Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 53: The Battle of the Century (4)

The auditorium of the palace was now full of people.

Among them are the heads of the nine royal families, powerful figures in the country, and representatives from various companies and groups. In addition to these domestic ones, there are also many ambassadors from foreign countries.

All of them were invited to attend Li Anping's enthronement ceremony to observe the ceremony.

But at this time, the loud noise and the sound of a suspected explosion coming from outside the auditorium made them suspicious.

Emma, ​​who was sitting in the front row, couldn't sit still. She called Zuo Mai, who was responsible for the security of the auditorium.

"What's going on? What's the noise outside?"

"I don't know." Zuomai's eyes were a little nervous: "Our communicator suddenly stopped working. I've sent people to see what's going on, but no one has come back yet."

Emma then realized that the communication system was not working. He looked at his mobile phone and found that it was indeed the case.

She stood up suddenly: "No, I have to go take a look."

Zuo Mai stopped him and whispered: "Sir, you'd better stay here. Once you leave, I'm afraid it will cause everyone uneasiness."

When Emma heard this, she subconsciously looked at the guests around her, and found that everyone was looking at her who suddenly stood up with doubts in their eyes.

Zuo Mei advised again: "Don't worry, sir, His Majesty is here. And even if there is a problem with the communication system, if anything happens, the teleportation team will come and notify us."

The teleportation troops Zuo Mei mentioned were the troops Xia Liekong met on the street last time. They are stationed at the center of Tianjing's defense array and can teleport themselves to any corner of Tianjing at any time through the phase matrix.

Just when the two were halfway talking. An old man's voice suddenly came from behind.

"What? Did something happen?"

The two of them turned around and saw that Fang Yuhuang had arrived behind them at some point. He was looking at them both with a smile.

Zuo Mai said calmly: "It's nothing, just some minor problems. Your Majesty will be here in a moment, Mr. Fang, you'd better take your seat as soon as possible."

Fang Yuhuang smiled and shook his head: "Well, I usually sit too much in Baiyue, so I just want to stand more. Let's talk. If you need help with anything, please come to me at any time."

Zuo Mai smiled. He and Emma watched Fang Yuhuang leave.

Emma said coldly: "Old fox."

"Yes, so sir, as the only fifth-level person here, you'd better not leave."

When Emma was about to nod, her eyes suddenly froze, as if she was listening to some voice. The next moment she frowned and said to Zuoyi: "I'm sorry. I have to leave for a while."

Before Zuo Mei could stop him, he saw Emma suddenly take a step back, and her entire body fell into a dark portal and disappeared in an instant.

Emma's disappearance also caused a commotion in the auditorium. Originally, mobile phones, communicators and other things could not contact the outside world, which already made everyone feel that something was wrong. Now even Daxia's fifth-level ability user Emma has disappeared, which makes everyone realize that something is wrong.

But Emma was no longer in the mood to care about this. When she stepped out of the portal, she had arrived a hundred meters underground in the center of Tianjing City.

This is the center of the entire Tianjing City, and it was also the control center when the defense array was originally deployed. So Emma is very familiar with the location and coordinates here. Only then can you open the portal at will and come over. She had come here with the doctor quite a lot.

In the silver-white room, it is still a familiar environment. It just seemed like there were some new instruments that Emma couldn't understand. And the doctor was still standing in front of a computer, typing on the keyboard quickly, just like she had seen every time she came here.

She hadn't seen this scene for a long time since the construction of the defense array was completed. After all, since then, the doctor no longer cared about the defense array, but immersed himself in the research of the Eighth Research Institute.

Looking at the doctor's back, Emma shouted: "Why did you ask me to come here?"

The doctor said calmly: "Tianjing was attacked, and more than ten level five ability users were involved."

Li Qian didn't believe it: "What? How is it possible? Are you kidding me? If this is the case, Your Majesty..."

"Li Anping is missing. He seems to have been teleported away by the other party using unknown means."

"How is that possible?" Li Qian still didn't believe it.

The doctor ignored her and just said in a calm tone: "In order to prevent the furious Li Anping from tearing these intruders to pieces together with me when he comes back, I think we should work hard to reduce Tianjing's losses."

"Are you serious?" Seeing that the doctor didn't seem to be joking at all, he asked doubtfully: "Then just activate the defense array, teleport our people together, separate and surround the other party. And then transmit the sound Give it to them and tell them what’s going on.”

