Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 19: Arrival

Dazzling white light, upside-down dizziness, and a confused sense of space.

When everything returned to normal, when Peter Parker opened his eyes, he saw a huge square in front of him, and there was no trace of the desert.

Above Peter Parker's head was a golden and blue aircraft. The surface of the aircraft was inlaid with huge blue crystals that emitted bursts of blue light. Coupled with the streamlined and mysterious fuselage, the entire aircraft looked like a spaceship.

Such a high-tech spaceship stopped above his head, and Peter Parker was a little overwhelmed for a while. Subconsciously, he felt that the white vortex that had just opened seemed to be related to the spaceship above his head.

At this moment, Nord also walked out of the white vortex. With his appearance, the white vortex slowly became smaller and finally dissipated in the air, making people unable to help but doubt that everything before was just an illusion.

"Sir, please follow me."

With Nord's call, Peter Parker reluctantly retracted his gaze and followed behind him, walking towards a small house in the distance.

During this period, Peter Parker carefully observed the surrounding environment and found that the position of the sun seemed to be different from that in the desert. It seemed that the white vortex just now was indeed some kind of transmission technology, but he was not sure whether it was technology or ability.

He was now in a huge square, with nothing around him except the gray concrete ground, and only the small spaceship that had just landed above his head. At this time, it was also flying in the opposite direction of them, and the blue tail flame was ejected from the tail of the spaceship. In the blink of an eye, the spaceship had become a small black dot in Peter Parker's eyes.

At this time, Nord also stopped. In front of them was a small house the size of a telephone booth. When Nord stopped in front of the door of the small house, a blue light swept across Nord's head horizontally.

The next moment, the door of the small house opened automatically inward, and an underground passage appeared in front of Peter Parker.

Nord walked in without hesitation. But Peter Parker hesitated. Looking at the desolate scene in the square, he finally entered the underground passage.

Nord walked in front of him, and Peter Parker followed him all the way. Walking down the road, he felt that the underground here was like an ant nest with many connections, going left and right, up and down. At first, he still wanted to remember the route he had taken. But as the forks became more and more, and the structure of the passage became more and more complicated, Peter Parker soon gave up.

‘Is it so complicated to build it to deal with invasions? ’

On the contrary, Nord did not hesitate at all when walking, as if he had memorized the entire route. Every step was crisp and neat, and it seemed that he didn't even need to think.

Speaking of steps, Peter Parker found something strange. So far, the other party seemed to have no change in the rhythm of walking. Even the distance between each step was kept consistent.

‘This person's self-discipline. I'm afraid it's already at the inhuman level. ’

Along the way, in addition to Nord, Peter Parker also saw some other people. Although each of them was dressed differently, they had the same characteristic, that is, they all had no expression on their faces. Even if they saw Nord, they didn't say hello. They all came and went in a hurry and quickly disappeared from Peter Parker's eyes.

To Peter Parker, they seemed to be a bit similar to Nord.

However, no matter how long the road is, there will always be an end. When Peter Parker followed Nord around two corners again, a door appeared in his eyes. Two men in suits and cold faces stood outside the door.

Nord led Peter Parker forward. Just when Peter Parker thought they would say a few words, Nord just looked at each other and pushed the door open and walked in.

When Peter Parker followed him in, he found that the two men had no expression on their faces, looked straight ahead, and didn't even look at him.

'Compared with the architectural layout here, these two guards seem too lax... or is Nord's status here enough to bring people in casually? '

While thinking, Peter Parker had already crossed the door, and saw countless display screens and electronic instruments appear in front of him. Below the display screen stood a foreign woman with blond hair and blue eyes and a plump figure.

The woman glanced at Peter Parker, but said nothing, just ordered: "Test his blood and confirm his identity, Red Queen, contact the young master."

A little girl's voice came from the direction of the display screen: "Connecting, the network is abnormal, please wait a moment..."

The woman frowned, but didn't say much.

And Nord took out a pistol-shaped syringe from his arms and said to Peter Parker: "Sir, we need to test your blood to confirm your identity, please don't resist."

As he said, he pointed the syringe in his hand at Peter Parker's neck. The latter only felt a slight sting, and Nord left with the syringe. Only Peter Parker and the blonde woman were left in the room.

After a while of silence, the blonde woman just kept looking at the screen, and Peter Parker also looked at it and found that it was full of various special terms and numbers, and he didn't know what they meant.

He thought about it and asked tentatively: "Hello, may I ask which side you are from? Why do you want to save me?"

The woman glanced at him, but did not continue to remain silent. She just turned her back to Peter Parker and said casually: "Peter, you are a talent, but the Avengers you formed are too childish. Your current The strength is too weak. That’s why the young master will provide money for you, hoping that you can cause some trouble to Daxia. Now it seems that this is a failed investment.”

Peter Parker glanced at the blonde woman in confusion and asked, "You are the one who is funding us behind the scenes? Who are you?"

The blond woman sneered: "Tian Haowen didn't tell you the young master's information? Forget it, all you need to know now is that, considering that there is still some potential, the young master plans to accept you as his subordinate, so you can feel at ease in the future. Just keep your heart to the young master and don’t have any more evil thoughts.”

The woman looked arrogant and spoke even more arrogantly, as if she had done Peter Parker a great favor, which was indeed very unpleasant.

Peter Parker suppressed the discomfort in his heart and asked again: "I wonder who the young master you are talking about is? How do I know if you are Daxia Longque pretending to be someone who wants to take information out of my mouth? "

Hearing Peter Parker say these words, the disdainful expression on the woman's face became even more intense, as if she was laughing at Peter Parker's ignorance. She snorted a few times before saying proudly: "We need to pretend to be Da Xia Long bird?

Huh, I'm too lazy to explain it to you. All in all, you'll know after working under the young master for a while. The young master is the one destined by fate. His talents and talents are beyond the imagination of a third-rate guy like you.

Not to mention you, even Li Anping of Daxia Dragon Bird or the Star Alliance Queen, those fifth-level ability users in the Western Continent will sooner or later be surpassed by the young master. As long as you keep working hard, you will naturally flourish in the future. "

Just as the woman was telling these words, a flash suddenly flashed on the big screen, and a young man with a shaved head appeared in front of them. When he saw the blond woman in front of him, he immediately laughed: "Kristen, how are you? Did Daxia keep his promise and receive Peter Parker? "

Seeing the God King appear on the screen, the blond woman's eyes immediately lit up. She looked at the screen with a smile on her face and said, "Sir, we have received Peter Parker. How are you doing? Is Tyrell's business going well? ?" As she spoke, she lifted her chest and twisted her waist, as if she wanted to show off her good figure.

Unexpectedly, there was a trace of doubt in the eyes of the God King: "Did you receive it?" He looked down, as if he was checking something, and then asked: "No, the task was not completed, where is he? "

The blonde woman's eyes were stunned, and she turned to look at Peter Parker: "He is right here, the man behind me."

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and Nord rushed in with more than ten strong men in black and surrounded Peter Parker. Nord himself stood in front of Christine.

Kristen asked: "What's going on?"

Nord looked at Peter Parker coldly and said, "Miss Christine, according to DNA comparison, the person in front of you is not Peter Parker. He is a fake."

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