Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 29: Earth-shaking (10)

After removing the defense circle of the Thirty-three Caves, Fang Yuhuang's violent mind energy enveloped the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of meters, and quickly confirmed that Li Anping in front of him was his true body.

At this moment, he understood the opponent's strength and strength.

He also figured out how Li Anping passed through the defense circle of the Thirty-three Caves.

Because there is only one way.

That is to pass through the defense circle when the defense circle is removed.

It sounds contradictory, but it is reasonable.

Because every time Fang Yuhuang launched an attack, he had to remove the 33,000-kilometer defense circle, because no matter how powerful he was, he could not fold the space 33,000 kilometers away.

So the ability of the Thirty-three Caves, attack and defense can only be chosen one.

Fang Yuhuang thought this was a weakness that was not a weakness. Because of decades of hard practice, he had already practiced the ability of the Thirty-three Caves as instinct, like his breathing.

The switch between defense and attack is really in an instant, in a flash of lightning.

No one has ever seen through the essence of the Thirty-Three Caves, and no one can catch Fang Yuhuang's flaw in such a short time.

But today, Li Anping did it.

He seized the only moment and the only opportunity.

Although Fang Yuhuang was angry at the other party's attitude, the other party's carelessness, shocked by the other party's strength, and shocked by the other party's terrible actual combat ability.

But he still did not give up, because with the ability of the Thirty-Three Caves, even if he could not kill Li Anping, as long as he was determined to escape, he believed that the other party would never be able to catch him.

The next moment, the afterimage brought by the Azure Dragon Claw covered Fang Yuhuang's entire vision. With the Azure Dragon Claw driven by the strong physical fitness brought by the Qilin blood, plus the extreme distance after the Thirty-Three Caves folded the space, Fang Yuhuang's attack speed at this moment was already unimaginable.

Li Anping was only one meter away from Fang Yuhuang at this time. After folding, it was only thirty nanometers for Fang Yuhuang. How long would it take for the Azure Dragon Claw, which was close to the speed of sound, to swing over a distance of thirty nanometers?

It was a simple math problem, but Li Anping had no time to calculate.

His chest was hit directly by the Green Dragon Claw. The powerful force seemed to penetrate his entire chest cavity, but the first one to show pain was Fang Yuhuang.

Because there was a terrible recoil force falling on his palm.

Reaction force, this is the most basic principle. Even elementary school students know that after punching a wall, the fist will hurt.

But Fang Yuhuang really didn't understand, because he knew that the second attack of the Green Dragon Claw, let alone a wall. Even a piece of steel plate can be shattered.

But the feeling of hitting Li Anping at this time was like being hit by an iceberg. The Green Dragon Claw even only scratched a two-inch deep wound on Li Anping's body surface, and was shaken back by this huge recoil force.

If Fang Yuhuang knew about the void force field, and knew that since Li Anping appeared, the void force field on the entire body surface has been emitting tens of thousands of tons of power all the time, then he would not understand, and would not use the Green Dragon Claw to attack Li Anping.

Because the second strike of the Azure Dragon Claw was indestructible. But Fang Yuhuang's power was not unmatched.

The sharpness of the second strike was enough to crush Li Anping's chest, but Fang Yuhuang's power could not match the void force field, so his Azure Dragon Claw was pushed back.

Then the whole palm twisted, deformed, and shattered under the huge force.

Although Li Anping could not react to the opponent's attack, he knew that the opponent's attack was his body. So he waited and dealt a heavy blow to the opponent without seeing the opponent's attack clearly.

Although Fang Yuhuang couldn't figure out how Li Anping attacked him, he knew that he was no longer Li Anping's opponent.

So he chose to escape.

Escape with the Thirty-three Caves.

He retreated frantically, turned around in fear, and in a breath, he was more than ten kilometers away from Li Anping.

Then he hurriedly changed the folded space back to its original state.

He was afraid that Li Anping would chase him along his folded space.

But Li Anping did not chase him. He did not even move. He just watched Fang Yuhuang fleeing, running away in madness and fear. It was like watching a turtle trapped in a jar. A clown who failed in his performance.

