Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 2 Blood Sea Chapter 23 Funeral (6)

‘There is a question I have wanted to ask for a long time, will I die now? ’

‘Death? Hehehehe, have you ever thought that maybe when you accepted my power, the real Li Anping was already dead. You are just the resentment and hatred he left behind.

As long as the energy is enough to regenerate, you are immortal. Even if you really die, it will only be temporary. ’

‘Humph, nonsense. ’

Several soldiers in chemical protective suits walked carefully to the gate and surrounded Li Anping's broken body. They had to freeze Li Anping's body first, then wrap it up and transport it out. Every ability user, especially those with physical mutations, is the government's key research material.

The first few soldiers looked at Li Anping's body curiously, and suddenly their eyes showed incredible eyes. They found that Li Anping's body was actually squirming. Especially the huge hole in the chest, the muscles, blood vessels, and nerves under the neck squeezed down bit by bit, and rebuilt Li Anping's chest.

In the hollow, a thumb-sized heart could be seen growing out again attached to the blood vessels and began to beat slowly.

"This is..."

Suddenly, the corpse's eyes widened, and one hand grabbed a soldier's neck and threw him out.

"He's still alive!"


Li Anping stood up. In front of him were soldiers in chemical protection suits fleeing in panic, special forces soldiers holding firearms and waiting solemnly, and a sharpshooter with a sniper rifle scope aimed at him four hundred meters away.

The police in the command vehicle stared at him on the screen and gritted their teeth. The dignitaries heard the gunshots and hid in the auditorium and trembled.

Geng Zhong looked at Li Anping on the screen with his mouth wide open, and Huang Linjun's clenched fists trembled constantly.

The pervasive murderous intent seemed to fill Li Anping's side. At this moment, the soldiers wanted to kill him, the police wanted to kill him, and the dignitaries also wanted him dead.

Everyone wanted Li Anping to die. Kill this boy who broke the rules, shoot this murderous criminal, and beat this extremely dangerous person with abilities to death.

At this moment, the boy was fighting the whole world alone.

He roared.

"Why do you want to kill me!!"

A soldier fired first, and a series of bullets hit Li Anping's chest, bursting with blood, and knocked Li Anping's body back slightly.

As if reacting, after one shot, the rest of the soldiers also aimed at Li Anping and fired.

His flesh was opened by gunpowder, and his bones were shattered by bullets. But the next second, the granulation grew again, and the bones were squeezed together by muscles and gradually healed.

Roar! !

The boy roared like a beast, and a devil-like red light appeared in his eyes. His body suddenly swelled up under the effect of the energy explosion.

The next moment, he had disappeared in the soldiers' sights.

In the command vehicle, someone screamed inexplicably, Huang Linjun's eyes were bloodshot, and the shadow of Li Anping had long disappeared from the screen in front of him. All that can be seen is a fast-moving black shadow, a shaking camera, and gunshots and screams coming from the intercom.

"Group 2 calls for support!! Group 2 calls for support!!..."

"The target moves too fast, we can't snipe..."

"Group 3 reports... Sir, more than half of our personnel have been killed or injured, requesting to retreat... Say it again... Requesting to retreat..."

"Sir... We can't hold on... We... Ah..." There were a few soft sounds from the intercom. Then, after a scream, another group of people lost contact.

Suddenly, a lens on the sniper's body shook, followed by a meaningless picture, and a figure appeared. In his hand, the sniper's body was slowly sliding down.

Another sniper reacted immediately, and a huge roar sounded, and the figure was shot out diagonally. But he did not die, but after a quick crawl, he disappeared into the shadows.

Huang Linjun looked at the screen with red eyes, and he picked up the intercom on the other side.

"Colonel, the suspect is too dangerous. Please use weapons of mass destruction and send air fire support."

A faint voice came from the other end of the intercom.

"No need, let everyone retreat."

Huang Linjun was stunned and immediately said angrily: "How can this be done? The target has a strong antisocial tendency and can kill officials and soldiers without any psychological burden. We must kill him before he causes more casualties."

"Do not use any high-powered weapons. Let the remaining special forces soldiers evacuate quickly. The following actions are mainly to protect the safety of citizens."

