Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 2 Blood Sea Ending

In an office of the police station, Huang Linjun stood in front of the table, standing upright, not daring to express his breath, looking extremely nervous.

In front of him, a man of insignificant age was facing away from him, looking out the window. From Huang Linjun's position, he could only see that the man's shoulders looked majestic and powerful. The momentum of his back alone gave people the illusion that he could lift the world on his shoulders.

"That Li Anping, where is he now?"

After hearing the man's question, Huang Linjun thought about it and said truthfully: "According to the satellite photos taken half an hour ago, he has left Zhongdu and fled to the south."

"Run away? But why did he run away?" The man's tone was full of doubts. It seemed like he was really confused.

Huang Linjun hesitated: "Are you afraid that we will hunt him down?"

"Does he need to be afraid? Judging from the battle video at the funeral home, before weapons of mass destruction are deployed, ordinary small groups of troops no longer pose a threat to him, let alone special police, armed police and the like. Unless he already knows We exist." As he spoke, the man turned around, revealing a face with no wrinkles, no eyebrows, and no expression.

Only one pair of eyes seems to reveal countless vicissitudes of life.

Anyone who sees these eyes will feel that the other person has definitely experienced countless storms.

He picked up some photos on the table and remained silent. That was the scene photo of the bodies of West and four other people.

Huang Linjun said: "Do you suspect that they revealed it?"

The man nodded and said: "Li Anping went to the bar, where he killed Shang Zhenbang. Then he took away the black man. Judging from the corpse we found, the black man was tortured in front of him. Then Li Anping killed three other people. A capable person.

It's possible he learned something from the black man's mouth.

He still couldn't explain why he went from being an ordinary person to becoming so powerful in a short period of time. "

"Maybe it has something to do with his ability. We won't know until we catch him."

Huang Linjun thought for a while and then boldly said: "Mr. Stability factor, we should arrest him before he causes more harm, otherwise, he may become a Damian Donnell..."


A cold snort and a look already gave Huang Linjun a feeling of suffocation. The man called Chief Xia didn't even say a word, so Huang Linjun was so oppressed that he couldn't even say a word.

"Do you think he will destroy the earth? You are talking nonsense. Shang Anguo colluded with foreign ability people, and his intentions are to be punished. Although Li Anping caused some damage, it was only because he was too young, cynical, and lacked some correct guidance." Commander Xia He glanced at Huang Linjun again and said calmly: "This time I can go to the south to chase him. It's enough for me. You can stay in Zhongdu to stabilize the situation."

Huang Linjun opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but the opponent's aura was pressing on him, as heavy as Mount Tai, making him unable to say anything in opposition. He could feel the energy in the opponent's body, like a volcanic eruption. , is about to move.

After struggling for a long time, he squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "...I obey." Then he sat down as if he was exhausted, and his body could not exert any strength at all. When he looked up again, the man had disappeared. Only Huang Linjun was left in the entire office.

‘Is this a top-notch capable person, one who is above the government and controls the fate of ordinary people? Unexpectedly, the special service team actually sent him here. ’ Huang Linjun gasped and clenched his fists: ‘No, I cannot allow you to trample on the royal power and ignore the law. This Li Anping, I must bring him to justice. ’

At that moment, he raised the phone and dialed a series of phone numbers.

Although Huang Linjun also had abilities, he was not capable of confronting the army head-on. He had always felt that it would be enough for an ability user to reach his level. People with abilities that are too powerful will do a lot of harm to the country but nothing good. He has always believed that individuals who are too powerful will only cause serious social injustice and embezzle the interests of most ordinary people. It will also restrict government management and national development.

Therefore, he has always hated super-powered criminals like Li Anping.

In particular, the damage and influence caused by Li Anping were unprecedentedly bad, which strengthened his awakening to seize and punish Li Anping.

Even if the upper echelons of Daxia Longque had already set the tone for possible recruitment, he would still try to destroy it. Even if Li Anping cannot be brought to justice, he must be allowed to die outside.

"Before he causes greater damage to Daxia." Huang Linjun muttered to himself.

In an office building in Zhongdu City, Li Qian stared blankly at the corpse in front of her.

