Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 43: Troubles

Turning off the video, Li Anping glanced at Liu Sheng and others coldly, and slowly said: "Do I need to teach you how to do this?"

Seeing that everyone's faces were getting paler and paler under the pressure of his gaze, Li Anping spoke again: "First block the news, let those private and foreign media get out of Emerald City, and confiscate all the content they filmed.

Let Momo take action to steal Tian Haowen and his subordinates' Weibo accounts, and directly send people to reorganize the text and reverse public opinion.

As for Tian Haowen himself, he has crossed the line. Catch him. If he refuses to compromise, brainwash him directly. And let the backbones under him go to the Wang family." Among the nine royal families, the Wang family has the strongest ability to manipulate people's hearts. The best among them can even fabricate false memories and identities for ordinary people, and subtly change a person's character.

Although this ability is less effective for the more powerful the ability, it is perfect for maintaining rule. It is nothing more than that they are the most powerful family among the nine royal families.

If they were really allowed to do it, it would not be surprising for people like Tian Haowen to become Li Anping's diehards.

After saying this, Li Anping glared at them again and said, "Don't test my determination. Unless I take the initiative to change the order, the orders I have arranged must be strictly implemented."

A cold light flashed in Li Anping's eyes, as if he remembered his past. He said in a tone like preaching: "I will kill every villain in Daxia, let all those who have done evil. All tremble under the bed, and let every villain who has not been punished. Wake up from nightmares every day.

I want them to be afraid of the thought of doing evil, and let them be as frightened as a dog who has lost his home when they pull the trigger."

Every word Li Anping said was extremely righteous, but when it came out of his mouth, for some reason, it gave people a sense of evil that went deep into the bone marrow. Like the low hum of a demon, and like the preaching of an evil god.

This is what Liu Sheng and others felt after hearing it.

In fact, Daxia Longque has too many ways to deal with ordinary people like Tian Haowen. The reason why they waited until Li Anping came out of the laboratory before they started was that they wanted to confirm the method Li Anping wanted to use to do this. Secondly, even they felt that although Li Anping's starting point was good, it seemed a bit radical, so they wanted to confirm Li Anping's determination to do this through Tian Haowen's matter.

Now, Li Anping has clearly demonstrated his tough attitude, and Liu Sheng and others will naturally do this according to his wishes.

The next topic became some daily construction of Daxia Longque. There are also issues such as the preparations for the Pan-Continental Alliance. Liu Sheng and others also reported on the current development.

As the existence of people with abilities in Daxia becomes more and more transparent, coupled with Li Anping's performance that shocked the world several times, most people in Daxia have accepted the existence of such a human being who transcends ordinary people. As for their attitude towards people with abilities, whether they are friends or enemies, it is completely different.

Some people are friendly, some are afraid, and some are disgusted.

This is all within Li Anping's expectations. Therefore, the publicity plan for people with abilities has always been in charge of Liu Feng. It is to make ordinary people gradually accept and accommodate people with special abilities, and treat them as ordinary people.

However, this is obviously a slow job. It is because the existence of people with special abilities is completely recognized and the Great Xia Dragon Bird is promoted. Recently, more and more people with special abilities have come to Tianjing and want to join the Great Xia Dragon Bird.

Most of them are weak. Or they have not awakened their abilities for a long time, or they are out of touch with the news. They have been hiding their abilities before and are not aware of the existence of other people with special abilities. They all come to the Great Xia Dragon Bird, hoping to find companions and a sense of identity.

There are also a small number of people who have already been famous before and are familiar with the existence of people with special abilities. After seeing the power displayed by Li Anping, they hope to join the Great Xia Dragon Bird and hug their thighs.

There are even a few scammers who want to pretend to be people with special abilities to fight for the benefits of the Great Xia Dragon Bird.

But they were all caught one by one and sent back. There are also many people whose abilities are very useless and almost useless. Liu Sheng asked them to register their information and went home directly.

Even so, in just one month recently, the number of people with special abilities in the entire Great Xia Dragon Bird has increased by more than 500 people. At present, all of them are receiving training to teach them how to develop their abilities and abide by the rules of Daxia Dragon Bird.

I believe that as time goes by, there will be more and more people with abilities in the entire Daxia Dragon Bird, and gradually enter a period of explosive growth in strength.

