Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 24: Unification (8)

Twenty-five days have passed since the war started in the Western Continent.

Tyrael, crack in the ground.

Located underground, in a canyon more than two thousand meters deep.

This is the headquarters of Tyrell's national ability user organization, Annihilation Abyss.

But at this time, the cracks in the ground were completely shrouded in firelight, and various shouts of death and shelling were heard from everywhere.

Swish, swish, several rays of knife light flashed by, and the wall in front of him had been cut into several pieces and fell to the ground.

Bai Xinghe walked in with a ten-fist sword in his right hand and a wary look on his face. But in the office that originally belonged to the supreme commander of Annihilation Abyss, there was only a man who had been shot in the head sitting in the office.

The Ten Fist Sword in Bai Xinghe's hand rested on the opponent's chin, lifting the opponent's head up.

"Mephisto?" The other person's face looked exactly like Mephisto, the commander of the Annihilation Abyss and Tyrael's strongest fifth-level ability user.

But judging from the traces at the scene, this person committed suicide.

Suicide with a pistol? A level five ability user?

Bai Xinghe didn't believe this kind of thing at all. He waved his hand and called in a group of staff outside the wall.

"Take his body out for an autopsy, analyze it, test the DNA, in short, let me know his identity."

"As you command, sir." Several staff members came in, started taking photos, inspecting the scene, and then moved the body out.

Bai Xinghe also walked out and looked at the cliffs that reached deep into the canyon. From time to time, groups of fires lit up. Daxia Longque's attack on the Annihilation Abyss was so easy this time. It was so easy that Bai Xinghe felt something was wrong.

Not only was he attacking Annihilation Abyss this time, he felt something was wrong ever since he led his army to attack Tyrell.

It's not the other party's resistance, but it's too simple. Tyrael behaves like those third-rate small countries before. No, it's weaker than that. The equipment of their army is not even complete, the command is chaotic, and there are few capable people. Until now, Bai Xinghe has not met a fifth-level ability user.

"Did everyone escape?" Bai Xinghe thought with a frown. At this moment, a Dragon Bird guard on the side put a communicator into his hand.

"Sir, this is Lord Xia Liekong."

Bai Xinghe took it and asked, "How is the palace?"

"The Tyrell royal family has all been captured." Xia Liekong paused and said, "But I think..."

"Something's wrong?"

"Well." Xia Liekong looked at the royal family members who were being escorted into the transport plane one by one, and frowned: "I'm afraid this is a plan for Jin Chan to escape. The real people in power in Tyrell may be hiding in the dark. ”

"It's not just that simple." Bai Xinghe's eyes flashed with a cold light: "They also took away a lot of equipment and supplies."

"What do they want to do? If they want to resist, it would be better to use their own country as a base. If you give up so easily, even if you hide in the dark, you will only have infinite disadvantages."

Bai Xinghe sneered: "Unless they are sure that they will lose."

Regardless of the specific process of the Battle of Tyrael, one day later, the news that Tyrael was breached was announced to the world. So far, although not a single country in the entire Western Continent has been destroyed. But they have all been forced to join Li Anping's Pan-Continental Alliance and accept the other party's management.

The world is boiling at this moment, and the entire earth is about to begin a new era.

Li Anping sat cross-legged and floated in the valley. Electric currents penetrated the air around him, and radiated light at a frequency that was in the visible light band of humans.

These lights are reflected on the ground. At one time, there were circles of light waves alternating with light and dark, and at the other time, there were densely packed groups of light spots.

Li Anping has temporarily given up pursuing realistic explanations of randomness in quantum mechanics, and instead directly applies these theories.

In this way, although he still cannot change the chemical properties of matter by changing the structure of atomic nuclei and electrons, he can achieve the effect of reorganizing matter simply by constraining the arrangement of atoms.

Seeing the current in mid-air gradually dissipating, Li Anping stretched out his right hand. The next moment, his right hand disintegrated like a mass of mist. From skin to muscles, then nerves, and bones, everything is reduced to the most basic atomic state, diffusing into the air in a form that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Li Anping raised his missing right arm. The next moment, as if something came out of nothing, the disappeared parts had been reassembled, first the bones, then nerves, muscles and other substances.

‘After the reorganization of matter is completed, there will be a transition from electromagnetic force to strong mutual force and weak mutual force, and then there will be spin field and zero-point vacuum energy. ’

Because Li Anping could not solve the theoretical problem of consciousness reorganization for the time being, he decided to do what he could to increase his combat effectiveness in the material reorganization stage.

A second later, Li Anping's right arm had been completely restored, but there was a trace of dissatisfaction on his face. The amount of calculation and control involved in reorganizing matter through the arrangement of atoms is too complicated, and even he is still very unskilled.

The right arm in front of him looks exactly the same as his previous arm. It seems that he has completely succeeded.

But when he tried to exert force, he realized that his right hand could no longer move at all. This reorganization was a complete failure.

Then he saw the right arm disintegrate again and then reassemble. For this kind of reassembly, Li Anping could only keep familiarizing himself with his body and the reassembly process to become proficient.

While he was trying to combine these arms, Li Anping glanced at Bai Xinghe, Xia Liekong, Jin Guang, Emma, ​​Woody, Judy and other six people who were half-kneeling on the ground in front of him.

"Have you dealt with the affairs of the Western Continent?"

Bai Xinghe took his eyes off the other party's arm and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, all countries in the Western Continent have joined the Pan-Continental Alliance and are willing to accept our leadership in full.

But although we have conquered Tyrael this time, something is wrong."


"This time, the whole process of attacking them was too easy. Although we found several of their level 5 ability users and the bodies of the emperor and royal family, I think they may be clones or substitutes. The real ones are probably hiding and want to fight us in secret."

The people on the side looked at Li Anping's right hand that kept disappearing and reappearing, and did not show any special expression. Only Xia Liekong, who could also control electric current, showed a trace of doubt in his eyes. He felt that there seemed to be something special in it.

After hearing Bai Xinghe's report, Li Anping said, "Tell the public that they have all been executed. You continue to be in charge of this matter and find them all. What about Violet?"

Bai Xinghe lowered his head and said, "We have confiscated all their bases and companies. As for those..." He couldn't think of a good way to describe Li Anping's clones, so he had to say vaguely, "Those clones have all been destroyed. But there is no information about the ruins of the Federal Grand Canyon in their database."

However, Li Anping didn't care about his clones. After all, these clones were too different from him. In comparison, the strangeness in the ruins of the Grand Canyon made him more concerned.

"Can't find it?"

"Yes, according to the person in charge, the data should be stored in the place where they can't find those data, as if someone destroyed it. But we can't find any relevant records. The specific storage device has been sent to Tianjing, and Momo is checking it personally."

"Got it." A blue electric light flashed on Li Anping's right hand, and his arm appeared like a projection, which had been reorganized. This time he clenched his fist and felt a strong power.

"The ruins of the Grand Canyon need to be investigated. And Tyrael and Violet, see if there is any connection between them."

"Yes." Bai Xinghe nodded.

Xia Liekong on the side reminded: "Your Majesty, there will be a Pan-Continental Alliance ceremony in five days. In order to celebrate the close integration of all human countries, all countries will send their highest leaders to participate. Wang Chong and others hope that you can also go to participate."

Li Anping nodded and stood up from mid-air: "Tell him I will go." He understood that since the entire human world has been unified, it is time to proceed with the next plan. It's just the right opportunity to meet these leaders.

Perhaps, I should also tell them a little about the existence of demons and the White Land.

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