Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 8: Probing

Fifty men and women in silver combat uniforms jumped off the transport plane and fell directly towards the location of the two demons.

The nano armor on his body can help them resist the impact of high temperature, severe cold and various explosions. And greatly enhance their strength and speed. Phase transfer devices and electromagnetic passports can help them resist energy attacks or kinetic attacks.

The electromagnetic rifle in his hand uses 8mm depleted uranium bullets with an initial velocity of Mach 5 and an effective range of less than 5,000 meters, which can tear apart all kinds of enemies in front of them in most planetary environments.

The beam sword hanging around the waist can release a laminar arc plasma beam of more than 1.5 meters and a temperature of 20,000 degrees Celsius under a standard atmospheric pressure.

The rest of the sound waves, lasers, particles, radiation and other weapons have armed them from head to toe. Not to mention that their hearts are all tied to high-energy explosives. If their hearts stop beating, the self-explosion produced is enough to raze a hundred meters to the ground.

These fifty warriors are far more powerful than the contemporary army. They are not only well-equipped, but each of them also has unique abilities. This is the Federation's trump card force, Cobra.

They attacked at the same time and already had enough power to threaten the fifth-level powerhouse. In fact, the purpose of the Federation to create this force was to deal with the fifth-level superpowers who were becoming increasingly difficult to suppress.

Although they have not yet had the opportunity to fight a life-and-death battle with the fifth-level powerhouse, the top leaders of the Federation believe that Cobra's first appearance will definitely achieve excellent results.

Fifty battle-hardened and experienced super special forces landed within a few hundred meters of the demon one after another.

In the heat energy presentation, His Highness is still gnawing on new prey.

But in the next moment, hundreds of bullets have torn through all obstacles and directly hit the two demons with a kinetic energy exceeding two kilometers per second.

At this moment, reinforced concrete is as fragile as tofu. Hundreds, then thousands, and tens of thousands of electromagnetically accelerated depleted uranium bombs cover the location of the two demons.

This was like a signal of attack. The moment the electromagnetic rifle opened fire, all kinds of sound waves, lasers, explosives, and sniper weapons were all aimed at the location of the two demons.

At the same time, all kinds of weakness, slowness, hallucinations, dizziness, and the long-range capabilities of high-energy rays were activated at the same time, acting on the two demons together.

In less than a thousandth of a second, the floor of the building was directly torn apart. Fibrizzo's body was still the human body that he originally parasitized. Although this body was constantly enhanced by him, it was far beyond the scope of humans. But under this terrifying attack, it still seemed vulnerable, and was directly beaten to pieces, and then became thousands of powders floating in the air.

If Fibrizzo was like this, then what would happen to His Highness, who was regarded as the main enemy, if he was attacked like this?


Whether it was a depleted uranium bomb that tore steel and concrete as paper, or a clustered sound wave pulse that was enough to destroy a warship in an instant. Or a high-energy laser that could easily cut titanium alloys.

All the attacks in this round failed to leave the slightest trace on His Highness' body. The breeze blew across His Highness' body. Except for the surrounding floors that had been completely turned into dust, His Highness remained unchanged and still stood in the air.

No, it was not that there was no change.

At least in the attack just now, His Highness closed his eyes.

Does this mean that in the attack just now, his eyes were his weakness?

And His Majesty, who closed his eyes in the attack just now, only felt anger! Rage!

Although he was unwilling to admit it, the food in front of him did have the slightest possibility of hurting him.

It was this irrefutable reason that made him feel a kind of shame and rage from the bottom of his heart.

But the four Cobra members who rushed up with beam swords had no time to care about this, because they were wearing nano armor and jumping continuously like flying men. After arriving at a building tens of meters high, they rushed towards His Highness. Before they got close, they had already felt a violent killing intent.

And this violent killing intent, like a tsunami hundreds of meters high, came from the prince in front of them.

In the human world before, no matter what kind of enemy he faced, the prince always used ordinary fists and feet to easily solve the opponent. But this does not mean that his race only knows those instinctive fists and feet.

It is just because when facing the food on the table, the prince has never thought of using any real violent means.

But now, the anger coming from his chest has made him understand that if he does not use some force to deal with the food in front of him, he will accidentally prick his hand.

