Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 50: The Battle of the Century (1)

Tianjing, on Twelfth Avenue.

One o'clock in the afternoon.

There were bustling crowds on both sides of the avenue, and the central road was blocked by horizontal bars.

There are more than ten kilometers of similar roads, which were the route of Li Anping's parade.

Many ordinary people in Daxia, as well as foreigners traveling to Daxia, stood on both sides of the road, waiting to watch the parade.

In the sky, a helicopter flew over from time to time. They were all reporters from the TV station, preparing to shoot the parade from the air and broadcast the parade live from beginning to end.

On the streets during the parade, a police officer stood every few meters, ready to maintain law and order.

Xi Lan, who came from a small country, and his master were also standing on the street at the moment, looking at the excited crowd around them with curiosity and expectation.

Unlike most ordinary people, the most important purpose for people with abilities like him to watch this parade is to take a look at Li Anping. The man who is currently recognized as the strongest in the world and has the power of a god.

He is like a peak, enough for countless capable people to look up to.

As one of the ability users, Xi Lan naturally wanted to see with his own eyes what this Li Anping looked like. This is completely different from watching TV.

Xi Lan looked at the growing crowd around him and sighed: "There are so many people. Our Star doesn't have so many people even during the Chinese New Year."

His master said: "Of course, our entire country only has more than two million people, and here in Daxia, Tianjing has a permanent population of more than 30 million, plus the foreigners who came here today. Like today This situation is expected to last for several days.”

However, although there were many people, there was a faint layer of thought energy surrounding the two of them. Although ordinary people around them were very close to them, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't really squeeze in. They are like two rocks in the sea, standing here despite the wind and rain.

Master suddenly remembered something and reminded: "By the way, if Li Anping appears later, don't sweep him away with your thoughts. Do you understand?"

Xi Lan said impatiently: "I know, I know. The ambassador has said it many times, and I feel like the calluses are coming out of my ears."

The master shook his head: "Although he talked a lot, he was right this time. Just remember."

Xi Lan nodded casually, suddenly narrowed his eyes, pointed to the other side of the street and said, "Master, look, that person is so strange."

His master looked in the direction pointed by Xi Lan and saw a man in a black coat walking slowly among the crowd. The reason why he is strange. It's just that he looks very strange. Although he wears a hat and a coat, his gray skin can still be seen vaguely under the clothes.

There are currently no gray-skinned humans.

However, his master was not surprised and just said: "It should be a bloodline or mutation type ability user. There are so many ability users in Tianjing now. You can see all kinds of mess."

Although Xi Lan agreed with what the teacher said, she still felt that the man was very strange in her heart. But when he turned around and looked again, the man had already disappeared.

On the other side, the strange gray-skinned man passed through the crowd and walked into a deserted alley. And behind him. One police officer patted his colleague and said, "That guy is a little weird."

"Which guy?"

"Forget it. I'll go take a look." After saying that, he followed in.

The police turned into a deserted alley and saw a man walking slowly in front of him.

"Hey, wait a minute." The policeman quickly chased after him and stopped two meters behind the strange man. He put one hand on the gun on his waist and asked, "Are you an esper? Have you registered?" "?"

The man didn't speak, he just lowered his head and turned around slowly.

"Hey, I want to ask you something." The policeman saw the gray flesh on the other person's chin, frowned and said, "What's the matter with you? Take off your hat."

The man smiled, slowly raised his palm, and took off the hat. With this action, his entire face was exposed to the man.

It was a face like that of a dead person, with gray-white cheeks and pure white eyes without pupils. He could act in a zombie movie without makeup.

It was obviously the first time that the policeman saw such a horrified face, and he subconsciously took a step back. However, he seemed to realize that it was not polite to do so. He was about to say something, but found that the man had already rushed towards him.

When he had just half pulled out the pistol from his waist, the man's gray-white palms had already covered his entire face.

The next moment, his entire body seemed to be twisted into a ball of noodles and sucked directly into the man's palm.

When he opened his eyes again, he could only see a gray sky and a bloody moon hanging in front of him.

