Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 78: Arrangement

The incarnation of the mind behind Li Anping slowly disappeared, and he himself fell faster and faster towards the ground. But his eyes were still looking at the original position of Hui.

The annihilation reaction produced by positrons and electrons erupted with huge energy, causing a huge explosion in outer space, almost illuminating the entire sky.

In the horrible explosion, the core of Hui had completely disappeared.

But unlike the countless killings before, Li Anping did not feel the growth of soul power.

‘Is Hui not dead? Or, his entire body must be destroyed? ’

Li Anping did not know which of the two possibilities was. If Hui’s core was not completely destroyed, then his remaining fragments were also flying towards the outside of the solar system at the third cosmic speed, and I am afraid that Li Anping would never see it in this life.

If his entire body was to be destroyed, it would be too troublesome. And there was no need. After all, Li Anping’s current physical body had reached a bottleneck, and even if he absorbed Hui’s soul power, it could not be effectively improved. Besides, after Hui's body lost its main consciousness, it had completely fallen into a deep sleep and became the original land.

Thinking of this, Li Anping's body accelerated, and a black line was already flying towards Dongyang. After repelling Hui, there were more than nine hours left in the state of God, and he still had a lot of things to do.


In a large supermarket in a city in Dongyang. The supermarket was full of scattered goods and large pieces of collapsed walls. There were also many wires exposed outside the wall, and from time to time, a group of electric sparks burst out, making the lights of the entire supermarket flicker.

A group of ragged, unkempt people, like refugees. Facing a large number of shelves full of food, they kept sweeping canned food, biscuits and other foods from them into the shopping cart.

Several men and women shouted:

"Hurry up, those monsters are coming."

"Damn, it must be the end of the world. We have to grab more food."

At this moment, a beast roar came from the supermarket gate. The Dongyang people, who were like refugees, were startled and immediately ran towards the back door with shouts and screams. Everyone's face showed a look of fear.

But before they ran far with the shopping cart, they saw a black shadow flash. A cheetah with a dark body and a cluster of orchid flames burning on its head had blocked them.


Amid screams, the refugees hurriedly turned around and ran, but they didn't know that a similar cheetah appeared behind them. The two cheetahs blocked them in the shelves one after the other, and kept roaring.

Just when they looked desperate. When he thought he was going to be eaten by these monsters, a young man slowly walked out from behind the cheetah and said sincerely: "Don't be afraid, they have no ill intentions."

The man who spoke was Takeuchi Aota. He touched the cheetah's head, and the latter showed an expression of enjoyment, and then slowly stepped back.

Takeuchi Aota looked at the cautious eyes of several people. He smiled and said: "It's too dangerous to stay in the wild. I found a place where it is safer and will not attract powerful monsters. Do you want me to go with you?"

Takeuchi Aota persuaded a few more words. Just when several people hesitated, Takeuchi Aota's face changed. He felt an incredible mental force sweeping through his body.

He didn't have time to say a word, and turned around and ran quickly out of the supermarket. But as soon as his body moved, a thunderous explosion came from the sky outside the house.

Then the whole supermarket suddenly shook, and the top of the supermarket was instantly shattered, revealing a large hole with a diameter of five or six meters.

Sunlight shone in from the cave, illuminating the originally flickering supermarket.

Li Anping slowly flew in from the cave. Floating above Takeuchi Aota.

Takeuchi Aota's face was gloomy, and a trace of despair flashed in his eyes: "Li Anping? Are you here to kill me?" Beside Takeuchi Aota, two dark cheetahs roared in a low voice, staring at Li Anping fiercely.

"It depends on your choice." Li Anping glanced at the two cheetahs casually, and an astonishing murderous aura flashed by. The two cheetahs instantly wilted, whimpering in a low voice, hiding behind Takeuchi Aota with an innocent look.

Takeuchi Aita asked, "Why did you find me?"

Li Anping said calmly, "You smell like ash. And I have very good ears. I heard a lot of things when I went to Mount Fuji before."

Looking at Takeuchi Aita who had no resistance at all, Li Anping continued, "You want to live a free and human life. I can give it to you, but you have to do me a favor."

Behind Takeuchi Aita, the ordinary people were already stunned. They wanted to escape and shout, but the mental force field rushed directly into their minds and took over the control of their bodies, making them unable to move even a finger.

"What do you want me to do?"

