Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 20: Unification (4)

In the valley of Xindongyang, Li Anping was operating various materials alone to build a nuclear reactor.

All kinds of materials were flying, deforming, and reorganizing in the sky. It looked like a construction site that was accelerated a hundred times. More than twenty reactors were being built by Li Anping at the same time.

During the construction process, Li Anping began to think about the devil and his own power at the same time.

According to the information Li Anping got from Seagram and Gabe, starting from the fifth energy level, the strength of each energy level has become increasingly different, which can be said to be one in the sky and one in the ground. And because the abilities of each species and each individual are different, their combat attributes such as strength, speed, destructive power, defense, distance, recovery, etc. at each energy level are different.

The only standard that can distinguish the energy levels between them and open up the decisive combat power gap in the energy level is the experience summed up by the demon clan for countless years.

First of all, the sixth energy level, as envisioned by the Queen of Heaven, is about the choice between matter and spirit. Transforming oneself into a spiritual body like the Queen of Heaven is to take the path of the spiritual world.

For people like Seagram who have no soul at all and only have a physical body, they are on the path of the material world.

No matter which path, depending on the ability, even if you choose the same one, the results and combat effectiveness will be different.

Like Seagram's race, the evil god race to which the Red River King belongs among the twelve demons. This race has no soul after birth, leaving only a purely materialized body that is harder than diamond. Even if they don't exercise much, they have the strength of the fifth energy level after adulthood. However, the number of the entire evil god race is small, including the Red River King, the number does not exceed fifty.

If the fifth energy level is to transform the body. There are still some characteristics of the original creature, and the sixth energy level is to completely become another creature, and then start a new evolution.

Just like reaching the first energy level from level zero is to have a mind. If you want to reach the seventh energy level from the sixth energy level, you must combine the mind with the ability while combining the body and ability. Make the body purer, closer to the essence, and understand what your own ability is.

As for the eighth energy level, you will use your own ability to gain immortality. Any creature that reaches the eighth energy level will be forever away from death, unless the ninth energy level takes action personally. Nothing can kill them anymore. Once you reach the ninth energy level, even other creatures of the ninth energy level cannot kill you.

So like the current White Land, although there are only seven demons left because of a legendary internal struggle, the other five demons are only sealed, exiled or temporarily deprived of their power. But they will never die.

Li Anping always thought that he had killed Black, but in fact this was just a wrong judgment. Like Black and Gray, in order to prevent being sealed by other demons, they dispersed their bodies and exiled themselves to many worlds. Li Anping only destroyed a part of them.

Li Anping, who got this information. It is more clear how terrible the demons are. As the ninth energy level where the seven demons at the top of the White Land are located, that is no longer a strength that Seagram can understand. In fact, except for the twelve demons, no other creatures in the White Land have reached the ninth energy level.

After learning about the strength of the demons from Seagram, Li Anping became more certain of one fact, that is, it is impossible to defeat those demons simply by relying on the power of Hei or the power of the Queen of Heaven.

He must find his own way. A power system that is more powerful than the ten energy levels of the demons.

'It's not impossible. ' Li Anping thought so. He listened to Seagram's narration. Although he could imagine the power of the demons, these demons gave him the feeling of magicians or warriors in novels.

Their strength either comes from nature or from the summary of experience. Instead of truly and systematically penetrating and studying all the mysteries. They know the truth, but don't know why.

And like Li Anping now, with the mental force field and the void force field as the seesaw, relying on his brain like a supercomputer, he has developed various applications. It is due to the difference between humans and demons, knowledge or science, by truly understanding the mysteries of the world, and enhancing their strength with systematic and scientific means, rather than the experience passed down by the demons for countless years, or the instincts from the body.

This system, which started with the superpowers of humans and demons, has gone beyond the scope of superpowers and is gradually becoming a new power system, a system that may be more powerful than the ten energy levels.

His first stage, Li Anping named it electromagnetic drive.