So half a minute later, Fang Yuhuang changed direction and distanced himself.

Such a violent folding of space quickly consumed his mental and physical strength. But he had to grit his teeth and continue to run, because only by living could he have infinite possibilities.

He did not stop until he was hundreds of kilometers away from his original position.

At this time, the surroundings had become a forest, and the desert had long disappeared.

Fang Yuhuang's forehead was full of sweat, and the sweat and hair stuck together, making him look extremely embarrassed.

He had never used the Thirty-Three Caves to travel such a long distance. The intense consumption made him weaker than ever before, and the pain in his two arms seemed to be magnified countless times at this time, making him unable to help but kneel on the ground.

The mind energy in his body was like a dry pond, almost no drop of it.

Although Fang Yuhuang was extremely weak and exhausted, he laughed happily.

Because he survived after all. As long as he survived, he still had hope.

What could be happier than escaping death? So at this moment, Fang Yuhuang laughed very happily, like a child who got his favorite toy.

But he laughed too early, because a black arm was placed on his body.

"Are you not going to run away?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Fang Yuhuang's face changed wildly, but he finally turned his neck inch by inch behind him, as if his head weighed a thousand pounds.

Then he looked at the devil-like figure.

The black incarnation of mind energy came out of Fang Yuhuang's back like a ghost, revealing his upper body. It was one of his palms on Fang Yuhuang's shoulder.

Fang Yuhuang didn't know the incarnation of mind energy, but he could tell that the other party's voice was exactly the same as Li Anping's.

"Although I don't know the specific principles of the Thirty-three Caves, as long as I stay on your body and fight you closely, it seems that you will find it difficult to defend and escape."

Yes, because of the close proximity, the flesh between the two is touching each other at this moment, so there is no distance for Fang Yuhuang to fold or stretch.

So every time Fang Yuhuang folded the space to leave, he would only take the incarnation of mind energy with him.

As early as when Li Anping cut off one of Fang Yuhuang's green dragon claws, he had already hidden his spirit incarnation on his back.

So long before he ran away, Fang Yuhuang was doomed to fail, so Li Anping let him escape.

Fang Yuhuang smiled bitterly and sighed: "Is it too late for me to admit defeat now?"

"Yes." The spirit incarnation conveyed Li Anping's voice: "But your ability is too troublesome. In terms of difficulty, it can be ranked in the top five among the abilities I have encountered. So from today on, this incarnation of mine will stay in your body, as long as one day you are not a threat, or I can really trust you."

The bitter smile on Fang Yuhuang's face became more intense. He wanted to say something, but in the end it turned into a long sigh.

'Can my difficulty only be ranked in the top five? I wonder what monster ranks first. '


When Fang Yuhuang was coerced by Li Anping to become his subordinate, Li Anping's body was still in the desert.

This scene in front of him was the opportunity Fang Yong had dreamed of.

His grandfather escaped from the desert, and no one knew how far he was from here.

And now there was only one person with the ability, Li Anping, in the entire desert.

Plus the five days of preparation time and the confirmed location five days in advance.

And the secret help of some people with ulterior motives.

Finally, Fang Yong created the opportunity in front of him.

After repeatedly confirming this fact through satellite and live broadcast, Fang Yong smiled sincerely.

"God helps me!"

"Grandpa has also left the strike range!"

"Father, brother, are you also in heaven to bless me Baiyue?"

Fang Yong picked up the intercom, and his red eyes stared at Li Anping in the picture, and the bright red blood had already filled his eye sockets.

He roared into the intercom, venting, and issued the order that had been prepared for many days.

"Detonate! Detonate! Detonate all for me!"

Just a few seconds after he finished yelling, the picture showing Li Anping disappeared, and the signal was lost.

But the satellite in the sky was still faithfully recording the situation in the desert.

A huge mushroom cloud rose up, and the terrible smoke and dust seemed to cover the entire earth.

But this was just the beginning. The second, third, fourth... until the tenth mushroom cloud rose up, the attack really stopped.

Looking at the scene in the picture, Fang Yong laughed wildly. He cursed, roared, and danced, as if he wanted to vent the anger and fear in his heart for days.

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