Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 22: Unification (6)

"There are nineteen locations in total."

"Coordinates confirmed..."

Powerful electromagnetic force was emitted along the earth's magnetic field lines.

With Li Anping's operation, high-energy particles in nineteen ionospheres around the world formed countless charged particles through cyclotron oscillation heating. These charged particles formed highly ionized air clouds and successfully blocked the nineteen three-phase bombs.

When the intercontinental missile carrying the three-phase bomb was loaded into the cloud, the rotation torque generated by the ionized air cloud directly deviated from the track, and then they were destroyed one after another under the influence of huge overweight pressure difference and inertia.

The whole process took Li Anping about two seconds.

He nodded to Yang Guang: "Okay."

"Uh?" Before Yang Guang could react, Li Anping's holographic projection had disappeared.

"Nineteen three-phase bombs have been destroyed. If you have any problems in the future, just send me a message directly." As Li Anping finished speaking, Yang Guang's mobile phone suddenly rang, followed by a text message from an unknown number.

"Just send it to me with this."

When Yang Guang raised his head, Li Anping had returned to his original appearance. In the midst of the electric light, Yang Guang could only vaguely see that the screen in front of the other party was constantly jumping, which seemed to be a large series of formulas and graphs.

Although he didn't know what happened just now, since Li Anping said he had it done, Yang Guang naturally believed it. He bent down, bowed to where Li Anping was, and slowly stepped back.

Although Li Anping's move this time was only a few seconds, it had caused an uproar in the outside world.

Especially when the Daxia government issued an official statement claiming that Li Anping had solved the nuclear bomb that was launched, the countries in the Western Continent became more worried.

The war was on the seventh day. The Federation had completely fallen into the control of Daxia. With the construction team sent by Daxia, the folding gates of major cities were slowly built, and a large number of Daxia Dragon Bird ability users and soldiers of the Daxia army were sent to station there.

As for the next ten days, the Daxia army was led by Bai Xinghe. Crazy expansion in all directions, whether it is the Code Country that has been seriously injured, or those small countries that have been bullied by the three powers of the Western Continent for many years, facing all the advantages in military strength, technology, and high-end power. Especially with Li Anping, the strongest in the world, behind him, Bai Xinghe's offensive is unstoppable, and the major forces of the Western Continent have no resistance at all.

In just seventeen days, more than 50% of the territory of the entire Western Continent has been completely occupied by Daxia, and with the victory of one battle after another, Bai Xinghe gradually deployed his power to Tyrael's location.

This old three powers of the Western Continent in the past. Its history is longer than that of the Federation.

And now, he has become the last stumbling block for Li Anping to unify the entire human world.

Tianjing, on the streets in the city center.

Anna's mother Liu Qian was sitting in the car, with a lot of thoughts in her mind.

Who would have thought that the poor boy he had always looked down on before has now become the emperor of Daxia, the man who is about to unify the world.

Just as Liu Qian was thinking about these things in her heart, the car had stopped.

The guard on the co-pilot turned around and said, "Ms. Liu. We're here."

"Oh...oh, okay." Liu Qian came back to her senses, got out of the car, and followed the guard into the folding center in front of her.

In order to meet the increasing passenger flow of the folding gate, the folding gate center was designed with a total of ten floors above ground and underground, and different halls were teleported to various countries in the entire East Continent.

And because Bai Xinghe now occupies a large area of ​​land in the West Continent, many folding gates leading to the West Continent have been opened. However, due to the war, these folding gates are not yet available for civilian use. But there are already many people waiting for the unification of the entire human world, so that they can use these folding gates to see the other side of the sea.

Although it was afternoon time, Liu Qian looked at the people coming and going. He was still secretly shocked in his heart. Among these people, there are white people, yellow people, black people, and all kinds of dress and decoration. So many people from all over the world gather here every day. It really gives him a feeling that the world has changed.

The folding gate really brings the entire East Continent closer.

Liu Qian followed the guards to the office on the fifth floor of the Folding Gate Center, and saw Anna standing in the office giving orders to a group of subordinates.

"Okay, the next three days are the peak holidays, everyone should follow the previous plan, let's adjourn."

Anna was more mature than a year ago, wearing a black professional suit and a dashing short hair, mature and cute.

Anna watched her subordinates leave, turned around, and found Liu Qian looking at her with a smile.

"Mom, why are you here?"

Liu Qian raised her eyebrows and said angrily: "Huh, you didn't even go home to visit after graduation, and you didn't even come back for the New Year this year. If I don't come to see you again, you will forget your parents."

Anna walked to Liu Qian awkwardly, and nodded to the guards on the side: "Thank you."

"No, Miss Anna, then we will guard on the side, if you have any questions, call us at any time."

Anna smiled and nodded again, and watched the guards go out the door.

Liu Qian at the side said mysteriously: "Are they all sent by him?"

"Yeah." Anna nodded helplessly, and pulled Liu Qian to the door: "Mom, I haven't had lunch yet, let's talk while we eat."

As the two went out, four female guards appeared behind Anna. These four women were all capable people, responsible for Anna's daily security work.