All activities and reactions of the human body are completed by the electromagnetic force between molecules. Being able to use electromagnetic force to drive one's own physical strength, and even freely control all reactions in one's body, is the ultimate goal of this stage.

Only when electromagnetic drive is reached can it be said that the essence of human physical strength is truly mastered. In terms of efficiency, strengthening electromagnetic force and controlling the atoms of the body is millions of times more efficient than simply exercising muscles.

Even humans who are powerless can have the power to move mountains and seas as long as they reach this stage, and can also obtain various incredible powers by controlling various reactions in the body.

Unfortunately, at present, apart from Li Anping himself, he has no way to help others successfully reach this stage. Whether it is the void force field or the mental force field, it is already rare, and what is even rarer is Li Anping's brain, which can process the data of the entire body at the atomic level at all times.

The next stage planned by Li Anping in his mind, he called it material reorganization. On the basis of completing the complete control of all atoms in his body with electromagnetic force, he can reorganize any material he knows, and even reorganize his entire body in the end. Different from the original recovery using soul power, it can be reorganized purely by himself.

But the biggest problem is to reorganize his brain, or reorganize consciousness. Li Anping has not come up with a specific solution yet.

'However, as long as I can reach the stage of free reorganization of consciousness, my combat effectiveness will have a new leap, which should be enough to fight against the demon race of the eighth energy level. 'Li Anping waved his palm. I saw that a ball of metal had turned into liquid in his hand, and then it was evenly distributed to the twenty reactors in front of him.

'As for the third stage after achieving material reorganization, I still have some ideas, no specific plans. 'Li Anping looked at the twenty reactors in front of him, and at the world in front of him. All kinds of forces, rays, and atoms constantly colliding all came into his eyes.

'I need to know more, learn more knowledge, and understand more mysteries in this world. '


Two days later, when Li Anping stayed in Xindongyang. While building nuclear reactors and completing the improvement of his "electromagnetic drive", he absorbed all kinds of knowledge and thought about the next step.

On the Western Continent, these days can be said to be a turbulent situation.

First, the federal government officially announced that the federation will join the Pan-Continental Alliance. From now on, it will completely accept the leadership of Li Anping, the emperor of Daxia. As soon as the news came out, it has caused an uproar in all walks of life.

People in cities all over the country came out to organize marches, and even several large guilds went on strike to protest the government's "stupid behavior" this time, but then they were ruthlessly suppressed.

The manpower of Daxia Dragon Bird is more accustomed to dealing with such things than the imaginary number agency. Especially Bai Xinghe, who had been an emperor himself, could not and disdained to understand these marches and strikes. In his opinion, they were just the lamentations of the weak.

While forcibly suppressing these resistances. Twenty-one cities in the entire federation declared independence at the same time, and they all belonged to the territories of three anti-surrender families.

Bai Xinghe handed over the relatively mild matter of suppressing marches and strikes to the virtual number agency and the federal army. The governance and reform of the government were handed over to the civil servants sent by Wang Chong.

And he himself, with Xia Liekong, Jin Guang and Emma, ​​a total of four people, personally went to the cities that declared their independence.

In the high-speed passenger plane, four people sat opposite each other. Emma chewed gum while looking at Bai Xinghe in front of her and said, "Is it necessary? Let's send out the four of us together."

Bai Xinghe sneered, "Humans are very stupid. Sometimes you put a knife on his neck and he will fight you for wealth and power. This time, I plan to use it as a deterrent. After all, our future target is the entire Western Continent. In order to reduce resistance in the future, let's make it more grand this time."

Xia Liekong nodded, "I agree with this, then the four of us will Let's attack together. But this city belongs to the territory of the Lensa family, so just deal with their people, and don't cause too many casualties among the civilians. "

When the three of them were halfway through their conversation, Jin Guang knocked on the window next to the seat and said, "Three adults, the other party seems to have come to greet us, do you want me to attack?"

"No, I'll do it." Emma also walked to the window and looked: "If you three attack, this plane may be scrapped."

On the clouds outside the window, two missiles were whistling towards the direction of the passenger plane.

