Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 18: Disappearance

When Peter Parker woke up again, it was still dark in front of him. No, it should be that his eyes were covered.

After struggling a little, Peter Parker felt that his hands and feet seemed to be tied. And the space he was in seemed to be bumping all the time.

‘Am I in a car? ’

But before Peter Parker could think about it, a fist had hit his stomach. Two men on the left and right grabbed his arms.

“Be honest.”

“Don’t move.”

Peter Parker did not resist. In this unknown situation, he could not choose to act rashly.

“Are you awake?” A man’s voice came from in front of Peter: “We are going to let you go now, so you’d better not do anything stupid.”

This sentence made Peter feel doubtful. However, the shackles on his hands and feet, the guards on the left and right, and the unknown defense force prevented Peter from acting rashly.

In the next few hours, Peter felt as if he was being transported to and fro, walking, driving, and boating, changing transportation again and again. At first, Pete wanted to judge where he was by listening and feeling, but the destination kept changing, so he soon gave up the idea.

As the itinerary kept changing, the patience of the man opposite Pete seemed to be getting worse and worse.

"What? Changed again? Is he playing tricks on us?" The man said angrily.

After a few more words, several people took Pete to the car and headed in other directions again.

Until now, Pete has not said a word. He is still a little confused about the situation in front of him. He suspected that this was Daxia Longque acting in front of him, and he also suspected that it was really Tian Haowen who came to save him.

Another half an hour later. Pete got out of the car, and this time he was taken to the plane. When the plane took off and felt the gravity dragging his body down, Pete Parker realized that he was on the plane.

He asked tentatively, "Are we going abroad?"

The guard beside him hit his soft abdomen with his elbow. Pete coughed a few times and laughed softly, "Did you not eat?"

The guard was angry and was about to beat him again, but was stopped by the people beside him.

"Sorry. We are forbidden to talk to you. Don't waste your time."

Then Pete said a few more words, but no one answered him. He simply closed his eyes and rested, and took a break to recover his energy and physical strength.

During this period, he was either sleeping or being arrested for interrogation. Both his mental and physical state were at a low point. No matter what was going to happen in a while. Obviously, a good rest would help.

I don't know how long it took, Pete felt that he was shaken awake, and a group of people seemed to tie something to his body. Then his eyes lit up, and the black cloth covering his eyes had been taken off.

The dazzling light made him unable to see the surrounding situation clearly for a while. After a few seconds, Pete, who gradually adapted to the light, began to look around. When he saw the surrounding situation. My heart couldn't help but sink.

There were five Dragon Bird guards and fifteen soldiers, all fully armed and looking at him. Two of them were helping him put on something behind him.

A man in the uniform of the Dragon Bird of Daxia looked at his watch and urged: "Are you ready? How long will it take?"

The two soldiers patted Peter Parker on the back. They saluted the man: "Okay, sir."

Peter Parker looked at the man coldly: "Zuo Mai? What are you going to do to me?"

It turned out that the person who escorted him all the way was Zuo Mai, a fourth-level ability user of the Dragon Bird of Daxia. Peter Parker knew this Dragon Bird guard who often arrested militants, criminals, and traitors in southern Xinjiang. He even had fights with many parties.

Zuo Mai did not answer Peter Parker's question, but smiled and showed a sly smile to the other party.

"It's time, let him go."

The interior of the plane where Peter Parker was was not big, and there was obvious metal material all around. At first glance, it was some kind of military transport plane. When Zuo Mai finished speaking, two soldiers had already escorted him to the door of the plane. Then, they opened the door and saw an endless desert in front of him.

The strong wind rushed in, blowing Peter Parker's hairstyle into a mess, but he didn't have time to care about it. He felt something was wrong.

"What do you want to do?"

No one answered him. A huge force came from behind him, and Peter Parker was kicked out of the door.

At this moment, Peter Parker felt that his heart seemed to slow down by half a beat. The desert under his feet was rapidly enlarged in his eyes. As the speed of descent became faster and faster, the wind blew on his face one after another, making him close his eyes.

