Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 16: Prelude (2)

There are still two days before Li Anping ascends the throne.

In the Western Continent, the Canonization Province of the Code Kingdom, in an underground cave somewhere.

The loud hymns echoed throughout the underground space. On the huge square, there were thousands of men wearing metal power armor. They were the Templars of the Truth Church.

At this moment, they all knelt on one knee, clasped their hands tightly in front of their chests, and prayed quietly to the holy statue in the middle of the square. Thousands of Templars prayed in unison, matching the hymns in the space, giving people a strange sense of holiness.

"What are we!"

"Swords and pistols!"

"What are we!"

"Kill all the evil spirits in the darkness!"

"What we ask for!"

"Please the Lord's mercy, and go to hell together to wipe out all human evil!"

Accompanied by the uniform prayers of thousands of people, three tall men slowly walked towards the holy statue in the center. They were wearing black cloaks that covered their entire bodies.

But even so, with every step they took, one could still hear the sound of metal colliding. These three people were the Grand Master and the Deputy Master of the Knights Templar.

At this moment, in the underground cave, except for the knights led by Deputy Master Krahn who went to Xindongyang but were completely wiped out, all 4,454 Knights Templar of the Truth Church had arrived.

With one prayer after another, the atmosphere on the scene became more and more fanatical. Under the illumination of the lights, the shadows under the feet of the Knights Templar danced like demons.

The three men shrouded in cloaks finally walked under the statue.

The leader gently lifted the cloak on his head. A head of white-gold hair was revealed. It was a very rare hair color, and it fell in this dim cave. It actually emitted a faint fluorescence, making the man look full of holiness.

Under the prayers of the 4,454 Knights Templar around him, he slowly knelt on one knee and stretched out his hands under the cloak. It was a pair of very clean and powerful hands, as if they were not stained with a bit of worldly dust.

And now, this pair of white hands gently pressed on the ground. It was like a holy angel coming to the world.

At the moment when his hands touched the ground, nine gray thoughts gushed out from the ground. The nine thoughts were like nine gates leading to the endless underground world. Nine corridors that could only accommodate one person were directly opened on the ground.

In the superpower sequence, the strongest ability known in the theory of external system, the Land of the Underworld - was activated at this moment.

When this ability was activated, the prayers around became louder and louder, as if the holy war was about to begin, and every Templar Knight showed a burst of fanatical smiles on his face.

"We pray for the blessing of heaven!"

"Until the end of the earth. Everything belongs to the Lord!"

"We are the punishers of God on earth!"

"With the wrath of heaven, burn all the sins in the world!"

In the nine dark passages, something seemed to rise up. Along with the prayers of the knights, more thoughts were thrown into the passages from the man's body.

A terrible roar came from the depths of the passage, and a dark hand stretched out from the passage.

The surface of the entire passage seemed to be covered with an invisible barrier. And this hand stretched out by squeezing the thin black barrier.

First the hand, then the arm, shoulder, and even the head.

It turned out that a person wanted to get out of the passage?

But no matter how hard the person tried. The black film never broke, like a layer of solid plastic wrap. It tightly wrapped the surface of the figure, making him look like a dark ghost, angrily trying to crawl out of hell.

In this situation, the man who activated the ability suddenly shouted, and more mental energy rushed out from the passage. As more mental energy rushed out, the black ghost seemed to get help and rushed up suddenly.

With a puff, as if the barrier of the world was broken, the black film burst, and the figure under the film instantly drilled out of the passage.

Then there were eight consecutive shots, and a total of nine people drilled out of the passage.

They were naked from head to toe, and their skin was all a strange gray, especially their eyes, which had no pupils at all, and were completely white.

The first man who crawled out slowly stood up. He scratched his head and muttered, "Where is this? I remember I was with Li Anping..."

"You are dead."

The man who climbed up looked unconvinced. He looked at the knight with golden hair and said angrily, "What are you talking about? Who are you? Where is this place? Do you know that I am..."

"Song Bang, a level 5 ability user of Daxia Dragon Bird." The knight smiled and said, "My name is Paladin, the Grand Master of the Knights Templar. Song Bang, you are dead, but I pulled you back into the world.

Although the time to stay is only three days, you have a chance to take revenge."

But Song Bang ignored him, but stared at his gray body blankly, and said to himself in disbelief, "I am dead... I am actually dead?"

The other eight people were all attracted by the conversation between the two.

Seeing that they all looked over, Paladin smiled and said, "Everyone, you should all remember how you died, right?"

"Song Bang."

"Thunder Emperor."

"Blood Demon."

"Zhu Rong."


"Qilin King."


"And Krahn." As Paladin called the names, the people in front of him looked over one by one: "You all died at the hands of Li Anping, more or less. Now I wake you up from hell to give you a chance to take revenge."

The Qilin King snorted coldly and said with a rebellious look: "What if I say no?"

Paladin shook his head and snapped his fingers lightly.

The Qilin King's face changed immediately. A black substance emerged from the ground, like layers of mud, along the Qilin King's legs, gradually wrapped him up completely, and finally dragged him back to the underground passage and disappeared completely.

Paladin said coldly: "Then, who else disagrees?"

Except for Krahn, who looked respectful, the remaining eight people had different expressions, but no one objected.

So the Templars then gave clothes and armor to the eight level 5 ability users. However, their grayish-white faces and pure white eyes made them look more like zombies than humans.

Then each of them was given a piece of information, which recorded some of the situations that happened after their death, as well as a rough estimate of Li Anping's current strength.

Among them, Song Bang's reaction was the biggest. His face kept changing, and he shouted, "How is it possible? Li Anping, that bastard, how could he... How could he..."

The reactions of Thunder Emperor and Blood Demon were also not good. They didn't expect that after they died, the world would change so much, and Li Anping's strength rose rapidly, reaching an incredible level.

In contrast, the other few ability users who died later were not so surprised. After all, when they were killed, Li Anping's combat power was already amazing. However, the development of Daxia in the past year and the power shown by Li Anping in Xindongyang are still enough to shock them.

Hades said coldly: "Counting the eight dead people here, plus the three of you, there are a total of eleven level five ability users. But even so, they may not be able to deal with Li Anping now."

Behind Paladin, a man also took off his cloak. This middle-aged man with silver hair had a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything.

He was one of the three vice-leaders of the Knights Templar, the Eye of God, Walford.

"That's right. With the fighting power of everyone present, it may not be possible to defeat Li Anping now. And as time goes by, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and there is not much time left for us.

So we must hurry up. The sooner we eliminate it, the lower the danger. And this time, it's not just our family that besieged Li Anping."

After hearing this, Hades and others looked different. Walford didn't care. He suddenly turned his head and looked into the crowd: "There."

With Walford's words, Tang Weihan, who was disguised in the crowd, felt a palpitation, and felt that his heartbeat seemed to stop at this moment.

In front of him, there were eleven level five ability users.

Just when he was feeling lucky, Walford actually walked straight towards him.

Without any doubt or pause, he walked straight in front of Tang Weihan.

Behind him, the other ten level five ability users looked at him at the same time. Feeling the eyes of these monsters, Tang Weihan's heart sank.

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