Li Anping pointed at the two leopards behind him and asked, "Can you control these monsters infected by ash?"

Takeuchi Aota replied, "Yes."

"That's it." Li Anping nodded and said, "I want you to restrain all the monsters. They can't leave Dongyang. They must stay in Dongyang forever.

And I will send people to Dongyang later. You must assist them in their work."

Takeuchi Aota asked, "Do you want me to be your subordinate?"

"I want you to help me manage Dongyang after the disaster. As Gray's clone, you can control these monsters. You are the perfect candidate." Li Anping said: "These monsters and Gray's corpse will be very useful to me in the future. Daxia will also send many people here. I can't protect them all the time."

Takeuchi Qingta only thought for a few seconds and realized that he actually had no choice: "I promise you."

The next moment, Li Anping's figure suddenly shattered and turned into countless fragments that dissipated in the air.

Takeuchi Qingta's pupils shrank, and he was surprised in his heart: "It's just a spiritual clone? And the mental scan just now, when did he have the mental ability."


The original site of Mount Fuji, that is, the original location of Mount Fuji before the phase matrix was activated.

Inside an ancient shrine.

The guards here have long been killed in the disaster, and there are corpses of various monsters and ability users everywhere. Obviously, a fierce battle has taken place here before.

Li Anping blasted the statue in front of him with a palm, and a purple monster-like long sword was inserted into the stone statue.

The doctor stood beside Li Anping and smiled awkwardly: "The secret of the Ten Fist Sword is here. Can I leave now?"

He had already arrived at the sea and was about to escape to the Ice Castle, but he was stopped by Li Anping who fell from the sky. Under the pressure of absolute power, he took him to the secret base of the God's Domain.

Li Anping did not speak, and the doctor did not dare to leave. He could only watch Li Anping walk forward and pull out the strange long sword.

Looking at the blade, there were countless Dongyang characters engraved on it, recording the practice method of the Ten Fist Sword. Seeing this, Li Anping finally nodded with satisfaction.

"Are you so afraid of me?"

The doctor smiled helplessly: "Because your power really scares me. Staying by your side, I feel like I'm on the surface of the sun."

Li Anping didn't care, put away the demon sword, and said casually: "You were my enemy before, and I was merciful not to kill you. How about this, you work for me for fifty years, and after fifty years, you will be free again."

The doctor smiled bitterly: "What if I say no?"

Li Anping looked at him unexpectedly and said coldly: "I will kill you, then clone you, and let your clone work for me."

Cold sweat fell on the doctor's forehead, he sighed and said: "You are really direct, then my life will be yours for the next fifty years."

After getting the practice method of the Ten Fist Sword, Dongyang has no urgent matters to complete for the time being. The next step is to wait for the staff of Daxia to come to Dongyang. They will send people to study monsters and Hui's body, which are both of great value. The monsters here can also become a good trial place for various new ability users in the future.

Bai Xinghe will come to receive all the inheritance of the Divine Realm and the Dongyang government for Li Anping. As for the doctor, in addition to his ability, he is also an excellent talent. Li Anping plans to let the other party lay down the phase matrix in Tianjing, and then send him to the Eighth Research Institute to work.

After all, the battles that may be encountered in the future are becoming more and more fierce, and the high-level ability users and the demons that may appear have amazing destructive power. On the contrary, as the capital of Daxia, Tianjing lacks sufficient defense means, but the doctor's phase matrix plus Emma's space transmission should be able to make up for this well.

After these arrangements are completed, Li Anping will not have to worry about high-level ability users sneaking into Tianjing when he is not there, or the aftermath of his battle in Tianjing causing damage like Dongyang.

As for other bits and pieces, Li Anping plans to leave them all to his subordinates. He must seize the time, retreat with all his strength, complete the practice of the Hell Map, break through the limit of his body, and make his strength grow explosively again.

The matter of Hui has sounded the alarm for him. He must hurry up to improve his strength. You know, the previous Hui took him so much effort, but it was not in a complete state. In order to face the powerful enemies that may appear in the future, he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

However, before he closed his eyes, he still had some things to do.

Li Anping focused his attention on the incarnation of Mind Qi.

I saw a black shadow streaking across the sky like a meteor.

The incarnation of Mind Qi was flying at its own extreme speed, passing through the Five Star Ocean and flying towards the direction of the Western Continent.

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