Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 19: Unification (3)

Two days later in the morning, Li Anping stood on the street in front of the Presidential Palace. Judy and a group of imaginary number mechanism users followed behind him. There was still smoke and dried blood on the surrounding streets.

That was the result of the anti-capitulation faction leading soldiers to attack the presidential palace at night. The ability users who are following Li Anping and the soldiers who have taken over checkpoints on the street are the personnel of the federal surrender faction.

According to Judy's statistics, currently about 80% of the entire federation has chosen to surrender. This is due to the high degree of control over power by the federation's ability user families, and also due to the incredible strength that Li Anping has shown on several occasions. The power to overcome.

As for the remaining 20% ​​of the power, it has been completely out of control. They hold high the flag of righteousness and will fight for the independence of the Federation. They have even temporarily occupied some second-tier cities in the Federation.

Li Anping didn't care who these people were, what power they had, or how they would resist him. These should all be done by his men.

He raised his hands, and a large amount of materials placed on the street flew up. These are all the materials he asked Judy to prepare overnight in order to make the jump door today.

He does not have so much time to spend on the unification of the Western Continent, so naturally this kind of thing is left to his subordinates.

He saw countless materials moving, deforming, and reorganizing rapidly in front of him. A strange blue and yellow building was like a bouquet, slowly unfolding on the street in front of the Presidential Palace.

The drawings of the folding gate are stored in Li Anping's brain. For ordinary people, a complex building is as simple as joining together building blocks.

Countless metal wires stretched out from the surface of the metal building like grass and trees sprouting from the ground, and finally overlapped and intertwined with each other. It drilled into the ground like a wire and connected itself to the federal power grid.

In just about fifteen minutes, as the blue light gradually lit up, a simple jump door was completed under Li Anping's operation.

Then with a flash of blue, a man's figure gradually appeared in front of the jump door.

Bai Xinghe opened his eyes. After looking around, he lowered his head towards Li Anping and said, "Your Majesty." Because of Li Anping's advance notice, he was already waiting at the center of Tianjing's folding gate.

Li Anping nodded and said: "I will give you one month. All the powers on the Western Continent and all the ability users on the Eastern Continent, except the Royal Academy of Sciences, are at your disposal. If you need my support, you can also You can contact me.

I have only one request. After one month, all my orders must flow unimpeded throughout the Western Continent. "

Bai Xinghe showed a confident smile: "I understand, Your Majesty."

Behind Li Anping, Judy's eyes showed a trace of unwillingness. But he didn't dare to show it. She had already thought about it before the surrender. It was impossible for Li Anping to completely trust the surrender faction like them. He would definitely use his own men to take over them. It was not until a period of time that they could slowly integrate into Li Anping's forces. middle.

Li Anping said nothing more and crossed Bai Xinghe directly. He walked towards the jump door and disappeared in a blue light.

Bai Xinghe himself had been an emperor before, and his current strength was among the best among fifth-level ability users. And currently, except for Tyrell, almost all fifth-level ability users in the entire human world are either in Li Anping's hands or have died.

Coupled with the development of Li Anping in Daxia in the past two years and the support of the Federation, Li Anping believes that even without his intervention, it is only a matter of time before the Western Continent is unified.

After Li Anping disappeared, one after another members of the Great Xia Dragon Bird and officials from the Great Xia appeared on the federal land through the jump gate.

They will reform the federal government's makeup. Take over the management of the army and ability users, eliminate all opposition forces, and turn the entire Western Continent into Li Anping's territory.

After Li Anping handed over the matter of unifying the Western Continent to Bai Xinghe, he stopped caring about it for the time being.

He directly activated the jump gate and arrived at the jump center in Tianjing. Then transfer to the Zheyue Gate again and arrive at Xin Dongyang.

In the valley where he had previously retreated, various trucks, cranes, forklifts and monsters were busy. They followed Li Anping's instructions to transport various materials here.

"How are you preparing the materials?"

Shi Wen followed Li Anping and replied after hearing this: "We have already prepared the materials you asked us to prepare. But Your Majesty, please bring these materials over..." Although when he saw the list of materials proposed by Li Anping, He could already roughly guess what the other party was going to do, but he didn't figure out the purpose of the other party.

Li Anping looked at the valley that looked like a construction site. Huge containers were neatly placed in the cleared space.

The tyrannical mental force field swept directly across those containers, and all the materials lists appeared in Li Anping's mind, matching each other one by one with the requirements in his memory, as accurate as a supercomputer.

"The U-235 has been doubled, and the boron carbide, silver indium cadmium, and heavy water are all missing. Let the person who takes over the job be demoted one level."

Shi Wen immediately nodded in agreement, feeling unlucky for the person in charge and those in charge of these materials. Li Anping's request is too urgent. Ordinary people, even if they are capable users, are not supercomputers. When it comes to transporting materials like this, they are likely to be a little worse or a little more.

But Li Anping could see it at a glance. No subordinate could hide it from him.

After checking the materials, Li Anping began to answer Shi Wen's question: "I want to build a nuclear reactor here."

Shi Wen was shocked: "Here? But...but the nuclear power plants in the East Continent are enough for at least the next fifty years of development, and the materials here are enough to build hundreds of reactors..." Shi Wen had something else to say, that is, if your Majesty makes any mistakes in the operation here, it may be enough to blow up most of Dongyang.

Li Anping smiled and ignored Shi Wen's surprise. The West Continent has been temporarily handed over to Bai Xinghe and others. Unless there is a problem they can't solve, Li Anping will not care.

What he has to do next is to improve his strength.

Electromagnetic force is the essence of physical strength. Physical strength is just an interpretation of electromagnetic force.

The nuclear reactor that Li Anping built in Xindongyang was to replenish more energy for his body, because he was now relying on his own body and ability to strengthen the electromagnetic force in his body, which was too slow. To further improve the electromagnetic force in his body, he needed more electrons and energy.

The superposition of the abilities of Hei and Tianhou, plus the knowledge accumulated by humans for thousands of years, allowed Li Anping to embark on a powerful path that belonged to him alone.

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