nanny.

If you are sick, just pray to the mage and you will be cured.

If there is an earthquake, just pray to the mage and it will be fine.

If the crops don’t grow, just pray to the mage.

There may be a small number of people in history who have awakened and want to break the current situation, but they will soon be overwhelmed by the similar people around them, and finally disappear from everyone and return to their original numb life.

"Huh~" Jin Guang exhaled and looked at the mud buildings around him. These houses were all made of mud. According to the principles of mechanics, they should not last long, but because of magic, they exist here.

Jin Guang frowned: "What a hellish world." He thought that if he was born in such a world, he would rather die.

Compared with a life of poverty, hardship, numbness, and ignorance, the state of not even knowing one's own ignorance and numbness and feeling satisfied is more terrifying.

Liu Feng looked at a shop in front and said, "There is a restaurant in front. Let's go there to take a rest and collect some information."

Folland said, "It seems that other information is unnecessary. It is mainly the information about the army and the mage. This kind of information may not be easily obtained."

Watson, a military expert who rarely spoke, also said, "And from the information we have now, the army here is either a mage army or has no combat effectiveness. With the mastery of zero-point vacuum energy, they have infinite energy thousands of years in advance, but lack the corresponding ideological and spiritual level to match, which has created this deformed social structure."

"Let's try it anyway." Liu Feng said, and then walked into the store.

In the currency system of Mondo Continent, civilians still use ancient metal currency. With the technological level of the earth, this simple metal currency is naturally very easy to counterfeit.

Before coming here, the alliance counterfeited a bunch of them for Liu Feng and others to use based on Jonah's memory.

But even if they had a lot of money, they didn't have many places to spend it in this backward ancient society.

Looking at the wheat cakes and black bread placed on the table, Jin Guang, Liu Feng and others all showed helpless expressions.

Lack of support from modern industry, coupled with the already low living standards of civilians.

The food here is extremely simple. Of course, this may also be because the town where Liu Feng and his friends are now is not prosperous.

Anyway, lacking the support of various additives and seasonings, the bread and wheat cakes in front of them are really a kind of food that is too difficult to swallow for Jin Guang and others.

Feeling the rough thing like a tree trunk rubbing against his throat and being swallowed slowly, Tony frowned.

Sociologist Forland stood up: "I'm going to the toilet." Seeing Liu Feng nodded, he walked out the door.

Of course, he didn't really want to go to the toilet, but wanted to find a place where no one was to solve his lunch with dry food. Compared with the food in front of them, the compressed dry food provided by the military has become a delicacy.

However, in order to blend into the social system of Mondo Continent, Liu Feng and his team did not bring too much dry food. Fulante is eating less now.

Finding a corner, Fulante controlled the nano armor and took out the dry food placed in the storage belt.

But just when he wanted to eat the dry food, a black shadow appeared behind Fulante.

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