"I can't do it." The doctor sighed: "Not to mention teleporting and changing the attributes of space, just passing a sentence into your ears is already my limit. The only remaining function of the phase matrix now is monitoring. One item.”

"What's going on?" Li Qian shouted.

The doctor simply explained: "It's not clear yet. I just roughly checked that the gravitational coefficient of the entire Tianjing area has been modified by someone. This person made the change in gravity interfere with the vibrating strings in all dimensions, causing me to The phase matrix loses its ability to operate in space."

"What?" Emma looked at the doctor stupidly: "Can you speak human language? And why can my portal still be used?"

The doctor sighed: "Because our abilities seem to have similar effects, but the principles are different. The phase matrix is ​​to change the real four-dimensional world by influencing the high-dimensional space-time above four dimensions. And your portal does not require this kind of high-dimensional operation, but just connects two unconnected space slices in our world."

The doctor glanced at Emma, ​​and saw that the other party looked like listening to a book of heaven, and sighed deeply again: "When I built the defense array a year ago, I suggested that you apply for the Department of Physics of Tianjing University. If you do as I say, your current application of your own abilities can at least double your combat effectiveness."

"Okay, okay." Emma said impatiently: "Now the situation is so critical, don't say these things. In short, my ability is useful, your ability is useless, now you have to rely on me."

The doctor nodded helplessly and pointed to the image in front of him, which was the only monitoring ability left by the phase matrix.

"Three level 5 users are attacking the base of Daxia Longque."

"Two more level 5 users are fighting Jin Guang and Yan Bei on Seventh Avenue. I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on for long."

"More than 4,000 armed personnel have just ended the massacre on the street and surrounded a building."

"There are three level 5 users on the building. They are the ones who just teleported Li Anping away. But they are still staying where they are. Their purpose is not clear for the time being."

"There are three more level 5 users rushing towards the airport. I guess their purpose is to snipe Bai Xinghe."

"There is another level 5 user destroying the power grid. It won't be long before the entire Tianjing will be paralyzed except for places with backup power supplies."

"As for the military..."

As the doctor spoke, he called up several blurry pictures, from which we can see that in the distance of the city, there are many destroyed armored and semi-mechanized troops.

"Although we can't contact the outside world for the time being, there are at least three level 5 ability users who are slaughtering all the troops that have come. For the time being, we don't need to think about support. We just hope that the army can use human lives to hold back these three ability users."

At this point, the doctor frowned, and the phase matrix directly cut the screen to the sky above the palace. Countless figures fell from the sky. They all wore masks and black combat uniforms. They fell from the sky to the palace without any cover, even without parachutes. There were tens of thousands of people.

The doctor and Emma didn't think they would come to commit mass suicide.

Emma took a deep breath. She didn't expect the situation to be so bad. She looked at the doctor seriously and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"You are the only one who can quickly transmit messages in Tianjing City." The doctor said at a very fast speed: "First, I want you to go to this location. Xia Liekong is there. I want you to explain the situation to him and then take him to support the base of Daxia Longque."

"Then give this thing to Momo." As he said, the doctor handed an unknown device the size of a palm to Emma's hand: "Someone is manipulating a magnetic field covering the entire Tianjing, causing all our communication equipment to lose contact. You give this thing to Momo, which should help him temporarily restore communication."

Emma nodded and put the thing in her arms.

"While you are doing this, I will readjust and rebuild the entire defense array. I can probably buy ten minutes before the opponent changes the gravity coefficient next time, and then you need to help me defend here during this time."

"Defend the control center?" Emma was suddenly shocked: "Is someone going to attack here?"

"Yes, the distortion source that changes the gravity coefficient is approaching here, but he should not know the specific entrance and location. Counting the time for searching, it is enough for you to go back and forth."

Seeing Emma nodded, the doctor continued: "Well, ten minutes after the remake is completed, I will try my best to reduce the losses in Tianjin and eliminate the opponent through the defense array. The living force of the party. And you have to protect me during this time. "

Emma nodded heavily: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

The doctor took a deep look and said slowly: "Let me remind you first, judging from the means they have shown now, I am afraid that they have gathered the highest combat power of several countries. We are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. The only thing we can do is to delay time until Li Anping comes back, and before that, you may face more than one level 5 ability user.

If you can't bear it by then, use that. "

Not hearing the imagined answer, the doctor turned his head and found that Emma had disappeared.

"What an impatient person. "

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