Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 45: Prelude

In the office, Liu Sheng was reviewing documents. Although he looked a little thin recently, he seemed to be troubled by the affairs of Daxia Longque. But his eyes were still full of spirit.

As Li Anping's power became stronger and stronger, he gradually handed over more power to his subordinates. Just like Daxia Longque, unless there were some special circumstances that required him to ask for instructions, he had basically handed it all over to Liu Sheng.

During this period of time, Liu Sheng finally stepped onto the peak of power in his life. An unprecedented sense of fulfillment and accomplishment spread in his body. And he basically gave up the training of his own abilities and put his whole body and mind into the construction of Daxia Longque.

Most of the day, he basically spent in this office.

At this time, he was looking at the report on Tian Haowen in his hand. The executors of this character were codenamed Shadow and Gunner. Although they were two newcomers, with their abilities, it should be easy to deal with Tian Haowen, an ordinary person. But they failed.

"Pitt Parker, these two people actually got together." Thinking of this, Liu Sheng continued to read on.

After that, Jin Guang led Shadow and Gunner to ambush Peter Parker again, but the other party continued to flee after paying the price of serious injuries. Jin Guang chased him alone, while Shadow and Gunner tried to find Tian Haowen's trace.

However, since being taken away by Peter Parker, Tian Haowen seemed to have completely disappeared. Not only did he not find him, but even all the surveillance of him did not find any clues.

All the online accounts have never been logged in since the day of his disappearance, all relatives. Even his ex-wife and children have not received any calls. Even his bank account, the money in it has not moved.

Although the body was not found. But Scorpion, who was in charge of Tian Haowen's case, believed that the other party might have been killed by the aftermath of Jin Guang's attack. He applied for the police in Emerald City to conduct a grassroots investigation and make the final confirmation.

Liu Sheng thought about it and rejected this. Tian Haowen is a little troublesome. But in front of the really serious Daxia Longque, it is not worth mentioning at all. Even if he appears again, there will be no chance to make a voice to the public.

And now it seems that even if he didn't die under the attack of the golden light, he probably wouldn't feel well. He completely understood his situation. He chose to give up his past and hide.

Yagyu was too lazy to waste time and money to find him. The Emerald City was in a sensitive period and there was no need to make trouble.

After making new arrangements for the shadows and gunmen who had not completed their tasks, Yagyu started to look at the next file. But at this moment, the phone on his desk rang.

When he heard the phone ring, his brows furrowed deeply.

On his desk. There were two phones in total, one black and one red. The red phone was the one Yagyu was most reluctant to receive, because it meant some emergency situation.

Yagyu answered the phone: "Hello?"

"I am codenamed I233, and I am in a sewer somewhere in Kyoto now." There was a big gasp from the other end.

Liu Sheng asked, "You should know the priority of this call. What on earth did you encounter?"

"" The voice on the other end revealed a trace of fear: "The immortality potion exists,"

The phone suddenly began to make noises, followed by a series of gunshots and human screams of fear.

Liu Sheng shouted, "Hello? Hello? Where are you? What monster?"

But the other side seemed to have no time to pay attention to the phone. After another miserable scream. Everything returned to calm. Liu Sheng held his breath and listened to the sound coming from the phone. It seemed to be the panting of some animal. There were also sounds similar to chewing and biting.

Then there was a crackling sound, and no more sound came. The phone seemed to be destroyed by someone, and Liu Sheng could only hear a busy tone.

All this was so unusual that Liu Sheng was in doubt. The news about Kyoto was received in the past two days. As the capital of Dongyang, Kyoto, where this incident happened, did not know why some myths about the so-called immortality potion began to circulate.

In the early years, Daxia Longque had investigators lurking in Kyoto. Although they had almost no ability, they had the authority to directly contact the highest superiors of Daxia Longque. This time, it was originally aimed at the strange rumors circulating in Kyoto, just a little investigation to ensure that Li Anping's later trip to Dongyang would not be affected. Even Liu Sheng didn't pay attention to this little thing.

As a result, it seems that something unusual has really been discovered. In particular, the statement that the immortality potion really exists, and the so-called monster, have attracted Liu Sheng's attention.

He thought about it, and finally dialed a phone: "Hello?"

A woman's voice came from the other side. While she was talking about who to find, there was a banging sound and another woman's screaming and panting in the microphone.

Liu Sheng's face darkened, and he said angrily: "Tell Yan Bei, I am Liu Sheng, let him roll over to see me immediately."


Ten days later, in the laboratory, Li Anping's transformation was nearing completion, the wound on the chest was slowly sutured, and the mechanical arm was retracted into the operating table.

He sat up slowly, and could clearly feel every airflow that was sucked into his throat through his nasal cavity. He could feel these gases entering his lungs, transforming into various nutrients, being directly transported to his blood vessels, and then transported to all parts of his body by the blood.

Li Anping's entire body cells seemed to be cheering for these nutrients that were transported in.

Compared to the current breathing, every breath he took before was like car exhaust.

He seemed to feel that every moment, his physical fitness was improving at an extremely small speed with the help of these nutrients. He felt that even if he did nothing, he might be able to break through the limit of 29.9 and reach the fifth energy level in a few years.

However, Li Anping knew that this was not the limit of the respiratory system. He had only completed the initial transformation of the respiratory system. Without the cooperation of the other five systems, even if Li Anping could absorb various gases, his body could not absorb them. Only when the transformation of the six systems was completed, he could truly absorb all gases 100% and turn them into his own nutrients.

But even now, it was already very powerful. Not only did the efficiency of absorbing oxygen greatly improve, Li Anping felt that his sense of smell had become more sensitive.

He could clearly distinguish the smell of every object in the laboratory. If the laboratory had not been sealed, he would probably be able to clearly confirm the location of people within thousands of meters around him by just taking a breath in the city.

Not only that, his lung strength, throat, and mouth exhalation ability were also greatly enhanced.

In short, the transformation of the respiratory system has been preliminarily completed. The next step is to wait until all six systems are completed, and the whole body will completely break the limit of human beings and begin to evolve and become stronger without limit.

So Li Anping can choose the next system to transform next.

However, time flies. After the transformation of the respiratory system is completed today, it will be less than a week before the day of the mission to Dongyang. Although Li Anping really wants to hide in the laboratory alone and complete all the transformations in one go, there are still some things he has to do.

Thinking of this, he has opened the door and walked out of the laboratory.

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