Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 45: Prelude (1)

The essence of the immortality potion is the impurities left after the wild beasts devoured humans.

The wild beasts devoured humans, retained the essence, and concentrated it to supply Hui's body. The excess, or inferior part, was expelled from the body as impurities.

For Hui, this may be an impurity, but for most humans, it is a powerful treasure that can replenish vitality, strengthen physical fitness, and save lives.

And now in Xindongyang, after Hui's consciousness disappeared, the number of wild beasts is not large, but it still exists.

Thanks to the help of Takeuchi Qingta, the research institute captured several wild beasts, and by feeding them clones, it was difficult to save a batch of immortality potions for research. More than a dozen researchers who fed the wild beasts also sacrificed.

After all, the wild beasts' ability to ignore is too weird.

But it takes a lot of time for the wild beasts to produce immortality potions, and it often takes a year to produce a small bottle. With the disappearance of Hui's consciousness, the number of wild beasts has greatly decreased, so the institute has also given up the idea of ​​mass production through wild beasts. After a year, the vitality that can be provided is also negligible.

No one thought that the mass production of immortality potion could be developed in a short time. But a researcher accidentally discovered the connection between the two when studying Hui's cells.

Finally, he used Hui's cells as raw materials and reproduced the so-called immortality potion through artificial synthesis.

However, this is only the initial version, and the effect is far inferior to the original immortality potion. But in terms of supplementing vitality, it also has a very amazing effect, especially it can be mass-produced. This effect is very great.

Whether it is for the improvement of personal combat effectiveness. Or the improvement of the life span of the whole people, the improvement of medical care. There are huge effects.

Li Anping immediately allocated another group of people to start a large-scale excavation of Hui's flesh and blood to increase the production of immortality potion.

In the next few days, as the day of enthronement approached, the entire Tianjing looked peaceful on the surface, but underneath, it was surging.

Representatives from various countries came to Tianjing one by one. Among them, there are many agents and spies. They also came here for various purposes.

In addition, there are various challengers who came for the subsequent fighting competitions.

The entire Tianjing City has never been so lively. You can find a capable person on almost every street and see tourists from foreign countries.

But because of Li Anping's existence, no one dared to take the initiative to make trouble. No matter how turbulent the situation under the surface is, no one dared to take the initiative to cross the invisible line.

And with the news from the south, the Jihad Organization was completely annihilated by Yanbei and Fang Yuhuang. Its main leaders were even escorted to Tianjing by Fang Yuhuang himself, waiting to be tried.

Tianjing City has another level 5 capable person, and no one dared to make trouble.

But the overly calm situation, like the calm before the storm, made everyone in Daxia Longque inexplicably uneasy.


There are still three days before Li Anping ascends the throne.

In a dark secret room. The lights were suddenly turned on.

A man then opened his eyes. He was wearing a black hood on his head, and his appearance could not be seen clearly except for a pair of cold eyes. He was wearing a black combat uniform. The moment he woke up, the confusion in his eyes had turned into clarity.

The next moment. Three doors opened at the same time, and three two-meter-high tracked robots rushed in from three directions.

The man seemed to have expected this. Without any hesitation, he rushed towards one of the robots.

A hurricane suddenly rose in the secret room, and the wind hit the wall with a crackling sound.

Along with the man's impact, the place where he was standing originally crackled and a big pit was sunken.

With these noises, the man had appeared in front of a robot like a black lightning at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

Looking at the robot turning around, he punched it without saying a word.

The terrifying power came out with this punch, and directly rolled up waves of air in the air.

There was a loud bang, and the man's fist could be clearly seen hitting the robot's chest. First, a huge dent appeared, and then the waves-like undulations spread out in all directions with the man's fist as the center.

The metal shell turned into countless wrinkles in an instant, and then was torn apart under this terrible force. As the fist moved forward, more metal fragments splashed out. The man's fist was like a giant beast that devoured everything, and directly blasted a terrible hole in the chest of the huge robot in front of him.

Just as he retracted his fist, the two robots on the side turned around at the same time, and the automatic cannon aimed at the man in an instant, and the sparks of death lit up, but unfortunately the bullets could only hit the man's afterimage.

As the man ran at high speed in a Z shape, the robot quickly turned the machine gun, but no matter how fast they reacted, the sparks flying all over could only follow the man closely, but they could not catch up with him. The man could only go around behind the robot and finish it with another punch.

Through a wall in the secret room, it was a large group of researchers fiddling with various machines. What looked like a wall from the inside of the chamber was just a layer of glass to them.

A white-haired old man said calmly, "How is the data for number 73?"

The assistant beside him looked at the tablet in his hand, and the values ​​on it were constantly jumping.

"All have reached the sample values ​​of the mother." The assistant stroked his eyes and said excitedly: "Even in terms of strength, there is a transcendence."

The white-haired old man sighed: "It's a pity that except for the time in Emerald City, we have never been able to get the target sample, otherwise the data we get would be better."

At this moment, the man in the secret room was rushing towards the third robot. A machine gun bullet flew past his nose. Although he was not injured, it still tore the hood on his face.

The next second, with a bang, the man's entire arm sank into the robot's head. The entire robot stopped completely after a tremor.

But as the last robot was destroyed, the man's mask disappeared without a trace. It was directly torn into two halves and fell to the ground, exposing the man's head completely.

That was... a face exactly like Li Anping, but more cold and ruthless, giving people a robot-like cold feeling.

As the last robot was destroyed, the man's eyes regained a confused look. He pulled out his arm and stood there motionless, like a cold statue.

As the sound of snapping rang out, rows of lights lit up behind the old man. Under each row of lights, there were rows of men wearing masks and black combat uniforms, looking exactly the same, like men coming off an assembly line.

These men closed their eyes and were fixed in place by metal racks. No one moved at all. At first glance, they looked like rows of statues, emitting bursts of cold air.

If you stretch the camera, you can see that the entire secret room is built in a huge container cruise ship. On the deck of the cruise ship, there are soldiers with live ammunition everywhere.

Around the cruise ship are seven container cruise ships of the same size. On the bow of each cruise ship, there is a huge violet painted.

A total of eight container cruise ships of more than 10,000 tons are slowly moving towards the east of the Five Star Ocean.

The white-haired old man said lightly: "Have you completed the modulation?"

"All the sub-bodies are ready."

"What about the Star Alliance? Has the money been transferred?"

The assistant did not expect the other party to ask this, and said after a pause: "Uh, probably not yet."

"Well, you go and urge them. Also, how far is it from Daxia now?"

The assistant clicked on the tablet a few times and said: "About 800 kilometers. Counting the time spent on land, we should be able to arrive on time."

"Hehehehe." The white-haired old man showed a trace of cruelty on his face: "Then let this battle be a good test for my babies."

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