Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 2 Sea of ​​Blood Chapter 22 Funeral (5)

"Hahaha." Li Anping laughed wildly at the sky: "Good, good, good, I didn't expect that all my enemies today are here. God treats me well."

Huo Fei was invisible and stayed beside Huo Qing. When Li Anping mentioned God, his face suddenly changed and he rushed to Huo Qing at the fastest speed.

In the loud bang, Huo Qing had not figured out what happened, and the whole person had already flown out. In his sight, Huo Fei had already revealed his figure in the air, and then his whole body exploded like a balloon, and a bloody rain fell.

He just tried to sneak attack Li Anping in stealth, but was directly knocked away by the opponent's huge force, and the man had lost consciousness in the air. He was killed by Li Anping's casual punch.

At the corner of the wall more than ten meters away, Huo Qing looked at the bloody rain in the air, his eyes wide open, full of disbelief. As the blood from the back of his head kept pouring out, his eyes gradually lost their luster.

The bloody rain fell, and the crowd was in a panic, and several women even screamed and fainted. Everyone looked at Li Anping, who was covered in blood, as if they were looking at a monster.

‘I can’t believe there is an invisible ability user hiding here.’ Li Anping thought as he looked at the blood in his hand.

‘Weak, too weak, this ability user only increased your strength by 0.1, I want to eat stronger ability users, I want to eat more ability users! ! ’ Hei Kuang shouted.

Li Anping glanced around and punched, and all those who looked at him couldn’t help but step back. The dignity and arrogance of the superiors disappeared in front of Li Anping’s naked power. Anna supported her mother who had fainted, and looked at Li Anping in the field, but her heart was filled with a strange sense of familiarity.

“Where is Shang Anguo?” The low voice was like the devil’s low moan.

“He’s here!! Here, here!”

“Shang Anguo is here, push him out!”

“This matter was caused by the mayor, let him come out to take responsibility!”

There was a commotion in the crowd, and after a moment, a middle-aged man with messy hair and ragged clothes was pushed out. He looked at the crowd behind him who pushed him out and yelled, "You bastards!! He didn't dare to do anything, I'll remember you! Remember all of you! And Wan'an! You're finished!"

The people who pushed him out turned their heads to the side silently, not daring to look at Shang Anguo. Especially Wan'an, he was the first one to point out Shang Anguo. At this moment, he was probably the one who wanted Shang Anguo to be killed immediately.

When Li Anping repeatedly showed his inhuman strength, Wan'an immediately realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. A good opportunity to kill Shang Anguo, or even replace him. Once Shang Anguo was killed this time, he would no longer have any constraints. He would not have to bear the brunt of the pressure all the time. The public security system of Zhongdu City would be truly under his complete control.

In fact, this was also the idea of ​​most of the dignitaries present. Once Shang Anguo died, the cake he left behind would be divided by the living.

Shang Anguo pointed at Wan'an and cursed wildly, and he was already out of breath after just a few curses. Suddenly, he felt someone walking behind him. He turned around and found Li Anping looking down at him coldly from behind.

The cold breath and the bloody smell on Li Anping's body made him shiver and retreat.

"Brother, let's talk about it! My deputy mayor and Xu Lichuan do my usual work for me. If there is anything that offends you, tell me now and I will ask them to change it immediately."

As he spoke, Shang Anguo couldn't help but retreat, but he fell to the ground after taking a few steps.

"Brother, you should leave now. The police will be here soon. You still have time to escape now. Xu Lichuan and Huo Qing are both big cancers in Zhongdu City. I have always been undermined by them. You are here to eliminate harm for the people today. Run away now. I promise I won't send anyone to catch you..."

Shang Anguo now just wants to trick the other party away as soon as possible. As long as he goes outside, he can immediately use the police and the army to block the other party to death. At that time, I must make this kid wish he could not live or die.

But no matter how wonderful Shang Anguo's words were, Li Anping just stared at him coldly, and then said: "My name is Li Anping."

A gasp sounded, and everyone was shocked when they heard this name. No one thought that the man in front of them was the suspect of the rape case that made a lot of noise some time ago. Some people thought of what Shang Zhenbang did on weekdays, and they guessed most of it in an instant.

And Anna looked at Li Anping in disbelief, and tears in her eyes could not help falling.

"Don't worry, everyone present, I promise..." Shang Anguo said halfway, and suddenly reacted. The next moment he looked at Li Anping's face, his face was ashen.

He wanted to say something, but saw Li Anping shaking his head: "Where is poet Wei Shi? Where is she?"