Then the few people talked about the college city. Li Anping set the location of the college city near Zhongdu. The main reason is that it is close to the central part of Daxia and has a good geographical location.

The construction team and materials that the Star Alliance promised to support have all arrived, and the entire college city is ready to start construction.

When he said this, Liu Sheng took out a document and handed it to Li Anping, saying: "Sir, these are three design plans for the college city. We are not sure about some of them. Please help me choose one."

Hearing this, Li Anping took the document with interest and began to read it.

The three design plans of the academy city represent three styles. The first is complete militarization. The entire academy city will be built like a military fortress, with war weapons and military training facilities everywhere, and the ability users who come in will be trained as war weapons.

The second is completely the opposite. The built academy city will become a university city. The ability users of different departments belong to different universities. The entire city is composed of campuses, dormitories, commercial streets and other parts, which fully serve those ability students.

The above two have their own characteristics, and they can be said to be good. But when Li Anping saw the third one, his eyes lit up.

The main designer of the third design plan is Gao Yu, who is from the Gao family of the nine royal families. This person once studied in the Amest Federation. The third plan he led to design has a strong sense of high technology and uses a lot of technologies that are only available in the Western Continent and are not yet mature in the Eastern Continent.

According to this plan, the entire academy city will be built into a huge self-sufficient city, not only with campuses and dormitories, but also with huge research parks and military buildings. At the same time, it meets the requirements of superpower teaching, experiments, research and military.

What's more special is that he proposed to imitate the Sky City of the Amest Federation and build the entire college city into an aerial city.

Seeing this plan, Li Anping was full of interest. He raised his head and asked: "Can we build a sky city like the Federation? How long will it take?"

The Sky City on the other side of the Western Continent took the Federation ten years to build. It is an aerial fortress unique to the Federation. The interior is full of the most advanced high-tech weapons. With this war fortress, the Federation has shocked the entire Western Continent and has always regarded itself as the world's number one power.

Liu Sheng hesitated for a moment and said: "The Star Alliance said that they can provide the key technology. But even so, it will take more than five years to build it."

Li Anping said indifferently: "It's okay, build it slowly. You can first build a simplified college city according to the second plan, cultivate people with abilities from an early age, and move there when the real college city is completed." Li Anping thought about it, but he didn't throw out the secret martial arts book immediately.

He still planned to complete the transformation of the six major systems in the Hell Map by himself, and then personally test and modify all the classics before deciding to spread these ancient abilities in this way.

After confirming the details about the Academy City, Li Anping left again and returned to the laboratory. He had to hurry up to complete the transformation of the respiratory system.

At this time, he had already forgotten about Tian Haowen in his mind. For Li Anping, there was no need to keep such a small person in mind.

Late at night on the second day, Emerald City.

A black shadow jumped silently between buildings. Suddenly it stopped on a building, then climbed the wall with its limbs, and slowly crawled towards a window from the shadows.

Tian Haowen, who was in a single room in the hotel, knew nothing about this. He was logging on to Weibo in a rage, wanting to post about the expulsion of the filming team today. But he found that he couldn't log in at all. Every time it showed a wrong password, and choosing to retrieve the password didn't work.

Just as he was angrily hitting the keyboard, a male voice came from behind him.

"Tian Haowen?"

Tian Haowen was startled and quickly turned around and stood up. He saw a man standing in the shadows next to the window, but his face was not clear.

He picked up the short stick on the table, which was obviously a self-defense weapon because he had been attacked before.

Waving the ridiculous short stick, he said in panic: "Who are you? Are you from Daxia Longque?"

A bunch of white silk suddenly shot out from Peter Parker's palm, and he directly snatched the other party's short stick, and then said coldly: "If I were them, you would not have the chance to talk to me soberly.

Do you know how dangerous you are now? They may come to you at any time."

Tian Haowen also regained a little calmness at this time. After hearing what Peter Parker said, he said proudly: "Let them catch me, I have been prepared for a long time. Even if there is bloodshed, even if there is sacrifice, I will never tolerate this country being ruled by a butcher's dictatorship. Become the butcher's knife in his hand.

I know what the price of freedom and democracy is, but I never regret it!"

A strange color flashed in Peter Parker's eyes, but just when he wanted to say something, there was a loud noise from the door of the room, and the next moment, several black shadows rushed in.

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