Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 5: Spiritual Network

When Li Anping was in seclusion again in Xindongyang to pursue a stronger power.

The 10 million clones of the Queen of Heaven that Li Anping asked the Royal Academy of Sciences to manufacture have been rolled off the production line one after another.

Daxia, Zhongdu.

As Li Anping's hometown, since Li Anping ascended the throne, this place has become a place where countless superpowers come to pay homage. The local municipal government not only built Li Anping's former residence and Li Anping Museum, but also built a statue of Li Anping more than ten meters high at the entrance of the airport and the railway station.

Such obvious flattery, when Li Anping, who was in the Tianjing Palace at the time, knew about it, he just laughed it off, but did not stop them.

A container drove to the underground garage in the city center, and a staff member of the Daxia government opened the container, transported one can after another from the container, and placed them in the underground warehouse.

After the doctor saw that a total of ten cans had been delivered, he sent the staff away directly. It was only because the general outline of Li Anping's mental network plan was known to the doctor alone so far.

Because the content was so shocking, Li Anping didn't want to let too many other people know before the plan was completed, so as not to affect the progress of the plan.

I saw the doctor lift the iron cans and put them into the laboratory one by one. Then all kinds of thick wires and pipes were connected to the cans.

The doctor sneered and turned on the computer in the laboratory. After a series of dazzling operations, the metal color on the surface of the iron cans slowly disappeared, completely exposing the clones soaked in yellow liquid in the cans.

Looking at the clones of the queen who seemed to be in deep sleep in the cans. The doctor's eyes showed fanaticism.

"Spiritual network plan." The doctor said to himself: "Li Anping, no matter in the past or in the future. I'm afraid that only you can complete this crazy plan." Thinking of the spiritual network plan mentioned by Li Anping, as a fanatical scientist, the doctor was excited and a little scared.

The so-called spiritual network plan is a plan that Li Anping thought of after obtaining the spiritual force field of the queen. Although Li Anping's current use of the mental force field has always been to cooperate with the void force field and his own body to create all kinds of incredible miracles.

But the mental force field is a mental ability after all. In addition to insight into the world, it also has many abilities such as hypnosis, mind reading, suggestion, and mental attack. It's just that Li Anping basically doesn't use it. Although the Queen used it when dealing with Li Anping, it was ineffective against Li Anping.

The mental network plan is based on this.

In simple terms, Li Anping hopes to use a large number of Queen clones to spread all over the world, and then connect the minds of all clones with mental connections. This is the basis of the mental network.

Based on this, each clone covers the first energy level of the mental force field to its location.

In other words, these clones are like telecommunications base stations, covering signals to places where there are humans all over the world. It's just that they transmit not the network, but the spirit. And Li Anping controls these clones through mental connections.

The final effect is that Li Anping can hypnotize and suggest ordinary people within the coverage of the mental force field of all clones. Even read thoughts and memories.

At this point, it is close to the ideal country in Li Anping's mind. Under the coverage of the spiritual network, all ordinary people will be forced to remove the defects that Li Anping thinks are bad. They will become hardworking and diligent. Integrity.

Even in the future, every ordinary person can receive the spiritual network to reshape themselves. Learn and work quickly through hypnosis and suggestion.

For example, if a person is not good at learning piano, he can use the piano learning package in the spiritual network. He sets the time to three months, and he will be directly input with countless piano knowledge, and fall madly in love with piano in the next three months. During these three months, he will spontaneously practice piano and love piano. This feeling will not disappear until three months later.

In Li Anping's vision, in such a human society, the dark side of every ordinary person's heart is driven away, and then they will choose their own hobbies and live according to the way they want.

When the doctor first heard Li Anping's plan, he realized that Li Anping was crazier than he imagined. He not only wants to rule the whole world, but also everyone's heart.

"Haha, everyone gets eight hours of adequate sleep every day, as well as rich food, and exercises two to three times a week. Have five to ten hobbies. And a job you love. A beautiful wife or husband, and a pair of children."

The doctor murmured while operating the computer in front of him: "The ratio of men to women is absolutely balanced, and appearance no longer affects people's happiness. Everyone controls their body shape and weight through balanced diet and exercise. Negative emotions such as violence, hatred, and anger are forcibly erased."

"Hahaha." Looking at the devices gradually starting up on the computer screen, the doctor laughed: "Li Anping, is this the zoo you want to build first? Then let me see, are you crazy, or are all human beings crazy."

The doctor can already imagine that once this plan is accidentally leaked, even if the mental network cannot hypnotize the superior ability, there will probably be many people who oppose it, and Li Anping may even become the enemy of all mankind.

With the doctor's last step, the light tubes in the laboratory lit up.

The clone of the queen immersed in the yellow liquid suddenly opened its eyes and looked at the doctor's position.

A faint voice came into the doctor's mind. It was Li Anping's voice.

'Doctor? I can feel the existence of this clone. I am now sending you a message through her mental force field. '

'Did it succeed? ' The doctor looked carefully at the naked clone in the container.

'Not enough. ' Li Anping's tone revealed a hint of disappointment: 'Because this is the clone of the queen, I can cross the mental connection to such a long distance to control her. But the transmission of information by mind is already the limit.

More is needed, I need more clones. Spread the mental force field like tentacles to every corner of this world. '

'I understand. I will arrange it. '

'Very good. ’

The doctor asked again: “Am I the only one responsible for this?”

Li Anping’s voice rang in his heart:

‘For the time being, it’s just you. After I complete the test of the mental network in Zhongdu, I will consider the issue of expansion. Next, while in Dongyang, I will take two hours every day to debug the mental network. ’

While Li Anping was realizing his plans step by step in the East Continent, the West Continent was in chaos because of the death of the Pope.

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