Liu Qian said: "I really don't understand you, why do you want to work, and choose such a tiring place."

Anna looked at the tourists coming and going on the side and laughed: "Don't you think that standing here, you can feel the changes in the whole world?"

Liu Qian shook her head. She knew that she had long been unable to control this daughter. Not to mention her, as long as she didn't break the law, I'm afraid no one in the entire East Continent could control her.

Watching Anna pulling herself towards a folding hall. Liu Qian asked: "Where are you taking me to eat?" She turned her head and looked around, and found that there were many blond and blue-eyed foreigners in the folding hall leading to this.

Anna said with a smile: "Ice Castle - Dabus."

"Then take a plane." Liu Qian stopped: "I don't want to use the folding gate. I heard that this kind of transmission is very dangerous."

Anna looked at Liu Qian with a smile: "Mom, you didn't come from Zhongdu this time. You still took a plane?"

"Of course." Liu Qian said seriously: "Now the price of airplanes has dropped sharply. Business class is only 200 yuan, and there are only a few people in the entire cabin. It is much more comfortable than before.

And I heard that this folding gate is risky. Maybe your body will be torn apart when you do it."

Anna shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Don't listen to those rumors. The Royal Academy of Sciences has tested it many times and it has been running until now. There has never been an accident."

The two people walked into the folding hall, just as Liu Qian was hesitantly listening to Anna's persuasion.

As Anna spoke, blue light flashed around. When Liu Qian reacted, the two had arrived at the tourist city of Ice Castle, Dabus. This place not only has the largest snow mountain and ski resort in the entire East Continent. There are also famous delicacies, making it a famous tourist attraction.

Compared with the folding center in Tianjing, the folding center here has only two halls, one from Dabus back to Tianjing and the other from Tianjing to Dabus.

The entire roof and part of the wall are made of beautiful transparent glass. The bright snowflakes slowly fall from the sky, dyeing the entire town white. The beautiful snow scenery here is also a very famous feature.

Liu Qian, who was still a little hesitant, stopped talking after a teleportation. Looking at the snow scenery outside the window. Technology changes life, and it is so real in front of her.

"How is it? Beautiful." Anna looked at Liu Qian with a smile. She knew clearly what it felt like when she used the folding door for the first time. The feeling of being in Cangwu in the morning and Beihai in the evening is exciting.

Liu Qian shook his head and murmured, "The world has changed." He looked at the falling snow outside the window with some emotion, and suddenly asked, "By the way, I haven't applied for a passport yet? I can't go out for a while, right?"

"It's okay." Anna shook the ID card in her hand: "Half a year ago, all the countries in the East Continent began to integrate the personal identity information of the entire continent, and the visa system was just waived last week. Just scan the ID card when you leave the folding center."

What Anna didn't know was that this integration was not only the personal identity information of the entire East Continent, but also a check and statistics of everyone's information, and integrated the intelligence systems of all countries in the East Continent.

Then Liu Qian, led by Anna in a familiar way, went out of the folding gate. She put on the coat handed by the guard and went to her favorite restaurant.

At the table, Anna introduced to Liu Qian while ordering food: "Mom, the pancakes and cheese here are very delicious. I come here once a month."

Liu Qian nodded, but still a little unaccustomed to such a cross-over meal.

In fact, with the establishment of the folding gate, such things have gradually become a norm. A person may work in Tianjing during the day, eat in Nanjiang at night, and finally return to a suburban residence in the Ice Castle to sleep.

The world has never been so small at that moment. It may be faster to get from the northernmost end of the East Continent to the single end than from the city center to the suburbs.

Various materials are being transported quickly, real estate in big cities has continued to fall, and after the burden of first-tier cities has been reduced, the economies of various second- and third-tier cities are growing rapidly.

Airplanes and trains are being gradually eliminated. It turns out that these monopoly enterprises may use vicious competition against the folding gate, but under Li Anping's command, they can only be sacrificed.

Airplanes, trains, electricity, government, because of Li Anping's existence and creed, there are countless sacrifices like this, but what they bring is that the entire East Continent is developing at an incredible speed.

Taking a bite of the Bo Bing on the plate, Liu Qian couldn't help asking, "Nana, what are your plans next?"

"Just focus on work first."

Liu Qian said anxiously, "What's so good about your crappy job? What's going on with Li Anping? Didn't you have a good relationship with him before? Didn't he rush to the Federation to rescue you last year?"

Anna sighed, "After he came back, he didn't say a few words to me, and just let me stay in Tianjing to be protected by the guards. I don't know what he thinks."

Liu Qian shouted as if she was disappointed with him: "What else can I say? This shows that he is still interested in you. Where can you find such a good man? I heard that the Saint Queen of the Ice Castle is chasing him. You must seize the opportunity and have a good talk with him.

Also, it is normal for many women to like excellent men. Don't always be petty."

"Mom... I know."

"My silly girl, don't be impatient all the time. Find a time to have a good talk with him."

Hearing Liu Qian's endless nagging, Anna felt a severe headache. In the past, the other party kept urging her on the phone. Unexpectedly, this time he came to her and persuaded her.

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