Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 52: The Battle of the Century (3)

When the Queen contacted the three major powers and planned to jointly snipe Li Anping, she never thought that she could easily get rid of the other party.

Even if the Star Alliance was Li Anping's mortal enemy, the Queen had to admit that Li Anping's own strength had reached a point that was unprecedented and unparalleled. In particular, his body also had super regenerative power, which was no longer something that any conventional means could deal with.

So after gathering so many fifth-level powers and enough power to destroy cities and countries, the Star Alliance's plan was never a simple assassination.

Instead, it was to clean up all the forces belonging to Li Anping in Tianjing from the bottom up, and finally encircle and suppress Li Anping, slowly grinding the opponent to death.

And relying on the cooperation of many abilities, it left no hope for Li Anping to survive.

This was a strategy to avoid direct combat with Li Anping, giving up the opponent's strongest melee ability.

If you want to kill all the forces that can help Li Anping and interfere with the battlefield while Li Anping is still in Tianjing, you need someone to hold Li Anping back and prevent him from supporting you temporarily.

The team of Yulia, Shang Zhenhai, and Barnes is responsible for holding Li Anping back. Of course, it would be even better if they can kill him while holding him back.

When Barnes activated his ability, Li Anping only felt a strong repulsive force coming from the air around him, and then in a flash, he had disappeared in front of Shang Zhenhai and the other two.

Yulia exhaled, and her body suddenly softened to the ground.


"Yes." Barnes nodded and said, "My alien exile can last for five minutes, at least in the next five minutes. This monster can't hurt us."

Yulia said with luck, "Maybe he will have turned into a pile of rotten meat when he comes back."

Seeing that the two were too relaxed, Shang Zhenhai on the side reminded them, "Okay. Get ready quickly. I will stop him when he comes out. Yulia, you and Barnes will cooperate again to prepare for the next exile."

Shang Zhenhai looked at the place where Li Anping disappeared, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Since he has been hit, he must not be given any breathing space."

Alien exile is the ability of this woman named Barnes. Its activation condition is blood and body contact, but because of the spirit gem. Barnes temporarily obtained the fifth-level ability of the Queen of Heaven, which reduced his activation conditions and did not require physical contact. As long as Barnes's blood touches the other person's body and is within a range of 500 meters, it will be fine.

The creatures or objects exiled from the other world will be randomly teleported to any corner of the multiverse and then come back after five minutes.

But the universe is too big. Most of the space is empty, and 90% of the remaining places are not suitable for human survival. It can be said that most humans, even those with special abilities, have a high mortality rate after being hit by this trick.

But Li Anping, the Star Alliance is not sure. Their goal is to let Shang Zhenhai and the other two cooperate to keep Li Anping exiled from the other world. It would be best if he died. If he didn't die, when everyone else was free, they could implement the next plan to completely kill Li Anping.

When the three began to prepare for the next exile, Li Anping in a certain place in the multiverse opened his eyes.

The temperature of the body was dropping sharply. There were all kinds of unknown radiations around him that were eroding his flesh, and he could no longer breathe any air from his mouth and nose.

This is a forbidden place for life. In the void of the universe.

So, Li Anping's body began to adapt to this new environment.

First of all, a thin film grew out of Li Anping's eye sockets to protect his eyeballs from damage. Then the holes of the nose, mouth, and ears closed instantly, and the respiratory system started the internal circulation mode.

Then the muscles on the skeleton began to emit heat, and the energy stored in the body was directly converted into heat energy to fight against the cold in the void of the universe.

The void force field began to correct Li Anping's position, allowing him to freely control his body shape without gravity and the earth.

The Hell Map was originally a transformation system that allowed life to fight in all environments. After Li Anping completed the transformation of the Hell Map, his body was able to adapt to 99% of the environment in the universe.

"Cosmic environment?" Li Anping looked around. Even if he exhausted his eyesight, it was difficult to see the existence of the planet. He could only see bright stars in the far distance.

While observing these stars in the universe, Li Anping compared them with the memories in his mind, but did not find any similarities.

This place no longer belongs to any galaxy known to humans.

'That woman, is she using the ability of space transmission? '

In the vacuum of the universe, Li Anping still did not see the slightest panic on his face, but calmly thought about the other party's ability.

‘But simple space teleportation can’t teleport me to such an unknown galaxy.’

‘Or is this a place that the Star Alliance discovered by accident?’

‘Is it an illusion? Or is this really space?’

Thinking of this, Li Anping raised his right hand and suddenly punched in front of him.

There was no sound, no air, and no shock wave. Li Anping’s punch on the earth was enough to turn the world upside down, but here, not even a ripple was produced.

Li Anping frowned for the first time.

When Li Anping was temporarily controlled by the alien exile, a fight also started in Tianjing City.

Pluto slowly walked on the street, and as he walked, one after another, the Templar Knights came out of his body.

Four thousand four hundred and fifty-four Templar Knights, like a big grinding wheel of flesh and blood, turned countless policemen, civilians, and innocent people with abilities into pieces of flesh and blood.