And the demon clan, which has dominated the multiverse for countless years and has a history of ten thousand years as the basic unit, has never lacked truly effective combat skills. Whether it is fighting skills, energy manipulation methods, or the application of natural elements, their methods are so many and so profound that they are enough to make humans who have only developed for a few thousand years ashamed to commit suicide.

His Highness just raised his right hand slightly, and the power from his innate ability instantly transformed his rising anger into flames. The deep red flames directly enveloped His Highness's fist.

The raging flames had not yet expanded, but the high temperature generated by them had melted the four cobras that were close to them. There was no screaming or resistance. In front of this sun-like temperature, they were like insects that flew into the flames, and turned into ashes in an instant.

And this was just a preparation before His Highness attacked.

The ultra-high temperature flames gathered on his right fist, and the surrounding air molecules turned directly into plasma clouds under this amazing high temperature, emitting light that had surpassed the sun.

Yiwu Style - Heavenly Fire

The terrible plasma fire cloud flew directly to the most densely populated position of the cobras with His Highness's punch. The terrible white light shot up into the sky, covering everything in the light, and the shock wave of the explosion destroyed everything along the way.

The black sniper stood on a building a few kilometers away, staring blankly at a huge fireball that completely covered the position where His Highness was just now.

A crazy roar came from his headset: "Retreat! Everyone, retreat! Damn it! How many people are still alive!"

But he could no longer hear it. As a series of loud noises entered his ears, the shock wave had already arrived in front of him. The next second, the black sniper had just turned around, and his whole body had already flown into the air, as if he was run over by a battleship and turned into a pool of blurred flesh and blood.


In the combat command room, everyone, including Woody, stared blankly at the images transmitted by the satellite.

The location where the battle was just now, within five kilometers around, had been completely razed to the ground. And five kilometers away, the entire city had fallen into a sea of ​​fire.

One million people in the entire city will die in the subsequent fires, explosions, suffocation and other disasters.

A few minutes later, when the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, as the satellite lens continued to stretch, the appearance of His Highness appeared in front of everyone again.

It was still the same as before, and it seemed that there was no change at all, or it was because of his unusual appearance that they could not tell the difference. But no matter which possibility it was, it made everyone present feel even more depressed.

What the few people present did not notice was that although Fibrizo, who had been hit continuously, had only a little flesh and blood left, he was still rapidly multiplying in the air and trying to recover.

The tentative attack, which was only for collecting intelligence, was counterattacked by the other party to destroy the city.

Woody sighed: "Although fifty Cobras and a city were sacrificed, at least one enemy was eliminated, and we also knew that the other party was a person with wide-area destructive power like Lei Di, Zhu Rong and Vivian.

Preliminary estimates show that his ability should be related to thermal energy."

At the conference table, a middle-aged man immediately stood up and said: "Even if it is a level 5 ability user, it is impossible to have no consumption after such a blow. This monster obviously lacks a certain degree of rationality and easily uses such an attack.

I think this is a good opportunity for us. We can send someone to attack him immediately before he recovers."

When the middle-aged man finished this sentence, everyone present immediately fell silent. Woody turned around, but no one dared to look at him.

Obviously, no one wanted to be the next wave of attacks. After all, the opponent is a monster that can destroy a city with one strike. Although according to common sense, even a level 5 ability user cannot use this level of attack continuously, but it is better to be safe than sorry. If the opponent attacks again, it would be like sending oneself to death.

Although no one wants to die, Woody knows that someone must do this. But in order to prevent the opponent from continuing to release similar attacks, the candidates for attack must be carefully selected.

The number of people should not be too large, and it is best to have extraordinary life-saving skills. After getting close to the opponent, you can deal with the monster and test whether the opponent can still carry out similar attacks.

‘Do I need to go out in person? ’

Woody thought about it and swept his eyes to several of the people present.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped and looked at a young man present, Tony Abel, who was properly taken care of by Judy Ino before.

But at this time, Tony Abel lowered his head and twitched, and he looked like he was actually dozing off. Next to him was a beautiful girl who looked less than 20 years old. Seeing Woody's eyes on her brother, she immediately shook Tony Abel's arm nervously.

"Brother, wake up."

Following Woody and her actions, everyone's eyes were on Tony Abel.

Woody asked dissatisfiedly: "Tony, do you have any opinions on the next battle plan?"

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