Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 44: Waves

Seeing someone rushing in from outside the door, Peter Parker's face changed drastically and he shouted, "Go quickly." After that, regardless of Tian Haowen's reaction, he shot out a spider silk from his palm, which stuck to Tian Haowen's waist and pulled him over.

The next second, Peter Parker hugged Tian Haowen and jumped out of the window.

Unfortunately, although his series of reactions were almost at the limit, the person who broke in was a little faster than him.

Just before he was about to jump out of the window, a black figure suddenly jumped out from the shadow under the window sill. The figure was all black, and his hands turned into shadow-like sharp blades, slashing at Peter Parker who jumped into the air.

'Is it the ability of the shadow to attack? ' Peter Parker's face did not change, and his left hand reached the ceiling. Peter Parker, who was originally in mid-air, could never suddenly change direction or accelerate.

But a thin white thread suddenly shot out from his wrist and stuck tightly to the ceiling. Then he pulled it, and his body rubbed against the shadow blade and crashed into the window of the hotel.

With a clang, Peter Parker and Tian Haowen broke through the window glass and flew into the air.

"Ah!" Amid Tian Haowen's crazy scream, Peter Parker stretched out his left arm, and a white silk thread shot toward the roof of the opposite building. After the thin thread stuck to the edge of the roof, Peter Parker grabbed Tian Haowen with one hand and the silk thread with the other hand, and flew hundreds of meters away with a swing.

Peter Parker was like Tarzan, relying on the silk thread that kept shooting out of his wrist, he could continue to shuttle quickly in the jungle of steel and concrete.

However, there was obviously more than one person who came to capture Tian Haowen this time. A dark-skinned man was standing at the window. Just as Peter Parker was about to disappear from their sight, a huge and strange gun suddenly appeared in his hand. With a slight muffled sound, the bullet shot out of the window and shot towards Peter Parker's vest in the air.

But long before the bullet was fired. Super strong intuition has turned countless warnings of danger into a feeling that pierces the heart, and madly sent it to Peter Parker's brain.

Peter Parker, who has avoided danger many times with super intuition, did not hesitate this time and twisted his body to dodge to the side. But as the bullet was about to fly past his body, an inexplicable luster flashed on the surface of the bullet, and the bullet had already drawn an arc and passed through Peter Parker's shoulder.

Peter Parker groaned, but gritted his teeth and held it back, exerting force on his body. His right hand still held the silk thread tightly. While spilling a piece of blood in the air, he finally disappeared from the sight of the pursuer.

The dark-skinned man who fired the bullet snorted coldly, and the strange spear in his hand disappeared: "This guy reacted so quickly. When I turned the bullet, I was clearly aiming at his heart, but he dodged it in advance."

Beside him, a man wrapped in black clothes slowly crawled out of the shadows: "What should we do? If he escapes, Scorpion will not let us go. This is the first mission after completing the training."

The dark-skinned man who fired the gun on the side also had a gloomy face at this time. He slowly said: "It doesn't matter. We still have a chance. They won't leave the city so soon. Contact colleagues in the secret agency. Find them out."

Just as the two were thinking about what to do next, their faces suddenly changed at the same time. The mind energy fluctuations like the sun appeared in their perception. The majestic power can even make ordinary people feel uneasy.

In the eyes of the two ability users, a huge. Thick golden light column has risen into the sky a few kilometers away, with a domineering, brutal, and almost irresistible posture. It directly broke through the clouds in the sky, until it dissipated more than ten kilometers away, punched a big hole in the clouds, and then gradually disappeared into the air.

The dark-skinned man looked at the light column that gradually turned into countless light spots and gradually disappeared into the air with a shocked face, and said in surprise: "Is it Lord Jin Guang? Has he also come to Emerald City?"

The man with shadow ability on the other side reacted more directly. He jumped out of the window and fell to the ground below the eighteenth floor, but before he fell a few meters, he had turned into a shadow on the ground, and then rushed to the place where the golden light column came from.

The dark-skinned man also reacted, but he didn't have such a convenient way to travel, so he rushed out of the room quickly and rushed to the direction of Jin Guang in a normal way.


Ten minutes later, on the roof of an office building, a black-haired and black-eyed boy stood still. It was Jin Guang who had released his transformation. He suddenly turned his head and looked at a shadow. A man was slowly crawling out of the shadow. Seeing Jin Guang's gaze, he quickly showed a blue and white sign.

Frowning, Jin Guang said, "Are you also from Daxia Longque?"

The man looked at him with admiration and said, "Master Jin Guang, we are interns who have just completed training. This time we came to capture Tian Haowen."

Jin Guang's face flashed with a hint of understanding: 'So it's that guy, no wonder he looks a little familiar. ' Tian Haowen has been on TV frequently during this period. Even if Jin Guang doesn't watch TV much, he knows this guy.

"He was captured by that bug. I have been chasing that bug for more than half a month, but that guy seems to have some ability to predict danger in advance. I can only hurt him but can't catch him."

