Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 9: Command

When he heard Woody's question, Tony finally raised his head. Seeing that everyone was looking towards him, he didn't panic at all. After thinking about it, he slowly said: "I think it doesn't matter what we do now, what matters is what the other party does. "

Tony stood up, came to the big screen, pointed at His Highness in the image and said: "Everyone, the monster we are encountering now is not an ordinary lion or tiger. Not only does he have powerful power, but also Use your own wisdom.

Just like before, we started to clear the scene and wanted to evacuate irrelevant civilians, but they immediately changed the way they acted. "

He looked at the representatives of various families and governments around him, as well as Woody sitting on the main seat, and said calmly: "So gentlemen, do you think they will stay where they are after being attacked this time?" Do we find a way to deal with them?

Whether to retreat and hide, or to continue the route southward, their true strength can probably be seen from their different choices. "

Seeing Tony Abel talking rationally and rationally in front of a group of senior officials, the eyes of the sister who was sitting next to him just now were filled with brilliance. The confidence, wisdom and strength that Tony has now are nothing like the person he was a year ago.

‘Brother looks so handsome now! ’

In fact, it is impossible for anyone to become stronger after receiving continuous personal guidance from Li Anping's incarnation of mind energy. This continuous hellish training every day for a year not only raised Tony's ability to the fourth level, but also improved his confidence, perseverance, calmness, courage and other character.

This is also the confidence that comes from having strength. After witnessing the power of the monster inside him countless times, Tony has been able to deal with it calmly no matter what kind of opponent he faces. Because he believed that no matter how powerful the opponent was, they could not be stronger than the super monster inside him.

And Tony's words also calmed down everyone present. In fact, the truth behind his language is very simple. If the opponent is indeed in a weak state due to displaying such amazing destructive power, then he will definitely find a place to hide and rest.

But if the opponent continues to go south like before, it naturally means that the attack just now is not his limit.

This is a very simple truth. But because the power shown by the opponent just now was so amazing, most people present lost their cool. Either think about being unable to escape, or think about attacking them all.

At this moment, as if to cooperate with Tony Abel's explanation, a staff member shouted: "They are moving again! The two targets are moving towards the south at high speed."

"What? Two?"

"No one died?"


His Highness's tail whipped into the air, and a whirlwind shot out with the blow. A sky full of sand was rolled up directly on the ground.

The previous fury was no longer visible on his face, but instead there was a little bit of impatience. He glanced sideways at the pile of minced meat beside him and said calmly: "Fibrizzo, the body you are parasitizing now is too fragile. ”

I saw that the pieces of Fibrizzo's body were slowly being spliced ​​together again, and that his body was being assembled again. A stream of black gas slowly emerged from his body, and then regrouped on the outside, turning into a monster with black gas all over his body, a bull's head, and horse hooves.

"Your Highness, okay, I have transformed into my true form." Fibrizzo said weakly. The white body under his feet was the parasitic body he used to blend into the human world. However, it had been completely destroyed in the successive attacks by humans and His Highness. This severely damaged his vitality and reduced his strength by a full 30%.

Especially the fire from heaven that fell after His Highness.

‘The attacks of those humans before were very powerful, but at most they wasted a little energy to regenerate. But the Fire Cloud Falling move used by His Highness directly destroyed my body structure from the ground up. ’

'That level of high temperature...'

Think of this. His heart was filled with fear, and he looked at His Highness in front of him and couldn't help but ask: "Your Highness, has your strength... already reached the seventh level?"

Hearing Fibrizzo's question, His Highness showed a proud smile: "Yes, I got some good things in the last world, and now my power has reached the seventh level. But now no one can Just know.”

He sneered and glanced at Fibrizzo. He said calmly: "I was thinking that when I go back this time, I will give my eldest brother a big surprise."

Fibrizzo lowered his head, his heart already in turmoil. He did not expect that the legendary Prince Seagram only had the sixth level. He actually secretly reached the seventh energy level.

Before he could think through the series of impacts this would bring, Seagram on the side had already swung his tail impatiently and said: "Have you rested enough? If you have enough, just leave as soon as possible."

He turned his eyes to the south, where the Federation was.

"Next, let's go directly to another country."

