Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 18: Unification (2)

Three days later, the Federal Presidential Palace.

Today's presidential palace had been surrounded by layers of troops three days ago. The roads were full of patrolling armored vehicles and even tanks. The main roads within ten kilometers were blocked. There were huge machine guns installed at every checkpoint, which was daunting.

In the sky, there was a constant sound of propellers, and dozens of armed helicopters were spinning back and forth over the city. From time to time, several supersonic fighters cut through the sky, leaving a burst of air-breaking sounds, causing the residents in the city to marvel and worry.

Every soldier who came and went on the street had a hint of tension on his face. It seemed that the war was about to start in the next second.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion on the lawn in front of the presidential palace. A thick tornado fell from the sky, as if it was going to turn the entire presidential palace into ruins, piercing through layers of clouds.

Finally, before all the guards could react, it had landed in front of the Presidential Palace, and slowly dissipated without causing any damage. However, even so, it still brought a gust of wind, blowing the entire lawn and making the nearby soldiers unable to open their eyes.

This seemingly abnormal airflow instantly attracted the attention of the capable people and soldiers present.

When the violent airflow slowly dissipated, Li Anping, wearing a white robe, was seen slowly falling from the sky. He just floated quietly in front of the lawn of the Presidential Palace without any extra movements.

At present, because Li Anping asked the incarnation of the mind to guard the gate in the northern sea of ​​the Code Country to prevent any monsters from flowing over from the White Land, many of the things that followed could only be done by him personally.

Li Anping was seen floating about half a meter above the ground, and he was surrounded by enemies. All the soldiers and capable people who pointed their guns at him, especially those capable people, looked at the man in front of them who was known as the invincible man in the world, and their eyes revealed complex colors.

Every soldier around was very nervous. Li Anping could even clearly hear their heartbeats beating like drums.

At the moment when Li Anping arrived. The air around him seemed to be condensed, and everyone present was suffocated.

Li Anping said calmly: "It seems that some people in your government have made some stupid choices."

"Welcome, Your Majesty." Listening to what Li Anping said, Judy Eno walked out of the gate of the Presidential Palace, looked at Li Anping calmly and said: "The president and several representatives are waiting for you inside. Please follow me."

Surrounded and watched by hundreds of soldiers, armed helicopters, snipers and more than a dozen people with the ability of the virtual number agency. Li Anping just floated in the air and followed Judy in front to the Presidential Palace.

It was not until he left the lawn that a large number of panting sounds came from outside the Presidential Palace.

Li Anping walked into the Presidential Palace and found that all the way inside the Presidential Palace were all kinds of soldiers, guards, and people with abilities. However, their quality was obviously stronger than those who appeared on the periphery just now. After seeing Li Anping follow Judy in, they didn't make a fuss. Instead, they just kept their eyes straight and did what they were supposed to do.

But Li Anping could keenly feel that they were still nervous, and some of them were even sweating on their necks, backs, or palms.

And all of them were focused on Li Anping, always on guard against him, and some of them even had strong hostility towards him. They thought they were hiding well, but in front of Li Anping's sharp intuition and the sixth-level mental force field. Nothing could escape.

But Li Anping didn't care about these, just like he didn't need to care about the thoughts of a flying insect.

He just asked Judy Eno in front of him: "Does the Imaginary Number Agency also intend to be buried with those bureaucrats in the Presidential Palace?"

"No, that's not the case." Judy said respectfully, just like a subordinate to a superior, with a hidden flattery on her face: "I came here today just as the leader of the Imaginary Number Agency, to do my last bit for the Federation.

In fact, after seeing your power, more than 80% of the ability users of the Imaginary Number Agency, including me and Woody, chose to give up fighting you.

But you also understand that a big country like the Federation 's high-level bureaucrats. There are countless noble families behind them, and there are always some stubborn people. And in every country, there are always some people who are willing to sacrifice for their beliefs. "

"Your heartbeat is fast, but you are not lying." Li Anping said calmly: "Are you afraid of me?"

Judy turned around and smiled: "In this world. I am afraid that there is no human who can stand in front of you without being afraid of your vast power."

Li Anping glanced at Judy lightly: "Don't flatter me deliberately."

"Yes, my majesty." Judy lowered her head quickly. In just a few words, Judy had quickly closed the relationship with Li Anping, and Li Anping did not refuse. After all, the other party was equivalent to carrying most of the imaginary number mechanism to his men. As for the reason why the other party did this, it made no difference to Li Anping.

And after many soldiers and virtual number mechanism ability users saw their own level 5 ability users being so respectful in front of Li Anping, most of them looked at Judy with an incredible, disgusted and traitorous look. No one thought she would have this attitude.

However, Judy didn't seem to care about this look at all. The soldiers sent to the presidential palace this time were all diehards of the federation and people who would never surrender in the imaginary agency. In her eyes, these were abandoned people.

And neither she nor Li Anping took these weak humans in front of them seriously.

The two of them walked forward and entered a conference room half a minute later. However, the conference room was empty, with only a huge screen the size of a person and twenty-one smaller screens surrounding it.

There were white people, black people, and two yellow people on the screen. They all stared at Li Anping who appeared in front of them through the screen, as if they wanted to see through him completely.

And on the largest screen, there was a white old man like a vulture, looking at Li Anping with a sinister look.

"Are you Li Anping?"

Li Anping glanced at them. In an instant, the information of each of them had been called up in his brain. The old man like a vulture was the current president of the federation, and the others were the leaders of the most powerful families in the federation.

These people in front of them will be together, and they already have the power to overthrow the entire federation.

"Don't you even have the courage to stand in front of me and face me?" Li Anping did not answer the old man. He just floated in the air with his legs crossed, and said to the 22 people in front of him: "I said three days, and now it's over.

