Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 10: Departure

In the conference room, under constant tracking by satellites, the locations of Seagram and Fibrizzo were directly displayed on the map on the big screen, like two arrows, constantly approaching the federal position.

"What's going on? Are they heading towards the Federation?"

"The troops sent by Maurice and Baya to support were completely wiped out by them passing by a minute ago!"

"At this rate, they may enter federal territory in ten minutes."

Seeing the two small dots on the screen flying towards the Federation at an alarming speed, several people present were anxious, especially the representatives of the four elements. You must know that their family is in the northern part of the Federation, that is, Seagram. And the direction Fibrizzo is heading now.

During this period, Tony Abel remained silent and seemed to be listening to something. Until a few minutes later, Woody shouted: "Calm down, now is the time to panic?"

Tony Abel then said: "Sir, once the other party is allowed to enter the Federation, the damage caused will be incalculable. We should rush over immediately."

A nobleman said: "It's easy to say, they are so fast, we can't catch up at all."

"I can solve this." Tony said calmly: "The problem is who to stop them. You all saw the strength of the opponent just now. Ordinary attacks have no effect. Even high-energy lasers and electromagnetic cannons left the opponent unscathed. Everyone here Although there are many good players, the only ones who can cause harm to these two monsters are me, Mr. Woody, Carmen of the Four Elements Family, and Mr. Brian, the head of the Flame Wolf Family. "

The Carmen he was talking about was a strong player representing the wind element family among the four elements. She looked to be about twenty-five years old, but her hair was dyed purple, she also wore smoky makeup and earrings.

The other Brian is a middle-aged man in his forties with eyes. Wearing a shirt and a suit vest, he is the head of the Flame Wolf family.

Of the last three people Tony mentioned, Woody is a level five ability user, while Carmen and Brian are well-known figures in the Federation, and their abilities are familiar to everyone. That's why he said that these three people could cause harm to Seagram.

When both of them heard Tony mentioning themselves, they both looked at Tony subconsciously.

As for others, there may be espers he doesn't know about who also have abilities that can cause harm to Seagram. But since they have hidden their abilities, if they stand up now, they need to take the step of verifying their abilities, but Tony and the others obviously don't have this time.

As soon as Tony finished speaking, several nobles objected.

"The other three are fine, but how can you hurt that monster?"

"Tony Abel. I remember that your Abel family's ability is absolutely black, not an offensive ability, right?"

"It's okay to just listen to these children's conjectures. We should now make some statistics on the abilities of everyone here and our subordinates, and reorganize a crusade team based on the intelligence collected previously."

"We must notify the domestic troops to fight, and we cannot let them be in a deserted country."

Looking at the group of aristocratic families and bureaucrats in front of him who were discussing endlessly, Tony Abel showed a disdainful smile on his face. He looked directly at Woody beside him and said, "Sir, let's set off now. If the time is delayed any longer, I'm afraid the other party will cause even worse damage."

Several officials on the side saw Tony's appearance and started shouting again, but Woody ignored them. Instead, he looked at Tony with interest and said, "If it's true as you said, you can send us there." If I go over there, I won’t have any problem.”

Standing next to Woody, the captain of the Falcon Team of the Federal Imaginary Number Agency frowned and said: "Sir..."

"It doesn't matter."

Tony's sister also tugged on his sleeve from behind: "Brother, do you really want to deal with that kind of monster?"

Feeling his sister's worry and reluctance, Tony smiled bitterly in his heart. Of course he didn't want to go, but the monster in his body kept urging him. He had to go.

"It's okay, just wait for me here." Tony touched his sister's head, and the latter showed a shy smile and lowered his head.

Woody said to Carmen and Brian on the side: "You two, let's go meet these two monsters together for a while. If they can't be stopped, the federal losses will be incalculable, and countless citizens will die.

However, the two opponents who are powerful this time also know it. If you can't go with the determination to die, I won't force you. "

Carmen, who looked like the lead singer of a rock band, smiled, stood up and stretched: "Count me in."

Brian on the other side pushed up his glasses and said, "As a capable person and noble of the Federation, this kind of thing is naturally our responsibility."

People on the side who originally had objections to Woody listening to Tony's suggestions no longer objected. First, as the strongest and most powerful person present, Woody had already agreed to Tony's plan.

The second thing is that regardless of whether they succeed or not, the fearlessness of life and death displayed by Carmen and Brian at this moment is worthy of their admiration. You must know that after seeing Seagram's attack that destroyed the city, most of the people present had already retreated.

Carmen and Brian, who were able to stand up in this state and were willing to stop the opponent immediately, clearly showed courage enough to make everyone present admire them.

Woody nodded and asked Tony: "Okay, now how are you going to get us there?"

Tony stretched out his hands and smiled: "Three of you, please grab my body next, I will take you there."

Woody asked doubtfully: "Let's not talk about whether you have the ability to fly. Are you sure you can still fly at a high speed with the three of us, enough to catch up with the speed of the two monsters?"

Although he said so, Woody still stretched out his palm and grabbed Tony's hand. Carmen and Brian on the other side also grabbed Tony's arm at the same time.

Hearing Woody's question, Tony smiled bitterly. Facing Seagram's attack, it was obvious that Li Anping no longer cared about exposing his identity as the incarnation of mind energy.

At the moment when Woody, Carmen, and Brian grabbed Tony, an invisible force had completely wrapped their bodies. It was the void force field cast by the incarnation of mind energy.

The next moment, under the full coverage of the force field, Tony and the other four suddenly soared into the sky and flew towards Seagram's position.

‘It feels like being held forward by an invisible hand.’ Woody thought as he looked at the ground that was passing by at a high speed.

At this moment, Tony’s voice rang directly beside the three people’s ears. It was the sound transmitted by the direct vibration of the void force field. After all, it was obviously unrealistic for them to communicate through the air as they were flying faster and faster.

“Lord Woody, I only know that your ability is transformation. Since we will be fighting soon, can you let me know more about your ability?”

‘You even got some information about my ability. Your preparations are really sufficient.’ Woody glanced at Tony and said frankly: “Of course, no problem. My ability is indeed transformation. There are six forms in total, which are good at reconnaissance, defense, attack, speed, hiding, and a final form, which is also the strongest form.

However, my transformation is random. Every time I want to transform into a certain state, it depends on luck.”

Hearing that Woody’s ability was like this, the other three showed curious expressions. It was obviously the first time they heard this famous fifth-level ability user from the Federation introduce his own ability.

Tony asked: "Can you give me a detailed introduction to the conditions for transformation? And if it's the strongest form, can it compete with those two monsters?"

"Each time the voice changes, one of the six forms will be randomly selected. Each transformation lasts for three minutes, and only when the duration ends can the next transformation be performed. As for the strongest form, at least I will not lose to those two monsters in those three minutes."

At this point, Woody suddenly reacted: 'When did this kid take the initiative. '

At this time, Tony nodded and asked Carmen and Brian on the side:

"You two, although I have heard of your abilities, can I ask about the specific data now?"

Carmen shrugged: "Of course."

Brian also said: "I have no problem, just ask whatever you want to ask."

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