Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 17: Destruction

In the secret room, a huge searchlight shone on Peter Parker's head, waking him up from his deep sleep.

The dazzling light was in sight. Peter Parker looked around and could only see that except for the place illuminated by the searchlight, the rest of the place was pitch black. He didn't know how big the room was or whether there were people around. He moved his body and found that he was fixed to a chair and couldn't get away at all.

His chaotic brain gradually reacted, and he remembered that he was caught by the Great Xia Dragon Bird.

'Another interrogation? '

Just as Peter Parker was thinking this, a man's voice came from all directions.

"Hello, Peter."

With a sneer, Peter replied: "Don't waste your time. All my team members are dead. What else do you want to know?"

"Tian Haowen, he should be one of you, right?"

Peter shook his head: "He quit a long time ago. I don't know where he went."

"I think we shouldn't go around in circles." The next moment, a voice came into Peter's ears.

"Pete..." The voice was cut off halfway through, but these two short words made Pete completely excited. He was like a trapped beast, the muscles of his limbs suddenly swelled up, and the surging mind burst out.

"Uncle!" He stared with bloodshot eyes and said word by word: "What did you do to him?"

"Don't be nervous, he is doing well now, but I can't guarantee what will happen next."

Pete Parker gritted his teeth and kept exerting his muscles. He wanted to break free from the restraints on his body. However, more than 20 alloy steel bars were buckled on his limbs and torso, and even the entire chair was fixed to the ground.

Until bloodshot appeared on his body. There was no sign of breaking free.

"I really don't know about Tian Haowen. He quit the Avengers last year."

After a moment of silence, the male voice said again: "Do you think it's meaningful for you to persist? The Avengers have been completely annihilated. In order to shelter a fugitive, you plan to sacrifice your relatives?

As long as you tell us Tian Haowen's ability and whereabouts, we will release your uncle. We promise to let him live like an ordinary person and no one will disturb him."

Peter Parker frowned tightly, and the muscles on his body twisted like little snakes. Just when he was full of contradictions, a scream came into his ears.

It sounded like Osborn's voice.

Instantly, the alloy steel bars on Peter Parker's body made a creaking sound, as if he would be broken at any time and anywhere. His forehead was even more blue. His bloodshot eyes stared at the direction of the searchlight.

"Stop it!"

"Don't hurt him!"

Seemingly happy to see Peter Parker's anxious look, the voice music laughed and said, "Don't worry, it's just a broken little finger. If you are willing to cooperate, we can reattach it now."

Peter Parker's clenched teeth made a clicking sound, and his clenched fists dripped a trace of blood. It can be seen how excited and conflicted he is now.

'Li Anping, Daxia Longque, I will never let you go! '

But reality will not change with his imagination. The man said impatiently, "Your uncle seems to have fainted from the pain. If you don't make a decision, we have to wake him up."

Peter Parker trembled all over. If the anger and hatred in his heart could be materialized, it would be enough to ignite the entire city. He closed his eyes in pain, and the scenes of the past few years appeared in his mind again.

Uncle's voice, smile, and the scenes of him raising me...

Scenes of the Avengers dying one by one...

Daxia's dictatorship...

The past scenes quickly alternated in Peter Parker's mind. Finally, his body suddenly relaxed. He opened his eyes and revealed a hint of understanding.

'I have been fighting for so long, and it is not just for myself...'

'I'm sorry, uncle. '

Just then, the man's voice sounded again: "Have you thought about it? Your uncle has lost a lot of blood."

Peter Parker smiled bitterly and said slowly: "Go back and tell Li Anping that his power can't scare everyone. Not everyone will succumb to fear.

Let him and his ideal country go to hell!

We don't need him to help us arrange our lives!"

After saying this, Peter Parker felt extremely happy in his heart. He felt that at this moment, he was sublimated and became a hero fighting for freedom and democracy.

But this feeling did not last long. The next moment, the surroundings returned to darkness. Before Peter Parker could adapt, he felt that his neck seemed to be stabbed by something and fell into a coma again.


Outside the secret room, Zuo Mai and Yan Bei looked at the display screen, which showed Peter Parker being carried out. Twisting his body uneasily, Zuo Mai reported to Li Anping behind him: "Sir, how about letting Osborn go and persuade him in person?"

"It's useless." Yan Bei looked at Peter Parker in the camera coldly: "Just now he has made it clear that he would rather sacrifice his uncle than betray his teammates. If Osborn is allowed to persuade him, he will be even more uncooperative after he knows that Osborn has surrendered to us."

Zuo Mai thought for a while and said, "Maybe he saw through it? Or we can let Osborn record a more miserable video for him to watch."

"I don't think so. He is so mentally tough that even the masters of the Wang family can't hypnotize him. Now he has made up his mind. I'm afraid even if Osborn dies in front of him, he can't change his mind."

Zuo Mai curled his lips: "What a lunatic, just like a fanatic."

"Okay." Li Anping interrupted the conversation between the two, and he ordered: "Don't worry about him, prepare plan B."

The two obviously had no objection to Li Anping's decision, and bowed and retreated at the same time.

After the two left, Li Anping took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He received another anonymous email a few minutes ago.

After Li Anping opened it, he could see five photos. There were more than 20 clone bodies placed together in a row. There were backgrounds of both the Eighth Institute and other unknown areas.

Li Anping had received a similar anonymous email this morning. This is also the reason why he came to watch the interrogation process of Peter Parker.

Not wanting Momo to know about this, Li Anping asked Liu Feng to find a group of technicians to track the source of the email. But to no avail, the other party's technology in this area is higher than theirs.

The phone rang, it was Liu Feng's voice.

"Sir, new emails have been found."

"How is it?"

"It's an Internet cafe in Lily City, and someone has been sent over."

Li Anping nodded and hung up the phone. Although someone has been sent over, he didn't have any expectations.


Outside an Internet cafe in Lily City, six black shadows were like sharp swords, rushing over at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye in a few seconds.

They were agile and restrained, like ghosts in the night. What's more special is that they all exude more or less mind energy. These six people are all capable people.

"No one at the front door!"

"No one in the hall!"

"No one at the back door."

"Nothing in the basement."

Voices spread through the air through the radio, but the news received made the captain in charge of the operation feel something was wrong.

"Xiaobai, do some detection."


After saying this, a female ability user opened her mouth, and ultrasonic waves that were difficult for human ears to hear came out of her mouth, and in a blink of an eye, they covered the entire building where the Internet cafe was located.

But the result she got made her extremely confused: "Captain, there is no one, no, there is something on the ceiling of the building."

A loud bang completely drowned her voice, and the entire Internet cafe had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Five minutes later, Li Anping received a call from Liu Feng. His face became more gloomy. After a cold smile, he made a call and slowly said: "Formally launch Plan B."


Half an hour later, on a giant passenger plane, the man who called himself the God King looked at the screen and showed a satisfied smile.

He stretched his hand to the side, and without saying anything, the butler had already handed him red wine.

After taking a sip, he couldn't help but laugh: "It worked. The network system of Daxia is simply a pile of rubbish. Red Queen took action personally, and they couldn't even find our trace."

Shaking the wine glass in his hand, he couldn't help but feel proud in his heart.

'What Li Anping, what Queen, a bunch of country bumpkins, it won't be long before you all kneel down and lick my soles like dogs. '

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