Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 47: Prelude (3)

The day before Li Anping ascended the throne, it was six o'clock in the evening.

Amestrian Federation, City in the Sky.

The conference room was filled with smoke. The ashtray on the round table was filled with cigarettes and ashes. On the side are various documents, forms, photos, and half-eaten meals.

At this time, Lestat, who was like an ancient nobleman, slapped his palm on the conference table and shouted: "How long will we continue to discuss? It is now six o'clock in the afternoon, and we have up to thirty hours to take action. , but we are still sitting here leisurely discussing whether to participate in this operation or not! "

Vivian, who was also from a noble family, frowned and said: "This action is too hasty, and with Daxia's current strength, it is too dangerous to attack rashly. Besides, once so many level 5 ability users start fighting, do you think we can come back?" several?

It would be better for the Queen to take Violet, the Knights, and Li Anping to both sides. "

"Both sides will suffer?" Lestat sneered a few times, adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said with disdain: "Don't you understand yet? This will be a battle related to the direction of history. In this battle, we will win The winning side will become the master of the entire world in the next one hundred to two hundred years!"

Vivian did not answer, but looking at her disdainful expression, it was clear that she did not agree with Lestat's views at all.

At this time, Woody, who was wearing jeans, said: "I agree with Wei Wei'an. If we also participate in the war, then there will be more than 20 level five ability users gathered in this battle. What will be the result? There are too many variables. That’s not what we’re good at.”

Lestat snorted coldly: "Then are you just waiting for Li Anping to kill us one by one after he wins?" He turned to look at Judy Aino, who had been silent, and asked: "Head. You How to say."

Judy looked at the four level five ability users present, including Woody, Lestat, Vivian and Giant Shield, and said nothing. Instead, he asked the assistant on the side: "Is there any news from Tyrell?"

The assistant looked at the computer screen on the round table and shook his head: "Not yet... wait... they have news."

Judun became excited and shouted: "How about it, who will they send to Daxia?"

Beside Lestat, who was fighting, and Vivian and Woody, who were negotiating, all looked towards the assistant. As one of the three traditional powers in the Western Continent. Tyrell's actions were obviously crucial.

The assistant paused and said slowly: "They... gave up this operation."

"What?" Lestat said in disbelief, and immediately walked over to read the message from Tyrell in person.

As for Vivian, she nodded and said: "Obviously Tyrell is just waiting to see what happens, waiting for both of them to lose."

At this time, Woody had a different opinion: "Maybe, the villains in Annihilation Abyss are not that kind. Maybe they can't say it on the surface, but secretly they have already arrived in Tianjing, ready to trick us behind our backs at any time."

At this time, a group of people started arguing again, ranging from whether to participate in this operation to whether Tyrell had any conspiracy behind it and whether the Queen would betray them. Will those tin cans of the Knights ignore the conflict with them?

This is the difference between the Federation and the Codex State.

The Codex Country itself is a country of politics and religion, and is extremely united. After the Pope's words, the Knights Templar immediately went on an expedition to Daxia.

This won't work here in the Amestrian Federation. Although the president also hopes that they will participate in this operation, the opinions within the imaginary agency are not unified.

After all, they are not as united as the Order of Truth, they represent more than just themselves. There are also the interests of various factions and families within the federation.

This is complicated and deeply entangled. No one can figure it out.

There are too many difficulties for them to go to Daxia to participate in this unprecedented melee. First of all, who stays at the headquarters is a big problem.

Among the five people present, only Judy Aino had the right to make a decision, and only after she made her decision, the rest of the people present did not dare to object.

Therefore, the real purpose of the previous quarrel between several people was to impress Judy Aino, rather than to persuade the other party.

Among them, Giant Shield and Lestat supported the fight, while Woody and Vivian were relatively conservative and unwilling to wade into this muddy water.

Just when a few people were at a stalemate, Judy looked at her mobile phone and suddenly answered a call.

Seeing her answer the phone, the people who were arguing stopped unconsciously and all looked at Judy.

"Huh? Really?"

"Are you sure?"

Judy's eyes showed a look of surprise. After a moment, she nodded and put down the phone in her hand.

She looked at the eyes of several people looking over and smiled: "Do you still remember that we formed a combat planning team against Li Anping more than a year ago? They have achieved new results."

"You mean those nerds?" Judeng said amusedly: "You don't really believe them, do you? Their psychological warfare last time had no effect on me. But the lightsaber they made is quite useful. ”

Lestat wiped his glasses and said, "I heard that the Department of Defense spends thirty percent of its budget on this team, but in my opinion, they are just wasting money."

Judy shook her head: "It was just that the time we gave them was too short, but this time, their discovery was extraordinary."

Half an hour later, a tall, thin man walked into the conference room. He wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses and held a stack of folders in his hands. Facing the scrutinizing gazes of several level five ability users, his eyes were slightly evasive and unconfident.

Only Judy Aino looked at him with a friendly face and said: "Hello, Dr. Jim Parsons, I would like to ask you to introduce your latest invention to us."

Jim nodded and distributed the documents in his hand to the hands of several people present.

"Hello everyone, I think everyone here knows that mankind is currently very efficient in utilizing energy, from traditional coal, to oil, to now nuclear energy, even the most advanced nuclear fusion device in the federal laboratory. Probably only 0.7% of mass-to-energy conversion can be achieved.”

Vivian frowned and said, "You mean the hydrogen bomb?"

"Yes, ma'am." Jim nodded and continued: "In contrast, if matter can collide with antimatter, it will achieve nearly 100% mass-to-energy conversion, and the high-energy gamma rays it produces can destroy everything. "

Lestat's expression also became serious: "You mean you invented an anti-matter bomb?"

"It's not that simple, sir. Currently, the storage and control of antimatter is still a worldwide problem. You must know that the annihilation of antimatter and antimatter is 1054 times more powerful than the nuclear fission reaction, and..."

"Okay, Dr. Jim." Judy Aino stopped him from continuing and said bluntly: "We don't need to know the theory, just tell them what you have created."

"Okay ma'am." Jim said slowly: "After a series of painstaking research and using the protons and antiprotons in the federal laboratory, because of a coincidence, we accidentally created a controllable 6.6135 kilograms Protons and antiprotons, that is, 3.3067 kilograms each of protons and antiprotons.”

Giant Shield asked curiously: "Is this powerful? What use can it be? Is it more powerful than a nuclear bomb?"

Jim nodded and replied: "Each gram of positive matter and antimatter can produce about 180 trillion joules of energy, which is equivalent to a 60,000-ton nuclear bomb. And there are 3.3067 kilograms here, which is 3306 of 60,000-ton equivalent. times."

Hearing this, everyone, including Giant Shield, was horrified and moved when they heard this answer. It is equivalent to a two-hundred-million-ton nuclear bomb. It is enough power to destroy the world. Even level five ability users cannot turn a blind eye. Even most level five ability users cannot survive this kind of attack.

But Jim hadn't finished speaking yet. He looked at the document and continued: "But if the target is Li Anping, we think that compared to a simple bomb, by focusing the optical radiation of the annihilation reaction, the explosive performance of these protons and antiprotons can be quantified into a beam. , more effective.”

"We call it - the Light of Destruction."

Judy Aino asked coldly: "How powerful is he?"

"The light radiation is enough to kill the entire population of Tianjing. All the buildings will be instantly ignited, the entire city will be plunged into a sea of ​​fire, and everything will disappear in that flash of light."

"Very good." Judy Aino nodded and looked at Giant Shield, Lestat, Woody and Vivian: "I think we can change our plan."

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