Every Templar Knight is a warrior who grew up in the sea of ​​fire and swords. They have been wandering on the edge of life and death for many years, and regard killing as an instinct like eating and drinking.

The power armor on them can make them extremely powerful. They can walk fast, and they have an indestructible chainsaw sword. The fighting will of fanatics and their different superpowers make it easy for them to face ordinary people like cutting melons and vegetables.

But they are not just facing ordinary people.

"Get out of here!"

The violent golden energy rushed up into the sky, and along with the roar of Jin Guang, the terrible energy cannon exploded directly in the crowd, and more than twenty Templar Knights were directly killed by this blow.

Jin Guang wanted to attack again, but a holy light had already passed through the crowd. It directly tore a hole in his waist.

"Lord, forgive his sins, this pagan has no idea who he is facing."

A knight who was dressed in a higher level than the knights around him came out, and the scarlet cloak floated behind him like a sea of ​​blood. And the light just now was shot from his fingertips.

The deputy leader of the Knights Templar, the light of God-Alexander.

"Level 5 ability user!" Yan Bei's pupils shrank slightly on the other side. The other party did not hide his energy at all. The momentum of the fifth energy level was as obvious as the light in the dark.

Seeing that Jin Guang was seriously injured by the other party, he stretched out his palm and the collapse ability was about to be activated.

But just when he raised his hand, a rapier stabbed directly at his palm like a black poisonous snake. Yan Bei was forced to change the direction of the ability and directly apply the collapse to the location of the rapier.

But the rapier seemed to have known it in advance. The sword turned directly, bypassing the collapse force field, and directly took a large piece of flesh and blood from Yan Bei's hand.

Next, the sword holder did not give up. The rapier was like a poisonous snake that could not be shaken off. It kept moving around and tore open one cut after another on Yan Bei's body. In a short time, Yan Bei's feet were already bleeding.

Facing Yan Bei's collapse attack, he easily dodged it with a hair's breadth.

While attacking, he had time to command the nearby knights.

"After cleaning up this place, surround the building that the Star Alliance said, and no one can be allowed in."

The surrounding knights shouted: "Yes!"

'Another level 5 ability user. ' Yan Bei's eyes flashed with a trace of solemnity.

He also took this opportunity to glance around, but saw that the people on the street had turned into corpses, and several knights were finishing off one by one. The other Dragon Bird Guards who had come with them had also been chopped down by dozens of knights.

When Yan Bei saw a knight chop off the head of a Dragon Bird Guard and show off to his companions around him, a hint of a grim smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


Dozens of collapse force fields appeared around Yan Bei at the same time, and hundreds of knights were turned into nothingness in an instant. But the level 5 ability user who attacked Yan Bei with a sword seemed to be able to predict Yan Bei's attack in advance, and he moved lightly and perfectly avoided all of Yan Bei's attacks.

Looking at the hundreds of knights who disappeared around him, the man with the sword licked the blood on the sword, smiled and ordered: "You go first, I want to drain his blood myself bit by bit."

The man who attacked Yan Bei with a rapier was another deputy leader of the Knights Templar, the Eye of God - Walford.

In front of Momo, a map of Tianjing City appeared on the display screen. The green part on it represents the part where the power system is intact, and the red part represents the part where the power grid is completely paralyzed.

On the entire map, the red part is spreading to the entire Tianjing at a speed visible to the naked eye. If this continues, it will take less than five minutes for the entire Tianjing to be paralyzed.

And it’s not just the city power grid that has been attacked.

Behind Momo, Liu Sheng pushed open the door and walked in. He shouted: "What’s going on, Momo? Why is the Internet disconnected in a large area? And why can’t our communication system be used?"

"I’m still checking." Momo said without turning his head. On the screen in front of him, the data was constantly refreshing like a waterfall. On his hands, ten fingers extended a total of ten thought lines connected to the supercomputer, which meant that he was operating the computer with all his strength.

"An unknown strong magnetic field enveloped the entire Tianjing, and all communication equipment has lost its function."

Yagyu frowned and said, "Can you repair it?"

"I don't know."

At this moment, a loud bang was heard, and the ground under the feet of the two people made a series of terrible tremors, as if there was an earthquake.

Yagyu lay on the ground and frowned, "What happened again?"


At the gate of the Daxia Longque underground base.

Tianhou, Song Bang, and Zhurong stood side by side.

A huge palm made entirely of stone and soil was slowly retreating from the gate of the base.

This is the giant hand created by the White Dwarf with his power. As for his real body, no one knows where it is hiding deep underground in Tianjin.

Looking at the base gate that was punched open by the White Dwarf, Song Bang sneered: "I didn't expect that I would come back like this."

Zhu Rong shrugged: "Let's go, let's meet old friends."

The Queen of Heaven didn't say a word, but just followed the footsteps of the two, as if walking in her own garden, and walked towards the depths of the base.

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