He was a fat man who weighed more than two hundred pounds. His whole body was wrapped in layers of newspapers. If you tear open the newspaper, you can see his livid face and purple lips.

Li Qian didn't know what to do. The leader asked him to come to the office an hour ago. As a result, within a few minutes, the other party put a dirty hand on his shoulder.

"Xiao Li, how are you doing at work recently? Are you busy?"

"Do you need me to take care of you?"

The opponent's hands gradually extended from the shoulders and back to the stomach, thighs and other increasingly sensitive places. Li Qian was about to resist immediately, but because she couldn't match her opponent's strength, she was firmly suppressed by the fat man.

"What are you doing? Let me ask you, do you not want this job anymore?"

"You are shameless!"

With a snap, Li Qian hit the fat man on the face, leaving a red palm print.

"Bitch, don't be shameless." After receiving a slap, the fat man suddenly showed his fierce look and pushed Li Qian down on the sofa with all his strength.

Li Qian's coat was stripped off. She began to scream and struggle, and beat the fat man with both hands, but the fat man remained unmoved. Li Qian's strength was simply not enough to break free from a 200-pound fat man.

At this moment, Li Qian hoped that the hero in her heart would appear again and save her again, but no matter how hard she struggled, the miracle never happened again.

The two people were wrestling on the sofa, but they didn't notice that stacks of newspapers were floating on the bookshelf in the office and slowly flying towards the fat man's body.

The fat man's face turned red with excitement, and he held Li Qian's neck firmly with one hand. The other hand used force to pull open the shirt Li Qian was wearing, revealing his plump chest, which became even plumper and three-dimensional under the squeeze of his underwear.


What followed was Li Qian screaming non-stop. In anger and embarrassment, she seemed to feel something being opened in her body. It's like a light switch.

The newspapers in mid-air seemed to be inspired, rushing towards the fat man like locusts, wrapping him up in layers, like a mummy.

The fat man's eyes, ears, nose, and mouth were all blocked by newspapers. He couldn't see or breathe. So he began to struggle. He pushed the sofa away and smashed the glass cabinet behind him to pieces. But in his panic, not only did this not help him, but it also made his already little oxygen even more depleted.

He fell to the ground and kept grabbing the newspaper on his head with both hands. But every time he tore off a layer of newspaper, more newspapers would cover it from mid-air, wrapping his head even more thickly.

Finally, he found that he could not tear off the layers of newspapers from his head, and his movements became smaller and smaller, and his breathing began to become vague.

Li Qian didn't react until the fat man completely turned into a cold corpse.

She rushed forward in panic and tore apart the newspaper layer by layer on the fat man's head, but in the end she only saw a purple and blue pig's head. The other person is no longer breathing.

Li Qian sat down on the ground and stared blankly at the corpse on the ground, her mind in chaos. Murderer, prison, shooting, a series of thoughts made her more and more panicked.


"Why would this happen to me..."

Finally, Li Qian cried. Tears flowed down one by one and fell on the floor. After a series of recent blows, coupled with long-term work pressure, until today when Fatty was killed by mistake, Li Qian finally couldn't bear it anymore. She cried like crazy, as if she wanted to vent all the depression in her heart.

At this moment, the image of a man appeared in Li Qian's mind. He was like a devil, ravaging mortals and trampling on the powerful. This moment deeply penetrated her heart.

"Maybe I can be like him."

Outside the window of the building, a man with no eyebrows, no expression, and no apparent age stood in the air, like a floating ghost.

He looked at Li Qian and Fatty through the floor-to-ceiling glass. He watched the newspapers fly up one by one, watched the newspapers wrap up Fatty, and watched Fatty struggle feebly, and finally died of suffocation. Li Qian cried like crazy until the end.

The next day, TV station executive Zhu Dan was found to have suffered a cerebral infarction and died suddenly in his office. His vacancy triggered a new round of competition in the TV station.

What no one noticed was that on the same day that Zhu Dan died, Li Qian, an intern reporter at the TV station, also submitted a letter of resignation and left Zhongdu City the next day, embarking on a path that ordinary people could not imagine.

From then on, Li Qian's colleagues never heard anything about her again. Only by chance will someone remember that there was such a beautiful, hard-working and serious girl on the TV station many years ago.

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