Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 1: Cultivation

One month later, Tianjin, the deepest part of the Eighth Research Institute.

It was pitch black all around, with no light source.

This was the place that Li Anping had someone build specifically. He would practice the Hell Map with all his strength here until he succeeded completely.

Since Li Anping came back from Dongyang, he had someone build this place and then moved in. Although the Mind Qi Incarnation made a big fuss in the Star Alliance base in the Western Continent, he didn't find any Star Alliance leaders, and there was no news about the Queen of Heaven. These people seemed to have learned the news in advance and all hid.

Li Anping originally wanted to get more spirit gems from her, but now there was no way. He speculated that after using the spirit gems, while getting the Queen of Heaven's fifth-level ability, he would also have a slight connection with the other party, which enabled the Queen of Heaven to foresee his actions in advance and then evade.

In the end, the Mind Qi Incarnation had to come back. Li Anping didn't have time to play hide-and-seek with the Queen of Heaven. He still planned to complete the practice of the Hell Map first and break through the bottleneck of the physical body. The matter of the spirit gems would be discussed later.

The secret room he was in now had no light source and was completely soundproof, because in order to concentrate on his work, Li Anping eliminated all possibilities that might cause him to have distracting thoughts.

Here, vision and hearing were meaningless, and people could not contact the outside world at all. Except for the clones that were automatically sent in and out by the machine every day, there was nothing else that could disturb Li Anping.

A normal person staying in such an environment would probably find it difficult to even feel the passage of time. There was no other sound except his own heartbeat. In a few hours, he would start to get irritated and go crazy.

But Li Anping was no longer a normal person. He could endure the pain of being crushed to pieces, could complete hundreds of millions of calculations in one second, and could clearly remember everything from childhood to adulthood. Even if he didn't eat or drink, didn't see the light, and didn't communicate with people. He could exist like a fossil.

And now, he eliminated all distracting thoughts and devoted himself to the practice of the Hell Map.

Even the Daxia high-level officials wanted to contact him, but they couldn't. Li Anping had already issued a death order before, unless he met Emma, ​​Bai Xinghe, and Fang Yuhuang. Doctor, a total of four level 5 ability users can't solve the problem, otherwise no one can disturb his practice.

This time, Li Anping just sat cross-legged on the floor, and never used the operating table, mechanical arm, high-frequency knife and other things from the last time.

Because of the battle in Dongyang this time. Continuously using power beyond his limit, Li Anping has a better grasp of his body. Especially in the state of God, when he has a mental force field, Li Anping has scanned his body countless times, which makes him understand his body more and more, and the mastery of the blood body in the hell map has reached an incredible level.

So now Li Anping. No need for the help of the operating table, he can complete the practice of the hell map by directly interfering with the body.

In the past month, Li Anping has restored the transformation of the respiratory system again. If there is a microscope facing his stomach at this time, it can be found that the cells inside are gradually changing, and one by one is captured by the mind, completing an incredible evolution.

This is the second system that Li Anping transformed, the digestive system. This will completely change his teeth, tongue, and esophagus. Stomach, small intestine and other parts, remove the excess parts, and change the way he absorbs energy.

Now with the strong control of the body, Li Anping's brain is constantly monitoring the cultivation status of the hell map.

'At the current speed. After fifty hours, the replacement of the entire stomach cells can be completed. '

'After the stomach transformation is completed, my digestive ability will increase by about 180 times, and food will become an important source of energy. '

'For the absorption of the body, it will also be more efficient. The specific value needs to be tested by eating clones. '

Li Anping is like a supercomputer, working non-stop for 24 hours without sleep, without any distractions, and all his thoughts are placed on the transformation of the body bit by bit.


Twenty days later, Li Anping, who was in the secret room, no longer sat cross-legged.

He was standing on the ground, with his shoulders and elbows down, and a standard straight punch was thrown from his waist. With a light blow, the fist wind still hit the wall, making a crackling sound, which became the only sound in the entire secret room.

‘Bone density needs to be adjusted…’

‘The coordination of impact joints has decreased by 7%…’

‘About 115,000 straight punch tests are needed to complete the transformation of the right arm movement system. ’

‘After the transformation of the right arm movement system is completed, it can provide about 0.7 power increase. ’

A series of data flashed silently in Li Anping’s mind. Under the skin of his right arm, it was as if countless living things were crawling. His muscles and bones were slightly deformed. After all this stopped, he threw another straight punch, and then another long string of data flashed through his mind.

Since completing the digestive system, Li Anping directly chose to transform the movement system. This may be the system with the greatest improvement in physical fitness and combat effectiveness among the six major systems. It can even help him improve some of his physical fitness before completing the cultivation of the Hell Map.

At this time, Li Anping had completely entered a state of being completely focused. His eyes were closed, and there was only darkness. Various data about his body kept flashing through his mind. As he punched, he kept adjusting the bones, muscles, and joints of his right arm.

With the help of the Hell Map, these three things gradually evolved and changed, completely breaking away from the limitations of bones, muscles, and joints, and almost becoming another organ. It has stronger resistance to blows, endurance, contraction, and other excellent properties.

While Li Anping was practicing, a production line was running continuously outside the entire room, and the long conveyor belt surrounded the entire room several times. The conveyor belt was filled with human bodies with "chi luo" all over their bodies.

These were all clones made according to Li Anping's requirements. As soon as they came off the production line, they would be sent to the secret room where Li Anping practiced. While Li Anping was practicing, he was also harvesting these clones.

These clones were placed on the conveyor belt, and after a circle around the practice room, they would be brought to other rooms along the conveyor belt. At this time, they are completely dead, and their bodies will be reused to create the next batch of clones.

Relying on the amazing financial resources of the nine royal families, this conveyor belt has been running for almost 24 hours, constantly sending fresh souls into Li Anping's mouth.

At this time, Li Anping is like a black hole, taking away any life that approaches him.

Another punch was thrown, and the violent fist wind directly hit the metal wall, making a loud bang and leaving a huge dent on the wall.

Because of the constant adjustment of the movement system, Li Anping often cannot control the power of his right fist 100%. This kind of slightly strong force will occur.

'Muscle strength improves, coordination, speed decreases...'

In the adjustments again and again, Li Anping constantly corrects the balance between strength and speed. After all, it is simple to simply want strength or speed to go to extremes, but it is also very dangerous, and there are too obvious weaknesses in the battle.

Especially similar to the pursuit of strength, which leads to increased burden on the body and reduced speed, it is not advisable.

So what Li Anping pursues is the balance between speed and strength, especially since everyone's body has subtle differences, so he needs to test again and again to make adjustments so that both speed and strength can reach the highest transmission efficiency.

With repeated adjustments, Li Anping's punching movements are becoming more and more smooth. Of course, Li Anping himself knows this best, because he monitors every cell in his body almost all the time and controls every force in his body.

50 days later.

'The motor system has been completely transformed. '

'The physical fitness has now become 32.8 in strength, 33.1 in speed, and 33.7 in physical fitness. '

Although the physical fitness has leaped again, it is just that the physical limit has been raised after the motor system has been transformed, not that the limit has been broken, so Li Anping is not very excited.

At this time, he is "chi luo" all over, and the muscles on his body are almost invisible. His whole body has become completely streamlined, like a sculpture connected into one piece, giving people an inhuman cold feeling.

Then Li Anping sat down again, without rest or pause, without any so-called laziness or distraction. Like a steel robot, he started the next system transformation.

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