But with Emma's snap of her fingers, a portal suddenly appeared in front of the missile, and a missile instantly sank into the portal, and the next moment it appeared in front of another missile. The two missiles collided and exploded into a large ball of sparks in the sky.

"Done." Emma blew a bubble with the gum in her mouth and said.

Bai Xinghe looked at the tablet in his hand, which was showing the current location of the special plane.

"Okay, we're almost there. It's dangerous to get close to the plane. I'll ask the pilot to go back. Let's set off here."

Jin Guang was the first to walk to the cabin door, followed by Xia Liekong. Emma stretched out her waist and followed.

As the cabin door opened, a gust of wind blew in. Bai Xinghe shouted, "Let's go, follow the plan we agreed on before."

Then Jin Guang was the first to jump down. The golden energy on his body surged, and he took his people to the direction of the city.

Then came Xia Liekong. Several violent air currents rolled up on his body, and the whole person flew out like a tornado.

As for Emma, ​​he stepped out of the cabin door and entered the black portal. The next moment, he appeared in the sky.

And the last Bai Xinghe, he stepped out of the cabin door and drew out the original Ten Fist Sword from his waist. The sword body shook slightly, and with the change of gravity, Bai Xinghe was already floating in the air. Then the figure flashed and flew out.

As the four people moved at high speed, they passed through the clouds in a blink of an eye and came to the sky above a huge city.

But as soon as they appeared, countless anti-aircraft artillery and missiles on the ground had already aimed at them.

I saw a large number of ammunition hit Jin Guang first, but the silver wristbands on his hands shook slightly, and the fifth-level ability of molecular stagnation had been activated. It was the power wristband of one of the 108 Ten Fist Swords.

I saw countless ammunition explode on his body, but except for slowing down his flying speed, it could not cause any damage.

As for the other three fifth-level ability users, this level of attack could not even break through their mind defense.

Looking at the dense army on the ground, Emma cheered and pulled out a silver harp from her arms. It was the Death Harp, one of the 108 Ten Fist Swords.

As Emma's fingertips slowly plucked the strings of the harp, the terrifying infrasound waves had already sprinkled from the sky to the ground. This terrible magic sound without any attenuation directly covered most of the soldiers on the ground.

No matter they were hiding behind armor plates or wearing multiple layers of protection, all the soldiers hit by the infrasound fell to the ground instantly.

Without destroying any buildings, more than half of the soldiers were eliminated. Infrasound is indeed very useful in modern warfare.

However, with Emma's attack, the enemy's ground forces did have a big commotion, but soon more than a dozen people with flying abilities soared into the sky from the crowd and headed towards the direction where the four were.

Bai Xinghe glanced at the people with abilities and said directly: "I will go and capture the head of Lunsa and the elders first, and you will wipe out all the rebels."

After saying that, without waiting for Jin Guang and the others to answer, his body flashed and flew away at an accelerated speed.

Xia Liekong glanced at Bai Xinghe's back, and the other party had turned into a small black dot. He smiled and said: "He is really aggressive. Why does he want to find the strongest person directly?"

Although Bai Xinghe has volunteered to become Li Anping's subordinate, his pursuit of power and his preference for fighting with the strong have not changed.

After looking at Bai Xinghe, Xia Liekong turned his head to look at the other side's ability user, and his eyes had turned cold.

"Then let's speed up a little bit."

The next moment, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the clouds, and the originally calm sky suddenly blew up a storm. In the day of lightning and thunder, several tornadoes more than 100 meters thick had rushed towards the ability user and the remaining troops on the ground.

Five hours later, the Lensa family and the six cities it occupied were all captured, and none of the 203 members of the family survived.

The head of the family, Casa Lensa, his white and fat body was directly cut into thousands of pieces by Bai Xinghe with extreme punishment, which caused an uproar in the entire Western Continent.

PS: I remember that I set the timer last night, but when I looked up, it was not sent out. I don't know if I remembered it wrong or the starting point was drawn, sorry everyone.

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