Huang Linjun simply felt that this order was nonsense. He suddenly widened his eyes and shouted: "You are not Colonel Xin, who are you? Do you know how serious the consequences will be if you don't kill the suspect now?"

"Okay, Officer Huang, I am indeed not Colonel Xin. But I am the person in charge sent by the special service team this time, and we will take over the next matter. From now on, your temporary authority has been revoked. Order everyone on the scene to retreat. Remember not to have any direct conflict with the target."

"Sir..." Huang Linjun gritted his teeth.

The other party left a cold "This is an order" and ended the call.

The entire command vehicle was silent, and Huang Linjun punched the table hard. He had already guessed what the other party was going to do.

He must have seen this ability user's ability and wanted to absorb it. The situation in northern Xinjiang is becoming more and more tense day by day. The number of powerful combat-type ability users is extremely limited. Compared with the value of ordinary people's lives compared to ability users, in the eyes of the special service team, it is clear at a glance which one is more important.

But after receiving the order from above, Huang Linjun still felt cold. He sighed, as if his whole body collapsed. Finally, he picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered: "Attention all units, retreat immediately and stop shooting. Say it again, retreat immediately. Stop shooting."

Geng Zhong on the side wanted to say something, but Huang Linjun reached out to stop him. He shook his head, his eyes swollen with a look of loneliness.

Li Anping inside naturally didn't know what was going on outside. He just killed a few soldiers again and found that the surrounding siege was loosened. The remaining soldiers retreated in all directions, and no one shot at him.

‘What are you doing standing still? Chase them quickly and kill them all! Eat them all! ’ After Hei noticed that everyone had fled, he couldn’t help but urge.

Li Anping didn't say anything. He took a deep look at the direction in which the soldiers were retreating, and then jumped away in the opposite direction.

‘Why did you run away? We could have eaten them all. ’

‘What is my fitness level now? ’ Li Anping asked.

‘What happened to strength 3.0, speed 2.8, and physical fitness 3.9? ’

'I will kill anyone who stands in my way. ’ Li Anping’s face was still stained with wet blood: ‘But not now, I will come back when I become the strongest. ’

After saying this, Li Anping jumped again and jumped into a building, leaving debris on the ground and the person disappeared without a trace.

Zhongdu Sequoia Airport.

In the waiting hall, Wei Shishi was fashionably dressed and wearing a pair of big sunglasses, waiting for the plane.

Suddenly a man with a big belly sat down next to her.

"When you go to the Federation this time, you will enter the scope of the Star Alliance. We may not be able to contact you for a long time, so be careful."

"Haha, I can finally leave this country. I have been impatient for a long time." A sneer appeared on Wei Shishi's face: "When I see Shang Zhenhai, he will naturally not be able to escape from my grasp."

After saying that, she looked at the man next to her provocatively and said, "Men, they are all the same."

"As long as you are sure, Shang Zhenhai is a key figure. When the time comes, I hope you will make any sacrifices to grasp his relationship. Although you have only joined for a short time, the organization will remember you."

Wei Shishi nodded and said nothing.

"Then I'm leaving. I'm afraid we won't have a chance to meet each other in the future." The man stood up and walked out. Suddenly he turned his head and said: "By the way, the murderer of Shang Anguo has been confirmed. Haha, you must not have expected it. …”

"Oh? You didn't tell me, you were the one who did it?"

"Of course it's not me, it's Li Anping. He has awakened his ability."

"Then he got his revenge, which is good." Wei Shishi frowned: "Oh, speaking of which, I didn't want to hurt him at the beginning. Who knew that he was so ignorant of current affairs that he would challenge the monk's family."

"Hehe, thanks to you, he has awakened his ability now, and I'm afraid he will be admitted to Daxia Longque."

"The strength of Daxia Longque is average, but it can be considered a first-rate force in the Eastern Continent." Wei Shishi nodded and said: "That's good. After I gain Shang Zhenhai's trust and join the core layer of the Star Alliance, I’ll give him some compensation.”

At this time, a voice sounded on the radio: "Passengers heading to the Amest Federation, your flight KE070 has begun boarding. Passengers please board from gate 23..."

Wei Shishi ignored the man and walked towards the boarding gate. She looked at the afterglow of the setting sun, her eyes full of longing.

'Finally... finally the day has arrived... the top of this world... I am finally one step closer to you...'

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