The heat wave on the ground rushed in his face, and his hands and feet were all tied up by alloy shackles. No matter how he twisted, he could not break free. Just when Peter Parker thought he was going to be smashed into a meat pie, there was a sound behind him, and a parachute had opened from behind him, and the air resistance began to reduce his landing speed.

Peter Parker remembered the actions of the two soldiers just now.

‘So that’s it…are they helping me load the parachute?’

I saw a dark green parachute in the sky slowly drifting towards the ground. Under the parachute, Peter Parker was sweating as he looked at the desert below. He was already sweating before he landed.

Just as he was thinking about what all this was about, in the desert in the distance, a burst of sand and dust was coming towards the location where he fell. It seemed that something was moving at high speed, rolling up countless amounts of sand, forming a moving line of dust.

Five minutes later, when Peter Parker landed on a sand dune, the streak of dust had already arrived in front of him.

A gust of hot wind and sand blew across his face. When the sand and dust cleared, under Peter Parker's alert eyes, a middle-aged man in a tuxedo slowly walked towards him.

The desert, the tuxedo, no matter how you look at it, it seems strange. What's even weirder is that the man was clearly running all the way, kicking up sand and dust at a fast speed, but in Peter Parker's eyes, he was wearing a tuxedo for such a strenuous exercise. Not even a little sweat.

Seemingly not seeing Peter Parker's alert eyes, the butler-like figure walked up to Peter Parker and said politely: "Hello, sir, you can call me Nord, and I will take you out of here. Please Don't resist."

The man who called himself Nord spoke in a very cold tone, especially his tone, which was like a straight line from beginning to end, without any ups and downs.

While saying these words, Nord didn't stop. He pressed his hands on the alloy shackles. Under Peter Parker's surprised gaze, he gently tore the shackles apart, and then the shackles on his feet. of shackles.

Peter Parker rubbed his finally freed wrist and stood up slowly. He looked at Nuo and said, "Who sent you?"

Nord didn't speak, but pressed a finger on Peter Parker's forehead. The speed was so fast that he didn't react at all, and then a strange force swept through his whole body, Peter Parker's clothes, backpack, and Several bolts of lightning erupted from his left arm.

Seeing Peter Parker's surprised look, Nord explained coldly: "It's just an ordinary EMP, to destroy the surveillance device on you."

Touching his left arm, Peter Parker felt a stinging pain: "They also put a tracker in my arm?"

Nord nodded: "It seems so, but you don't have to worry, the medical equipment in the base will treat your arm."

"Base? Is it right here?"

Nord shook his head: "You will know later."

Under Peter Parker's suspicious eyes, the two waited for about ten seconds. Under the strong sunlight, Peter Parker felt that his mouth was dry, his whole body was hot, and his mind seemed to be confused.

"How long are we going to wait here?"

Seeing that Nord didn't speak, Peter Parker was helpless. The man in front of him is his only way out at the moment. Surrounded by endless desert, he was alone without supplies and was desperate.

Just as Peter Parker was getting more and more anxious, a shattering sound suddenly came from his ears, which was that the space was being torn apart. A hole like a whirlpool appeared directly in front of the two people, and it continued to expand until the hole expanded to the size of a person, and then stopped.

Looking at the blue-white vortex in front of him in surprise, Nord said lightly: "Please come in, sir."

Daxia Longque's command room. A group of people were walking around busily. The huge screen showed the desert where Peter Parker was now.

In the middle of the desert, a small green dot flashed, which was obviously Peter Parker's location. All around him were blue dots representing Daxia.

"The target has reached the expected location."

"Every unit is in its place."

"The signal source of the tracker has disappeared, and the other party has anti-detection means."

As the green dots on the display disappeared, the people in the command room became busy, and the surrounding blue dots were seen quickly moving towards Peter Parker's previous position.

"Target disappears."

"No signal found."

"We lost track of him!"

"The troops started searching on the spot!"

"Bring up the satellite video."

In the last row of the command room, Yan Bei looked at the panicked crowd in front of him and said to Li Anping next to him: "Sir, is this okay?"

Li Anping shook his head, with a mysterious smile on his face.

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