Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 7: Killing

Seeing the end of the call, Woody closed the video call window, swallowed his saliva and said, "Okay."

On the sofa behind him, a short-haired young man was lying leisurely on it. His hair seemed to have just grown out, and the clothes he wore were also strange, like some kind of ethnic minority robes. When the wind blew, it would make a series of ding-dong sounds.

Originally, his eyes were fixed on the mobile phone in his hand, and he was having a lot of fun playing mobile games. Hearing what Woody said, his ears moved, put down the phone, and said to Woody: "Well, let me see the information sent by the Code Country." After saying that, he had already walked to Woody's side and pointed at the computer in front of Woody with his chin.

After hearing the other party's instructions, Woody silently operated the computer in front of him and opened the information about the two monsters sent by Judy. Looking at the two figures moving at high speed in the video, Woody's attention was all focused on the young man next to him.

He remembered the nightmare-like experience last night.

This is Woody's home. A while ago, a series of dismemberment cases occurred in the Federation, and the latest case occurred in the city where Woody is located. Because of the request of an old friend in the police station, Woody also helped a little and went to the crime scene to take a look.

Who knew that this would attract the young man behind him.

He has no mind energy, but has an immortal body. Whether it is strength or speed, it is completely superior to Woody. If it were normal, Woody would still be interested in competing with him.

But now...

Woody glanced at the corner of the room, a young woman was holding a five or six-year-old girl. Looking at the two people nervously, Woody gave them a reassuring smile.

Regardless of whether this person is the murderer of the recent serial dismemberment cases in the Federation. The danger he showed made Woody, a veteran strongman of the virtual number agency, dare not take it lightly, especially when his wife and daughter were by his side, which made him unable to risk everything and fight with the other party.

"Okay, how long are you going to stay here?" He said coldly to the young man.

"Don't worry, I'm not planning to kill people for the time being." The young man shrugged indifferently, just looking at the information about the Code Kingdom and monsters on the computer screen with a thoughtful look.

He murmured to himself: "So... has the promised day really arrived..."

Woody frowned and asked: "What are you talking about?"

The young man shook his head. He just looked at Woody with a unique look of pity, thinking in his heart: 'The promised day is approaching, and the man in front of him is the top powerhouse among humans. Although the strength of humans is not worth mentioning, it is just right for me to try the power of those demons. '

The power that was gathered in his hands, enough to destroy a city, quietly dissipated, and the murderous intent in his heart slowly withdrew.

"Goodbye." Leaving a mysterious smile. The young man flashed and appeared outside the window. When Woody chased him quickly and came to the grass outside the house, the other party's figure had already disappeared.

His eyes showed deep worry. It seemed that more and more strange things happened in this world with the appearance of Li Anping. Two monsters in the Code Kingdom. And the young man who just appeared with unfathomable strength, all made Woody feel that a storm was coming.

Picking up the phone on the sofa, Woody dialed the number.

"Judy? Send a team of people over. I want Mary and Anne to live in the Sky City for a while..."

"Also, I seem to have met the suspect of the serial dismemberment case just now. He was just behind me..."

"Well, very strong. If I don't use that, I'm afraid I'm not his opponent..."

At the same time, facing the Code Country, which is now "unguarded" and "seeking help everywhere", all countries except the Federation have also sent their own support troops one after another, hoping to get a little bit of soup and water after the behemoth Federation.

Whether it is the hundreds of years of wealth accumulated by the Church of Truth or the rich resources in the entire Code Country, these small and medium-sized countries have long coveted it.

As for the two so-called monsters, even if they really reach the fifth energy level, they will only be surrounded and killed by countless weapons of mankind. What's more, on the territory of the Code Country, the armies of other countries have no scruples at all.

In order to ensure the successful completion of the mission, all kinds of weapons that violated international treaties were transported out of the warehouse.

Or in other words, in this Western Continent where the Code Country collapsed completely, Tyrell closed the country, and the Federation was also severely damaged, the illusion of peace had long been torn apart.

If it weren't for the existence of Li Anping, an external threat, they would have entered an era of turmoil.


A few days later, in a small city in the south of the Code Country.

Two figures fell from the sky. It was His Highness and Fibrizzo who had been killing crazily in the Code Country in the past few days. During this period of time, the two of them were like a leisurely picnic, going south from the Canonization Province, just like entering a meat supermarket. All kinds of people were killed and eaten by them at will, which also made His Highness's taste for food rise sharply.

However, in the past half a day, the two found that all the people in the nearby towns had evacuated under the command of the top leaders of the Code Country. And the warriors that the other side had sent to attack the two of them were no longer sent after being wiped out in succession.

So after destroying more than a dozen deserted towns in succession, they flew directly over hundreds of kilometers and arrived in a city.

Obviously, this city far away from the battlefield seemed to have not noticed the abnormality of the entire Code Country.

"Stop! Don't move." A policeman pointed a gun at two monsters that fell from the sky and shouted, "Who are you?"

Some ordinary people on the side retreated, while some boldly pointed at Fibrizzo and the other man, and even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

But in the next moment, when the gray monster flashed in front of the police, and the claws that were enough to easily tear the super alloy armor smashed the police's head, the people around immediately screamed and left.

He didn't care about the behavior of those fresh foods at all. His Highness only had the delicious food in front of him that he had processed. He stretched out a finger and stumbled slightly in the other's squeezed head. Then he stuffed the red and white liquid into his mouth like eating cream.

