Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Epilogue

On the day of the Dongyang catastrophe, the Western Continent also encountered a storm.

In just three hours, the sixteen main bases of the Star Alliance in the Western Continent were attacked by unknown persons.

For ordinary people, these were just bombings, arson, murder, and terrorist attacks far away from them. But for the top leaders of various countries, especially those with abilities, this series of attacks was no less than a major earthquake.

According to eyewitnesses, the attacker of the Star Alliance was a male ability user wrapped in black thoughts. Strangely, during the attack, this ability user did not encounter a level 5 ability user of the Star Alliance, and the Queen of Heaven did not appear from beginning to end.

Therefore, the attacker did not reveal any strong combat power. Instead, his flying speed surprised all countries.

In the face of this attack, the Star Alliance was like a turtle, hiding all its core strength, and seemed to have made up its mind not to fight with the other party.

Therefore, although their strength did not suffer any loss, the territory they had operated for many years in the Western Continent was swallowed up by various forces that took advantage of the opportunity.

However, compared with the disaster in Dongyang, this was just an episode.

In this incident, Li Anping once again showed a force that was enough to threaten the entire Western world. Whether it was the Amesite Federation, the Codex, or Tyrael, they all felt uneasy about it.

So a large amount of funds were used for the research of the military, ability people, and various war weapons. And the Federation even aimed more than 50% of its nuclear warheads at Daxia across the ocean.

The "Dead Hand System" was fully activated, which meant that once the Federation President and the Supreme Command were devastated by Li Anping, more than 50,000 nuclear warheads would be launched to countries around the world, especially 50% of them were all aimed at Daxia.

Other countries with nuclear weapons also have similar nuclear bundling strategies.

It's just that now, the target of defense has changed from the surrounding powers. It has become the man who is as powerful as a god on the Eastern Continent.

However, these old powers are obviously not satisfied with passive defense. With the tilt of funds, various plans against Li Anping have been formulated.


Amesite Federation, Sky City.

In a conference room. Famous physicist Jim Parsons looked nervously at the soldiers in the corridor with real guns and ammunition.

Early this morning, the federal FBI agents found his home directly and sent him to the airport.

Then he and dozens of other experts took a military plane to this long-famous air fortress. Along the way, he kept communicating with his companions, but he didn't understand why the federal military summoned them.

After arriving at the conference room, he was even more shocked. The huge conference room was already full of hundreds of people. Jim looked carefully and found that there were many familiar faces. They were physics experts, physiologists, biologists, computer experts. Astronautics, and even famous sociologists and psychologists.

Jim didn't understand what they wanted to do at all. He could only find a seat and sit down.

During the time he sat down, another group of experts walked in from the door.

Suddenly, he felt someone patting his shoulder, turned his head, and saw a black man looking at him.

The man stretched out his hand to him. He smiled and said, "Martin Smith, entomologist, hello."

Jim also shook his hand: "Jim Parsons, theoretical physicist."

Martin asked curiously, "Jim, do you know why the FBI invited us here?"

Jim shook his head. Suddenly, a fat white man sitting in front of the two turned around and said, "They are not from the FBI. In fact, after we were sent here, we were no longer under the control of the FBI. Have you seen their uniforms? Their level can be much higher than that of the FBI."

The fat man saw the two people stunned, smiled and said, "White Carter, social scientist."

The three introduced themselves again, and then heard the fat man White say, "I think something big must have happened this time, either an asteroid hit. Or an alien invasion."

Just as the three were guessing what was going on, a cough spread throughout the venue through the microphone.

I saw an old woman with a capable and energetic look, wearing a women's suit, standing on the podium. The blade-like eyes swept the entire venue, and everyone present fell silent instantly.

Judy was silent for a while, turned on the projector, and a huge photo of Li Anping appeared behind him.

Seeing the audience gradually become agitated, Judy Eno slowly said: "Everyone here is an elite in various industries and the top talents of the Federation.

You are here today because a world-class crisis has threatened us. It seriously threatens the safety of everyone here. It threatens the life of every citizen of the Federation on this land under our feet."

After a pause, she continued: "Perhaps some of you here have more or less known the existence of the ability user. Let me introduce myself here. My name is Judy Em, and I am the general manager of the Virtual Number Agency, the Federation's ability user agency.

And behind me, the man in the photo, you may all know him. He is the current behind-the-scenes emperor of Daxia, Li Anping."

Judy changed her tone and said coldly: "But there is one thing you may not know, Li Anping is also a person with special abilities, and he may be the most powerful person with special abilities in the world. His dangerous thoughts and terrifying strength have seriously threatened the safety of the entire planet."

Seeing that many experts raised their hands and wanted to ask questions, Judy ignored them. Instead, he operated the touch screen on the podium and began to play information about Li Anping.

Physical strength, can withstand machine gun fire within ten meters, and can withstand air pressure at seven times the speed of sound.

Speed, the highest speed currently shown is seven times the speed of sound.

Strength, has a record of lifting a mountain of hundreds of millions of tons.

Recovery ability, once in the nuclear protection center for more than five seconds, with a large area of ​​burns all over the body, and even some limbs were vaporized, but three hours later, he appeared unscathed a hundred kilometers away.

Information about Li Anping was listed one by one, even including the battles he started from, all of which were placed in front of hundreds of experts.

The more they saw these materials, the more shocked these experts were. If it weren't for the previous FBI, they would definitely suspect that this was a joke.

After playing all the materials, Judy looked at the people in the audience and said seriously:

"It's not just his ability that is dangerous, but also his thoughts. As a dictator, his goal is to unify the world and bring everyone under his control.

And now he has almost completed the unification of the entire East Continent. I think it won't take a few years for him to set his sights on the Federation."

"So I need your help, whether it's physical, mental, or Li Anping's psychology, motivation, habits, and abilities, they are all your research goals.

Your ultimate goal is only one.

Kill Li Anping."

The Li Anping Operations Department was established on this day. Similar departments have also been established in other countries. I don't know since when, Li Anping has become the number one enemy of all Western countries.


Somewhere in the Western Continent, hundreds of kilometers high in the sky.

A one-kilometer-long black coffin-like thing is floating in the sky. This is the Ark of the Star Alliance.

At this time, the Ark gathered all the superiors of the Star Alliance.

But they were all like still statues, motionless, even the drifting gas, jumping water droplets, and clouds in the sky were still in mid-air, and the clock stopped moving, like a painting, motionless.

After this situation lasted for a few seconds, everything returned to normal, the crowd continued to move, various gases drifted in the ventilation ducts, water droplets fell back to the water surface, and the clock started moving again.

All the people in the Ark seemed not to notice the abnormality just now, and they were still doing what they had to do. Until half an hour later, everything fell into stillness again.

In this way, the number of stillness increased, and the time of each stillness became longer and longer. It was like a strange world, slowly unfolding in this world.

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