In front of him, stood thousands of Templars wearing power armor and holding chainsaws and swords.

At the moment when the policeman disappeared, this information had been transmitted upwards layer by layer at an extremely fast speed. First, his colleagues reported to the leadership, and then the police submitted it to Daxia Longque.

So five minutes later, the two Dragon Bird guards were teleported directly to the alley where the incident occurred, but the other party did it very cleanly, and the policeman could not leave anything behind.

After some investigation, the two Dragon Bird Guards found nothing, and the missing policeman was still not found.

So they applied to use the intelligence network.

This information was directly uploaded to Liu Feng and Liu Sheng, who quickly approved the request and forwarded it to Momo.

Deep in the base of Daxia Longque, Momo connected the mind energy on his finger to the supercomputer and was doing new work. Suddenly, he received an application to use the intelligence network. He didn't think much about it and just entered the name of the missing policeman into the intelligence network.

Government personnel like this, who are in Tianjing, are all monitored by Li Qian's ability.

"Wang Zheng?" He muttered the name, and the relevant information about Wang Zheng immediately popped up on the screen.

"Wang Zheng had a fried egg sandwich in the morning, and then began to prepare for the security task during the parade..."

Momo began to scroll down quickly, and he jumped directly to the end, wanting to see where he disappeared.

"Wang Zheng followed Hades to the alley..."

"Hades sucked Wang Zheng into the underworld..."

Reading this, Momo's breathing had unconsciously become heavier.

"Wang Zheng was stabbed in the chest by Knight Claude of the Knights Templar..."

"Wang Zheng died..."

Momo looked at the information in disbelief and shouted, "How is it possible?"

"The Pluto should have died, how could he appear again? Could it be someone with the same name?"

"No, there is the underworld, could it really be the Pluto?"

Just then, the computer suddenly sounded an alarm.

"What's going on?" Momo looked at the screen with a serious face. Under his operation, a large number of numbers were swiped down from the screen like a waterfall?

The information displayed on the screen showed that a large-scale power outage began to occur throughout Tianjing.


Just as the senior management of Daxia Longque began to investigate the abnormality in front of them, Li Anping stood on a specially made car and began a parade. He smiled and waved to the people on both sides of the street. Every wave could bring a large number of cheers.

But when Daxia Longque discovered the existence of the Pluto and a large-scale power outage occurred in the city, he did not change on the surface, but he was murderous in his heart.

The terrifying spirit surged out of his body in an instant, dispersing in all directions like a tsunami.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Li Anping is still Li Anping. But in the eyes of the ability users, Li Anping at this moment is simply like the incarnation of hell.

The spirit rushed with strong malice and slaughtered hundreds of millions of humans. At this time, Li Anping seemed to have a strong smell of blood in his spirit.

The surrounding Jin Guang and Yan Bei were the first to turn pale, feeling that they were in front of the gate of hell.

This is when Li Anping did not target them, but simply checked the surroundings.

Some ordinary ability users on the street were even more unbearable. They were either pale or trembling, as if they were crawling in front of the only king in the world, fearing that any transgression would be hit by thunder.

On a high building 500 meters away from Li Anping, Shang Zhenhai looked at the black spirit in the air and his heart sank.

'Exposed. Which bastard is so careless. ’

He turned his head and looked to the side. Yulia was holding a giant sniper rifle more than two meters long, aiming at Li Anping.

Shang Zhenhai looked at the spirit that was close at hand and was about to sweep them. He didn't care that Li Anping could hear his voice and shouted directly: "Yulia!"

"Damn it, I know." Yulia was sweating nervously, and the scope was aimed at Li Anping's eyebrows.

The next moment, Li Anping turned his head and looked at her position. That expression seemed to be able to see him five hundred meters away. Just a glance made Yulia's heart almost slow down.

"Go to hell! Monster!"

The trigger was pulled, and with Yulia's roar, the bullet that was sure to hit had been fired.

The sound of the gun directly resounded through several blocks, and with this shot, it also represented that a century-long battle belonging to the highest force of mankind had begun.

The strong lose, the stronger win; this is a war for the strong.

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