Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 51: The Battle of the Century (2)

When people hear gunshots, their reactions are different. The first reaction of ordinary people is to run away directly, while the first thing for trained police or people with special abilities is to determine the location of the gunshot and then choose a shelter.

Before the gunshots came, Li Anping had already seen where Yulia was. He could see her eyes, her face, and even every pore on her cheeks.

Almost at the same time as he saw the sniper rifle in the other party's hand, Li Anping's brain had calculated where the other party's gun was aimed. So almost at the same time as Yulia pulled the trigger, he had already blocked his right hand in front of his forehead.

But it was useless. Because Yulia's must-hit gun does not need a trajectory or a barrier at all. When the trigger is pulled, it means a hit.

The moment the bullet was fired, it came directly in front of Li Anping.

It ignored the mind energy, ignored the void force field, ignored Li Anping's right hand, ignored all obstacles between the two, and directly touched Li Anping's forehead in a zero-distance way.


Penetration, thermal energy, electromagnetic, radiation, none of the powerful attacks imagined came, the bullet that hit Li Anping's forehead only splashed a little blood.

'Blood? ' Li Anping's nose smelled bloody, but the bullet just now might be able to penetrate the head of an ordinary person, but it would definitely not break Li Anping's skin.

So where did the blood come from?

Smelling the bloody smell from the tip of his nose, Li Anping reacted instantly: 'This is not my blood. Just to let the blood splash on me? Is this the premise for activating a certain ability? '

On the other side, when the bullet hit Li Anping. Yulia and Shang Zhenhai looked at the person standing behind them together. It was a tall woman with wheat-colored skin and many small braids on her head.

"Activate the ability!"

"Barnes, hurry up!"

The woman called Barnes put her hands together at this moment, and the mind energy on her body began to burn violently in an instant. It seemed that she was about to activate her ability in the next moment.

When he realized that blood was the prerequisite for the other party to activate his ability, Li Anping had already bent his legs slightly.

He did not waste time to judge what the other party's ability was, or how to crack it.

Because he knew that no matter how powerful the ability was. As long as the ability holder died, it would lose its effect.

So when everyone around him had not yet reacted and just realized that there was a shooting, Li Anping had already jumped lightly and flew in the direction of Shang Zhenhai and the other two.

With a loud bang, the car under Li Anping's feet had turned into a pile of scrap metal, and he himself had crossed a distance of more than 500 meters. Appeared in front of Shang Zhenhai and the other two.

Yulia, Shang Zhenhai, and Barnes appeared in front of him at the same time.

Yulia carried a gun, Shang Zhenhai was on guard, and only Barnes put his hands together, obviously activating his ability.

So after appearing in front of the three people, Li Anping directly retracted his arms and bent his elbows. A straight punch hit Barnes's position in the air.

As the punch was thrown, the air became violent in an instant, like a mad Tyrannosaurus Rex, with enough force to shatter people, and blasted towards Barnes.

The white bombardment wave cut through the sky at this moment. The terrible momentum could be seen by almost the entire Tianjing.

But after throwing this punch that was enough to make the world change color, Li Anping frowned.

Because this punch. Didn't hit anyone.

At the moment when Li Anping threw the punch, Yulia, Shang Zhenbang, and Barnes all disappeared.

The three people disappeared directly like ghosts, making Li Anping's punch completely miss.

"Invisibility? Teleportation? Or what ability?"

While thinking about these, Li Anping's mind energy swept across the space of hundreds of meters around him unscrupulously, and immediately found that the three people who had just disappeared had left the roof of the building and came to the tenth floor of the building.

Sensing the location of the other party, Li Anping's body shook slightly, and he had already sprinted in the air to the position of the tenth floor, and then he rushed directly towards the three people.

Wherever he passed, there was a series of crackling sounds, and everything, whether it was glass windows, walls, desks or iron cabinets, was smashed to pieces in an instant.

But before Li Anping came to them, the woman named Barnes suddenly shouted, and the mind energy on her body dissipated by half in an instant.

Ability, activated successfully.

On the other side, after Li Anping soared into the sky, the people around him screamed immediately. Whether it was the previous gunshots or the situation that Li Anping soared into the sky and the car was directly crushed, it was enough to scare them.

So the riots were born, and all the ordinary people ran around like headless flies, fleeing to all the places they thought were safe.

At this time, the role of the police began to appear, they tried to appease the crowd and reduce the damage.

Behind Li Anping, Jin Guang frowned: "Something is wrong. I can't contact the headquarters."

"Me too." Yan Bei grinned: "It seems that there are really people who don't know how to live or die."

Jin Guang whispered: "There can't be any problem with His Majesty. Anyway, calm the crowd first."

The next moment, Jin Guang's body was filled with energy, and he had transformed into a blond and blue-eyed transformation, and rushed towards the crowd. Wherever he passed, everyone was directly overwhelmed by the majestic thought energy like the sea and fell to the ground. Even those with abilities were not surprised. Faced with the overwhelming thought energy, no one could resist for a moment.

The crowd was calmed down as quickly as possible, and the commotion disappeared as quickly as it came.

But at this moment, a shrill scream suddenly sounded from the crowd.

When Jin Guang heard the sound, he turned around and saw that the scream came from a man. A violently rotating chain saw sword struck his waist, and then cut the man in half like a tree. A man in power armor held up a chain saw and slashed at the crowd, laughing wildly.

"Death! Infidels!"

This was like a signal to start. Almost not a second after the man's screams ended, a large number of Templar Knights appeared in the crowd. They all wore power armor, held chain saws and swords, and used a kind of He looked at the crowd with bloodthirsty eyes.

He shouted: "Accept the judgment of the Lord! Sinful pagans!"

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