If you have just arrived in the human world, then the ingredients in front of you are still good desserts, but for His Highness, who has tasted the wonderful taste of people with special abilities, and even the fifth-level special abilities, the ordinary humans in front of you are at most the level of roadside stalls.


He spit out the mixture in his mouth. His Highness curled his lips in dissatisfaction. He needs more delicious and stronger prey. He has been tired of eating ordinary humans in front of him for a long time.

Fibrizzo on the side asked: "Your Highness, the strongest human in this country has been eliminated by us. If you want to find similar prey, I'm afraid you have to go to other human countries."

His Highness glanced at him and said, "Do you know where they are?"

Fibrizzo pointed to the south and said, "I came to this country from the south at first. There are many powerful humans there. It was their continuous encirclement that forced me to retreat to the north.

But they are naturally insignificant in front of your power."

His Highness's eyes lit up and showed expectation. At this time, the alarm of a police car sounded in the distance. However, the police seemed to have received some news not long after they started. Instead of rushing to the two monsters, they began to retreat.

However, neither Fibrizzo nor His Highness paid attention to this.

His Highness nodded: "These ordinary humans can be kept for the time being. You can take me to their strongest ones later."

He stroked his chin and said: "These ordinary humans, when the time comes, we can select a few of them as leaders and keep them in captivity on this planet.

As for the strong ones among them, they can be contributed every once in a while. Let us eat."

Obviously, although the two have been killing during this period, His Majesty has begun to think about using the earth as a breeding base. To supply him with food for a long time.

At this moment, his eyes turned and looked at a building. Because the police were killed, all the people within hundreds of meters had already fled. But on the nearby buildings, there are still many humans watching them through the windows.

The distance of more than hundreds of meters, plus the existence of buildings and windows, gave them a ridiculous sense of security.

Behind one of the windows, there was a little girl about five or six years old, who was looking at the two weirdos on the street with wide eyes and full of curiosity.

When he saw the little girl, His Highness showed an evil expression, and his purple tongue stretched out of his mouth and licked his lips.

Although ordinary humans did not satisfy him who had tried the fifth-level energy, this kind of young human was a different taste.

With a bang!

The whole road seemed to be slightly shaken by His Highness's jump. The next moment, he had broken through the cement wall outside the high-rise building and grabbed the little girl in his hand.

Wow! Faced with this sudden monster, the little girl immediately burst into tears.

"What's wrong, Xingxing?"

Outside the room, a middle-aged woman opened the door of the child's room and wanted to see what was going on. But the scene in front of her made her pale and tremble all over.

I saw that His Highness's mouth was like a huge python, stretching an incredible angle and stuffing the little girl's entire head into his mouth. The little girl, whose head was completely covered, could only kick her legs hard.

When the little girl's mother opened the door, she saw the moment when His Highness's jaw exerted a little force and bit off the little girl's neck.

With a click, it was like biting off a piece of crisp bone while eating. His Highness ate the little girl's entire head in one bite, leaving only the little girl's body lying quietly in his hands.

The headless corpse sprayed blood, but it did not move, and fell into the mouth of the girl's mother, becoming the most terrifying scene in the world.

The woman fell directly to the ground, trembling all over, and fear made her unable to move. When the blood sprayed by the little girl splashed on his face, she began to scream wildly.

Hearing the woman's scream, His Highness frowned and stuffed the rest of the little girl's body into his mouth, leaving only a white and tender calf hanging by his mouth.

With a gulp, he sucked the remaining calf into his mouth. The impatient His Highness pointed directly, and a purple light swept across the screaming woman like a laser, like a high-energy laser directly cutting the other party in half.

Febrizzo jumped lightly and came to the side of His Highness. He didn't react when he saw the blood all over the room. But he felt a little overstepped when he saw His Highness eating a child, so he took the opportunity to ask what he had always wanted to ask.

"Your Highness, how to solve the problem with Hei?"

"Hei?" His Highness dipped his finger into the blood left by the little girl on the ground, licked it a few times, and showed an expression of unsatisfied: "I had sensed it when I came here. He either escaped or fell into a complete sleep."

Licking his lips, His Highness stood up. His ears moved, as if listening to something. Then, with a bang, he knocked down more than a dozen walls in the building, broke into a baby room, and directly grabbed a child in the crib in front of him.

"The gate is already guarded by Gabu, Hei can't escape."

Half of the child's body was bitten off, and blood kept leaking from His Highness's mouth.

"If he has fallen into a deep sleep, then we can slowly look for him."

With another bite, he stuffed the remaining half of the child's body into his mouth, and then the prince tore the other party's parents into pieces.

"What a strange race, so weak, but so delicious."

His Highness licked his lips and smiled: "On this planet full of delicious food, slowly looking for the traces of Hei, isn't it also interesting?"

Fibrizzo lowered his head: "You are right." But his mind was not calm.

'This guy, wants to swallow the Black Demon King alone and become one of the new twelve demons? '

'So, the king may not know the news here. '

'And I...what should I choose? '

Thinking of this, Fibrizzo suddenly found that the prince glanced at him inadvertently, and the cold eyes seemed to have completely seen through his mind.


A few kilometers away, a black man was clenching his fists tightly. He looked at His Highness in the scope and gritted his teeth and said, "Are the stormtroopers not ready yet? This damn monster, I can't help but shoot."

The voice of his superior came from his headset: "They are too fast. The stormtroopers have just arrived. It will take about five minutes."

Hearing this voice, the black sniper's eyes showed a gleam of resentment. He could only watch the gray monster, like a weasel that broke into a chicken farm, rampaging in the building and stuffing one child after another into its mouth.

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