Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 23: Unification (7)

Xindongyang, valley.

Li Anping's body is constantly improving its strength under the current that is enough to supply the entire continent.

'Electromagnetic drive is almost complete. '

'The next step is material reorganization. '

'If you want to compete with those demons, you must achieve material reorganization, or even the next level of power. '

During this period, in addition to learning various knowledge and improving electromagnetic power, Li Anping's mind incarnation has also obtained more and more information about demons from Seagram.

The opponent's strength is stronger than he had expected.

In front of Li Anping, a formula appeared on the screen, and the content of the formula is as follows:


This is the famous wave function equation in the scientific community. It represents the volatility of matter. It is simple, beautiful and classic.

On another screen beside Li Anping, there are blocks like tables and another formula:


That is the content of matrix mechanics, which is more inclined to the particle nature of matter. It is complex and profound, and observes the world completely in a mathematical way.

Is matter a wave or a particle? This was a topic that lasted for hundreds of years in the past scientific community, but now it has been concluded that it is both a wave and a particle.

Li Anping wants to be able to reorganize matter at will, and the wave-particle duality is a foundation.

He can use electromagnetic force to operate molecules, atoms, and electrons on a macroscopic level, but to complete the reorganization of matter, he must enter the microscopic world. A world full of strange ideas, the world of quantum mechanics.

‘Before being observed, the electron has always been in a superposition state, diffused throughout the space in the form of a wave function. He can appear at any position of a composite wave function...’

‘Only when I observe him will he collapse and become a point in the form of a composite wave function probability. ’

‘This is one of the basic times of quantum mechanics, uncertainty. ’

‘But even I cannot observe the electron’s appearance before collapse. ’

‘This is not a problem of observation means. It is the limitation of theory.’

‘But what is observation? Is it the so-called consciousness? ’

When Li Anping thought about this, he felt that he had returned to the end of the material reorganization at this stage, the reorganization of consciousness, and the question of what consciousness is.

At this time, the doctor in Zhongdu City had already contacted the Queen’s clone over there. And the Queen’s clone transmitted the information to Li Anping’s brain through the mental connection.

"Your Majesty, can we start today's test?"

Li Anping did not answer, but asked: "Doctor, what do you think consciousness is? Don't talk about philosophy, talk about it from a physical perspective."

"Consciousness." The doctor was stunned, but immediately gave his own opinion: "The so-called consciousness comes from the brain. And the closest thing to the brain in this world. It may be the computer made by humans."

The doctor smiled and pressed the glasses on his nose: "The so-called consciousness may be to create a very, very complex algorithm and rules with a special structure, just like a computer, which gets different outputs based on different inputs. The reason why the human brain is different from a computer is that the algorithm of the human brain is countless times more complex, which makes it have a strong learning ability and can continuously improve its wisdom.

It's like a clone. Although we can't create a brain, we can clone it. Facts have proved that clones also have consciousness."

"Then what do you think, if a brain is disassembled and reassembled, is it still the same person?"

Faced with Li Anping's question, the doctor thought about it and did not give an answer for a while.

In the glass container, the clone of the Queen of Heaven moved her lips and said indifferently: "Forget it, let's continue today's test. Maybe we can find the answer from the test of the mental network."

The doctor nodded and began to operate the instrument beside him. The next moment, the mental force field of the clone had spread in all directions.

Correspondingly, thousands of clones in Zhongdu also released their own mental force fields, covering the entire downtown of Zhongdu.


Nie Xin walked out of the subway and looked at the pedestrians coming and going on the street. It seemed that everyone had a knowing smile on their faces.

But he could only feel a chill in his heart.

Since half a month ago, an unknown change has occurred in Zhongdu. Yes, unknown, because only Nie Xin can feel it.

I don't know when there were no beggars on the road.

Everyone you meet on the road greets you with a smile.

In the company, from the cleaning lady to the president, everyone is working and studying hard.

They are just like characters in a novel.

They are kind, honest, enthusiastic, and intelligent, but the more so, the more weird it makes Nie Xin feel.

Nie Xin saw with his own eyes that the liar who had cheated him of his money actually handed the money to him personally and apologized to him in tears.

What made Nie Xin feel even more horrified was that everyone's mind, including his, seemed to have a lock added to it. As long as they left Zhongdu, they would completely forget the abnormalities that happened here.

He tried to leave Zhongdu through the folding gate many times, but in the end he felt that he was inexplicably back again.

"What's wrong with this world?" Nie Xin felt that he seemed to be increasingly out of tune with this world.

"HI, Nie Xin, what are you thinking about?" A beautiful urban white-collar worker patted Nie Xin's shoulder from behind.

"Well, Mary, good morning." Nie Xin looked at the mature beauty in front of him nervously. This was his boss in the company. She was originally known for her seriousness and pickyness, but now she greeted him like a big sister next door.

"Nie Xin, you haven't been focusing on your work recently. Is there something wrong at home?"

Nie Xin looked at the beautiful woman who cared about him, and his eyes accidentally glanced at the unfathomable whiteness on her chest. He muttered "Oh my god" in his heart and replied, "Nothing happened, I just didn't sleep well."

Mary smiled sweetly: "It's good that you're fine. I know you live alone. If you have any difficulties, call me at any time."

Seeing Mary's pretty back, Nie Xin swallowed his saliva: "There is a problem, definitely a problem."

Just then, a harsh voice sounded in his mind. Nie Xin rubbed his forehead and said in a deep voice: "It comes again."

This is a sound that only he can hear since the mutation occurred. It is like a harsh chirping, rolling in his mind. What's more strange is that only he can hear this sound, and other people seem to have no feeling at all.

Nie Xin usually endures this chirping in his mind silently, but today, somehow, his curiosity broke out. Maybe it was the need to vent the repression of many days, or maybe it was the fear of the changes in the world.

Today, he decided to go in the direction of the chirping.

He turned around and returned to the subway station.

He felt a chill when he saw the pedestrians around him, each with a happy smile on their faces.

The chirping in his brain seemed to be getting more and more intense. Nie Xin quietly walked onto the subway tracks when no one was paying attention, and walked along the tracks towards the depths of Zhongdu underground.

As he went deeper and deeper, the chirping in his brain became more and more intense.

"It's getting closer, just in front." Nie Xin pressed his head, which was a little swollen and painful: "I want to see what it is."

At this moment, Nie Xin walked to an iron door, which seemed to be the passage used by the maintenance personnel of the subway. When Nie Xin was hesitating about how to open this door, the iron door opened by itself.

Along the curved corridor, Nie Xin walked in carefully. After about a hundred meters, a huge glass container appeared in front of him.

A beautiful blonde girl was immersed in the container, with her eyes closed, as if she was sleeping.

Nie Xin was stunned when he saw the beautiful face of the girl.

But the next moment, a stun gun hit his back directly, causing him to twitch and faint on the ground.

The doctor pushed his glasses and murmured: "The mental force field seems to have no effect on him."

"Maybe it's a special ability." The clone in the container opened his eyes, and there was an iceberg-like expression on his beautiful face.

He looked at Nie Xin on the ground: "The parameters of personality adjustment are too high. Maybe we should try to make customized adjustments according to each person's habits, and the adjustment range should not be too high."

The doctor nodded and said: "As long as your majesty's computing power can support it, but because of the grudges, I think the hatred coefficient cannot be canceled abruptly, it should be reduced slowly."

"Readjust and carry out the next stage of testing. Strive to promote the mental network on a large scale within the month."

Just as the world of the East Continent was changing rapidly, the unification war of the West Continent finally started the final battle.

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