"She's not here." Shang Anguo said in a deep voice: "At this point, killing someone means paying with your life. If you want to kill me, I have nothing to say. But if you kill me here today, you will be the enemy of the entire Daxia. My eldest son is in the Star Alliance, and he will not let you go. Whether in heaven or on earth, you..."

Swish! Li Anping's palm gently stroked Shang Anguo's neck.

"I'm so annoyed."

The next moment, Shang Anguo felt dizzy. He saw his headless body falling to the ground, blood gushing out. Until his head fell to the ground, his eyes were still wide open.

After beheading Shang Anguo with one sword, Li Anping breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that the long-suppressed emotions in his heart were released, and his whole body was relaxed.

The dignitaries on the side, especially Wan An and his ilk, looked at the headless body on the ground, and they were all silent. An emperor of Zhongdu fell in front of them like this, and was killed like a chicken. It made them have an inexplicable sense of fantasy, as if everything in front of them seemed so unreal.

"Listen, people inside, you have been surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender immediately!!"

Hearing the broadcast from outside, Li Anping frowned. His body is getting stronger now, but he doesn't plan to go against the government. What he wants is to punish evil, not to oppose the government.

'Hahaha, what are you waiting for, kill them and absorb all the souls of everyone! ! ' Hei laughed.

'If I absorb them all, how much power can I increase? 'After killing Shang Anguo, Li Anping remained calm: 'I just killed an invisible ability user, and I only increased my strength by 0.1, right? According to what you said before, a person with an ability is at least equal to dozens of ordinary people. And as I get stronger, the energy required to improve my physical fitness is also increasing. Even if I kill all the police outside, how much strength can I increase? 0.1? 0.05? '

'Besides, why should I kill the police? I just kill the evildoers. '

Li Anping glanced at the people in the auditorium and said, "You can take care of yourself."

After that, he turned around and pushed open the door and left, leaving everyone with a look of surprise. No one thought that the other party would leave so readily. This is not how it is played in TV and movies. Originally, they all had the awareness of being taken hostage.



Outside the funeral home, the crowd passing by had long been dispersed. Only hundreds of fully armed soldiers were left to surround the funeral home. They are a special forces team specially trained by Daxia for special operations, and they even have experience fighting against people with special abilities.

They know the horror of people with special abilities better than anyone else.

The shouting in the loudspeaker continued, and the soldiers' guns were aimed at the door and window, any place where they might rush out.

This time, the order from the top was to abandon the hostages and kill the suspects directly, so once anyone came out, they would be baptized by the metal storm directly.

With a clang, the door of the funeral home was kicked open. Everyone stared at the empty door nervously, as if some flood beast would rush out at any time.

Then footsteps sounded, and Li Anping walked out slowly.

"Shoot, the target is an extremely dangerous person with antisocial tendencies. Everyone shoot and kill the target on the spot." As Huang Linjun's voice sounded from the phone, waves of gunfire continued, as if they were fighting a war.

Pistols, submachine guns, sniper rifles. Bullets of various colors were shot at Li Anping from a 180-degree angle in front of him. The barrage was dense like rain. It completely submerged Li Anping's body.

When the pistol bullets hit the flesh, they were stuck by Li Anping's muscles and could only scratch the skin. The bullets from the submachine gun could penetrate Li Anping's limbs, leaving horrible blood holes.

But the most dangerous thing was the sniper rifle. This time, the special forces dispatched a total of four snipers, using the Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle, combined with armor-piercing incendiary bullets. This kind of gun and bullet has an effective range of 2,000 meters and a muzzle velocity of 853 meters per second, which is enough to penetrate a 16 mm thick steel plate within 500 meters. What's more, it was Li Anping's body?

A total of four armor-piercing bullets hit Li Anping, tearing his muscles, crushing his bones, and almost breaking his body into pieces. His waist looked as if it was only connected to a layer of skin, as if it would break at any time.

What was even more terrifying was his chest, a huge hole covered most of his chest, and his lungs and heart had completely disappeared.

In just 5 seconds, Li Anping had been baptized by the storm of bullets and fell down like a broken toy.

"Stop shooting." Huang Linjun looked at Li Anping's body on the screen, breathed a sigh of relief, and then ordered: "The first team goes up and freezes the target's body."

Originally, he was very worried that the other party would escape in the chaos, and when the high-level officials in Beijing came, they would most likely recruit the ability user. So what he hoped most was to kill this ability user criminal before the high-level officials arrived. Now it seems to have succeeded.

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