Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 6: Support

The news of the death of the Pope of the Codex shocked the entire Western Continent a day later. Whether for the power users or for ordinary people, this is a world-shaking event.

For the power users, it was the death of a fifth-level powerhouse. And for ordinary people, it was the death of a supreme leader of one of the three major powers in the West.

In the Sky City of the Amest Federation, Judy Eno, the leader of the Imaginary Number Agency, was watching the video sent by the Codex.

Although the video has been reduced by four times, it can still only vaguely see two gray straight lines like lasers, constantly sweeping across the army of the Codex.

Bunkers, tanks, armored vehicles, armed helicopters, power armor, no matter what it is, will be directly penetrated and destroyed after encountering those two gray straight lines. The 100,000-strong Guardian Corps seemed so vulnerable at this moment.

Only when the two gray lines stopped could Judy see their original strange appearance from the video. Gray exoskeleton-like things, sharp horns on the head, and thick tails. This is a creature that has never appeared in human history.

"A new species of human monster?"

Judy frowned as she looked at the demon-like non-human creature on the camera.

The assistant beside him said: "...The French King's Hall of the Codex Kingdom is now completely paralyzed. Now Bishop Valdi has gathered the remaining forces of the Codex Kingdom to continue fighting. The current situation in the Canonization Province is unclear, but it is estimated that there have been millions of casualties, and one of the two gray monsters has disappeared.

The other one is still wandering in the Canonization Province. According to eyewitness reports, they seem to have the habit of hunting humans. Bishop Valdi and his men failed to besiege the gray monster several times. Even nuclear bombs have no effect."

Judy listened and checked the information sent by the Codex Kingdom. When she saw that thirty nuclear bombs were detonated at the same time without any effect, her brows frowned even tighter.

"According to the intelligence department's estimate, the strength of the two monsters is above the fifth energy level. They also have unknown abilities that can render nuclear weapons ineffective." The assistant next to him then asked: "The request for help from the Code Country has been sent to the Presidential Palace. His Excellency the President intends to send troops to the Code Country. I hope you can send ability users to support the troops within an hour."

Judy certainly knew that the Code Country was breached by monsters. What a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the top leaders of the Federation. That land has been occupied by countless fanatics for hundreds of years. Even in the heyday of the Federation, they could defeat them but could not occupy them.

But this time the Code Country suffered heavy losses. After the death of the only fifth-level ability user, the Pope, there was no more fifth-level ability user. The people in the Presidential Palace obviously wanted to seize this opportunity. Completely take the Code Country into their pockets. Even if they cannot completely occupy it, they must occupy the largest piece of the spoils in the next division of the countries.

But looking at the description of the two monsters from the Code Country, Judy had a very bad feeling in her heart.

Although the two monsters seem to have wiped out 100,000 crusaders and killed a pope with a level 5 ability. They are indeed powerful, but not invincible. Most of the staff of the Presidential Palace also believe that if the Knights Templar are still there, these two monsters will never be able to break through the Code.

Considering the existence of Li Anping in Daxia in the East Continent. So this time the Federation plans to send out its own ace armored forces and unite the ability users of several major families in the country. Strive to fight a blitzkrieg with the strongest force and defeat all the monsters and the Code at once.

And what they hope Judy Eno will do is to send out the level 5 ability users of the imaginary number agency as the high-end force of this force.

But the original level 5 ability users of the imaginary number agency, Jane, Giant Shield, Vivian, and Lestat, were killed one after another. Now there are only the last two level 5 ability users left, Woody and Judy Eno himself.

Although there are the Federation's ace troops and the ability users supported by several major families in the country, the combat power far exceeds the 100,000 crusaders of the Code Country, but Judy Eno is still a little hesitant if she only sends Woody. Because of the lack of information about the two monsters, she is always a little worried.

But if she is asked to go with Woody, there will be no level 5 ability users in the Federation. Thinking about Li Anping and Tyrell, who is in an unknown situation, how can she leave the Federation with peace of mind.

And after the loss of four consecutive level 5 ability users, Judy Eno is now afraid. So she is not as optimistic as the people in the Presidential Palace about the unknown monsters that appeared in the Code Country this time, so she feels conflicted about the support request from the Presidential Palace now.

Seeing Judy in a daze, the assistant beside him reminded him softly, "Sir, do you need to notify Lord Woody now?"

Judy thought for a moment and asked, "Which families sent people to support this time?"

The assistant pointed to the tablet in his hand and said, "Four Elements, Adams... Flame Wolf, Lenister, and the Abel family."

"The Abel family?" Judy asked, "Is Tony Abel going too?"

His assistant nodded and said, "Yes."

Judy had met this Tony Abel once. He was a genius of the Abel family who had appeared in the past year. In just one year, he reached the fourth energy level and had an extraordinary influence among the domestic families. He was also considered to be the one with the closest strength to the fifth level among all the fourth energy levels in the federation.

Hearing that Tony Abel would also go, Judy nodded and said, "Notify Woody and ask him to report to the Presidential Palace. Also, let the Falcon and the Navy SEALs notify me at any time if anything happens.

Also, let them take care of Tony Abel if possible."

The assistant nodded to show that he understood. He knew that Judy thought Tony Abel had the potential to advance to the fifth level and was very optimistic about him, so he wanted the people of the imaginary number agency to protect him properly. He couldn't help but ask, "Does it need to let Tony Abel stay behind?"

Judy shook her head: "He has great potential, but no matter how talented a genius is, he must go through life and death battles and be tempered to grow. Just try not to let him die."

The assistant nodded and began to operate the tablet in his hand to send Judy's order.

A few seconds later, Woody's head portrait lit up on Judy's desk. He still wore a cowboy hat and dressed like a cowboy. But his eyes didn't seem as relaxed as usual.

"Woody, this Codex operation is now in your hands. Take a look at the information of the two monsters. Be careful, don't die like Lestat and the others."

"Don't worry." Woody grinned: "I still have to come back to attend my daughter's birthday."

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