Fibrizzo asked cautiously: "Your Highness, what do you mean?"

"This time we won't eat them casually." Seagram licked his lips and said: "This time we will occupy the most powerful country on the planet, and then let them provide humans for us to eat, and use them by the way. The power helps us find the existence of blackness.”

He swung his tail again, and the thick tail like a Tyrannosaurus Rex whipped in the air with a crackling sound.

"If these little bugs continue to attack, I'm afraid that when I fight back, I will accidentally exterminate all the humans on this planet."

Fibrizzo swallowed his saliva, knowing that there was no exaggeration in the other party's words. Facing the power of the seventh energy level, let alone a weak race like humans, even he was seriously injured by the attack from His Royal Highness the Prince just now.

Thinking of this, he immediately bowed and said: "Your Highness, as far as I can remember, the most powerful country of mankind should be in the south. With our flying speed, even if it is a little slower, it should only take more than ten minutes to get there."

"Really?" Seagram jumped lightly and flew into the air: "Then let's go."

"I hope there will be more delicious food over there."

Accompanied by a series of sonic booms, two black shadows directly cut through the sky, like two supersonic fighters, flying towards the border of the Federation. Wherever they passed, the clouds in the sky were directly split into two by the huge wind pressure.


Xindongyang, in the valley.

Li Anping then sat cross-legged on the ground, but his figure looked a little special, like a ball of mist, as if he wanted to disperse and gather, giving people a very unstable feeling.

And in his body, every atom that made up his body was agitated with the changes in electromagnetic force, and a force that was enough to cause terrible natural disasters was constantly emerging.

Beside Li Anping, the grass and trees began to turn yellow. As the power in Li Anping's body changed, they were directly decomposed into countless atoms with a bang, and were completely destroyed, without even a trace. .

Li Anping opened his eyes and looked at his right hand. The vibration that was difficult to see with the naked eye changed with the change of the magnetic field.

His right hand was emitting a terrible breath of destruction. Under the action of electromagnetic force, countless atoms slowly gathered unprecedented power.

'If the body is driven by electromagnetic force, the performance of power is expected to reach several times the original. As for the speed, it can be driven in another way... But I can't do it completely for the time being. '

'However, this consumes a lot of energy... and there is no way to control the whole body to complete the electromagnetic output for the time being. '

'But even so... I am now... I am already much more powerful than the incarnation of mind and energy. After all, the incarnation of mind and energy has no body. While it eliminates many weaknesses, it also loses many advantages unique to the body. ’

Thinking of this, Li Anping had a new understanding of the advancement of the sixth energy level.

‘If we follow the original advancement route of Hei Yuan, the sixth energy level is obviously the route of the pure physical body in the material world. So, at that time, I am afraid that the incarnation of mind energy will still have to return to the physical body and combine the spirit, body and mind energy into one. ’

Thinking of this, Li Anping closed his eyes again. With a bang, all the animals and plants within a radius of hundreds of meters were decomposed into atomic states due to the change of the magnetic field in his body.

‘I need time... I need more energy...’

At this time, Tony Abel saw the video of Seagram and Fibrizzo in the conference room. This also means that the incarnation of mind energy has also seen this set of videos, and Li Anping can naturally see this set of videos.

When he saw that the ultra-high temperature plasma created by Seagram's punch razed a five-kilometer radius to the ground and dragged the entire city into a sea of ​​fire.

He couldn't help but frowned. The strength shown by the opponent is no longer inferior to the current incarnation of mind energy, especially the wide-area destructive power. Once a fight breaks out, it will probably cause great harm to the Western Continent.

Especially when he saw Seagram and Fibrizzo flying towards the location of the Federation, Li Anping showed a trace of disgust in his eyes. In his eyes, whether it is the Western Continent or the Eastern Continent, it will be the territory he rules. How can he let others destroy it?

‘If we let go of the battle, the impact will be too bad. ’

Thinking of this, Li Anping directly controlled the Queen's clone in Zhongdu and made a call to Jin Guang and others.

‘Yanbei? I want you to go to the following address with Jin Guang and Xia Liekong next. ’

After giving the order, Li Anping began to give instructions to Tony Abel through the incarnation of mind energy.

‘Next, you do as I say. ’

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