The man with shadow ability asked in confusion: "Bug?"

"It's the guy who spits out spider silk." Jin Guang said calmly: "His name is Peter Parker, and he is a criminal I am chasing. The organization he established before was for the purpose of resisting the Great Xia Longque."

Hearing this, the shadow man secretly complained in his heart. Unexpectedly, not only was Tian Haowen not caught, but he was also taken away by a terrorist. Now their mission was considered a complete failure.

With his last glimmer of hope, he asked Jin Guang, "Sir, did your blow just now hurt them?"

Jin Guang looked at the cars coming and going under the building with an expressionless face, and said: "He had foreseen it in advance and avoided it. However, although there was no direct hit, Tian Wenhao was just an ordinary person, and the cannon just passed through the air. The shock wave caused was enough for him to eat a pot."

Thinking of this, Jin Guang secretly resented that although he was faster than his opponent, he couldn't fly and could only use his mind energy to lift himself into the air. The speed is slower than the opponent again.

Peter Parker relies on his super intuition, strong body coordination, flexibility, agility, and the ability to spray spider silk from his hands. Although he is no match for him in a head-on confrontation, he is an expert at escaping in the city.

'It would be nice to have the ability to fly. ’

In the daze, Tian Haowen felt bursts of heartbreaking pain coming from his back. He wanted to scream, but he felt that his hands and feet were pressed to the ground by countless evil spirits, and he could not exert any strength at all. come out.

He wanted to open his eyes. But he felt that his eyelids were so heavy that he could not open them at all.

In the darkness, he felt as if someone was constantly swinging him, as if something was inserted into his body.

A wave of sleepiness hit him, and he finally passed out completely.

When Tian Haowen woke up, his nose was filled with the smell of disinfectant.

A man's voice came to his ears: "Don't move, you are seriously injured."

Following these words, severe pain came from his back, making Tian Haowen couldn't help but scream.

"Be gentle. Do you want to be discovered?" Another man's voice came, making Tian Haowen feel familiar.

‘It was the man who rescued me from the hotel. ’ Tian Haowen gradually remembered what happened before he fell into coma. He only remembered the man holding on to him, constantly shuttling between high-rise buildings, and finally a sudden burst of pain. He passed out.

Feeling the unimaginable pain in his back, Tian Haowen said uneasily: "Who are you? What happened to me? What the hell is going on with all this? Who are the people who attacked me?"

Peter Parker and a thin man wearing glasses looked at each other, and finally he said: "Explain one by one.

My name is Peter Parker, an ability user who specializes in causing trouble for the Great Xia Longque. Next to me is Fang Ming. He used to be a field doctor of the Qilin Regiment, and he also had a sworn enemy with Li Anping. It was He who healed you. "

This thin man with eyes was the only remaining member of the Qilin Group that was wiped out by Li Anping in the Emerald City. Because he stayed alone in Baiyue. He sold off the supplies left by the Qilin Regiment. Because some of the goods were very difficult to sell, he kept them for a while, but he also escaped with his life.

Peter Parker paused, gave Tian Haowen some time to digest, and then said: "You are injured. Those who attacked us are people with the ability of Daxia Longque. Especially the last guy, his name is Jin Guang, you You should have seen him on the news during the tsunami.

Although I tried my best to avoid it, your physique was too weak and I still suffered a little damage. "

Seemingly hearing a trace of intolerance from Peter Parker's words, Tian Haowen said in a panic: "What injury have I suffered? Am I going to die?"

Fang Ming pushed up his glasses, glanced at the panicked Tian Haowen, and said helplessly: "You won't die, but the shock wave damaged your spinal nerves and your lower body was paralyzed."

After hearing the news, Tian Haowen felt that the sensation in his lower body had disappeared. He stared blankly at the ceiling, a trace of despair flashing in his eyes.

Seeing Tian Haowen's silence, Peter Parker was silent for a while, and then continued: "This is the price of resisting Li Anping. When facing him, you must be prepared to break your body and your family to pieces at any time. It is not something you say casually. A few slogans will do.

We will rest here for a day and then leave. If you still plan to fight against him, just tell Fang Ming. "

Halfway through the words, Peter Parker's expression suddenly changed and he looked at the man on the hospital bed in surprise: "This is..."

At the same time, when some small fish in the far south made a little splash in the countercurrent, Li Anping had returned to the laboratory and started his second transformation.

On the highly intelligent operating table, the chest cavity is directly exposed to the air, and the cells in the lungs are like a special kind of life, twisting and deforming bit by bit at a very slow speed, as if hundreds of millions of years of evolution have been condensed into a short period of time. Within a few days.

At the same time, under Li Anping's calm operation, special medicines, nutrient solutions, and nanomaterials appeared under the hands of the robotic arm and were injected into the lungs.

There was no trace of panic or nervousness on Li Anping's expressionless face, as if the body in front of him was not his, but someone else's.

Step by step, according to the knowledge recorded in the hell map, the lungs, throat, trachea and other parts of the respiratory system were transformed. (To be continued...)

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