Then answer me, do you choose to surrender and join my Pan-Continental Alliance, or perish in ruins?"

Hearing Li Anping's question, several white people immediately became excited.


"No one has ever threatened a country like this!"

"You are completely militaristic. Terrorism!"

"Is this what Daxia means? This may cause a world war."

"Do you understand what you are doing?"

There are still some people who did not speak, but just watched the scene in front of them silently.

Li Anping shook his head: "It's you who don't understand. I ask again, are you sure you don't need to surrender?"

The 22 people on the screen, including the president, did not expect Li Anping to be so domineering. We know that your power is invincible, but we have the most powerful country in the world anyway. Even if we want to negotiate, shouldn't you make a high offer and we bargain?

How can someone like Li Anping now ask them to surrender without any conditions?

The president of the Federation did not speak, but a fat white man said angrily: "You are actively provoking a war! Li Anping, you should think about the consequences of doing so!"

Another white old lady was also shaking with anger: "Our Federation will never be afraid of war. Li Anping, are you sure you want to go to war with the most powerful country in the world? No matter how powerful you are, it does not mean that Daxia is also indestructible."

"Corrupt." Li Anping simply closed his eyes: "In this case, there is no need for you to exist. I will build a new country on this ruin."

The three most radical family leaders were so angry that their faces turned red, and they seemed to want to curse, but they held back in the end.

However, the few people who had not spoken before changed their faces at the same time when they heard Li Anping's last words. Especially the president of the Federation, he said anxiously: "Wait a minute, Your Majesty Li Anping, we have 22 people here, which does not mean that our opinions are unified. We have some different opinions on the Federation joining the Pan-Continental Alliance and accepting your leadership.

We want to ask, what will be the specific treatment after we surrender? In fact, we all hope that the Federation can remain the same after joining the Pan-Continental Alliance."

"Impossible." Li Anping rejected the other party's idea without thinking: "Not only the Federation, but all human countries and regions will join the Pan-Continental Alliance and accept my rule.

From now on, my will will be your will.

You must obey me completely."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the 22 leaders present all changed.

The few white people who were most opposed to joining the Pan-Continental Alliance shouted on the spot. Even if Li Anping was powerful, even if Li Anping was invincible, how could they simply hand over their lives and property?

A white-haired old lady screamed directly: "Li Anping, don't force us to fight to the death. At worst, we will have a nuclear war, and no one will have a good life."

Li Anping sneered: "This is the last chance. If you don't surrender, then let's go to war."

In the silence, everyone fell silent. If the person who said this was not Li Anping, even if he was a level 5 ability user, the families present would make him look bad.

But the person who spoke was Li Anping, who was recognized as invincible in the human world today, and who had just defeated the nightmare-like monster.

After nearly five minutes of silence, a white man who had been sitting quietly in front of the screen and had not spoken a word shouted: "Your Majesty, we four elements are willing to join."

"And our Flame Wolf..."

"And us..."

Seeing Li Anping's tough attitude and ultimatum, and thinking of the power that the other party had that they could not resist at all.

With the four elements taking the lead, more than a dozen representatives of the families immediately shouted hurriedly, as if they were afraid that Li Anping would start to deal with them. Things like this will go smoothly if there is someone taking the lead.

In fact, Li Anping did not waste the previous three days. In order to avoid unnecessary sacrifices, he went to the homes of several big families such as the Four Elements and Flame Wolf.

Even at the end of the meeting, even the president of the Federation expressed his intention to step down and retire early.

Only three representatives of the families cursed the traitors and said that they would never surrender.

Li Anping looked at them without saying anything. These three people were obviously die-hards. He had long expected that it was impossible for everyone to be greedy for life and afraid of death and tolerate the occupation of the country.

"Li Anping, we will never surrender. We will not watch you invade this country."

"Not only us, all the citizens of the Federation will not watch you trample on the dignity of our country."

"We will fight you to the last drop of blood."

Li Anping looked at the three people who were talking endlessly in front of him. He understood that in their own eyes, they might feel that they sacrificed their lives for the country and for the sake of defending their country.

Such people are common in the changes of dynasties in human history. It is difficult to say whether they are right or wrong, whether they are going against the trend or defending their country. Everything can only be judged by time.

And among the remaining families that surrendered, there are probably some who pretended to surrender on the surface, but secretly endured hardships.

It is foreseeable that in the next few decades, there will probably be waves of rebels among the civilians of the Federation, thinking about restoring the country and overthrowing Li Anping. This is one of the reasons why Li Anping was unwilling to use violence to unify the Western Continent at the beginning.

The countries in the Western Continent are much stronger than those in the Eastern Continent in terms of wealth, military strength, and ability users. There is also a gap between Eastern and Western cultures and races. If violence is used directly, there will be too many sequelae.

‘Only when the mental network is fully established can the seeds of resistance be completely extinguished. ’

Thinking of this, Li Anping looked at the three people on the screen who looked righteous and awe-inspiring, and suddenly lost his mood. With a wave of his hand, he smashed all the 22 screens in front of him.

Then he said to Judy, who was standing by, "Tell me the location of the three rebels, notify the rest of the people, and have them all gather at the Presidential Palace..."

When Li Anping was halfway through his speech, more than a dozen soldiers and people with special abilities had already rushed in with a roar, but the next second, they were all blown to the wall by Li Anping, and were shaken to death. It was as if there were more than a dozen meat patties on the wall.

Judy, who was standing by, seemed not to have seen it all, and picked up the phone in the conference room and started to make a call.

Li Anping looked at the corpses on the wall, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, which was pity for the ants. These soldiers and people with special abilities at the bottom of the society, they had no idea what they wanted to fight against, and what they wanted to stop.

They sacrificed their lives in this place purely because of the passion in their hearts.

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