Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 28: Earth-shaking (9)

Looking at Li Anping who was so close, Fang Yuhuang did not show any panic. He said with a disgusted expression: "Your arrogance is really disgusting."

But he was extremely calm in his heart, thinking seriously about what happened just now.

'Is it the afterimage caused by fast movement? No, the attack of the Azure Dragon Claw just now was not the afterimage, but the gas controlled by Li Anping. '

Fang Yuhuang had read Li Anping's information in advance, and Li Anping's several moves in the palace were obviously the top priority for his observation. So he already knew in advance that Li Anping could manipulate the airflow through some unknown means.

'Is it a dummy made of airflow? 'Just when Fang Yuhuang thought about this, he suddenly set his sights on the white airflow on Li Anping's body.

'So that's it, it uses the moisture in the air to cause the refraction of light. I'm afraid that in order to increase the proportion of moisture, he not only used the surrounding air, but also spit out a lot of gas from his mouth.

Then he created a dummy and shot his image on it. 'Fang Yuhuang sneered in his heart: 'It's a bit similar to a mirage, but more sophisticated. '

Although he knew how the other party did it, Fang Yuhuang didn't relax at all. Because the first thing he thought of was whether Li Anping in front of him had come up with such a trick in advance, or had come up with such a trick within a few seconds of fighting with him.

What he couldn't imagine was how the other party relied on the human brain to calculate such a complex light refraction and perfectly express it.

However, Fang Yuhuang knew that this was not the time to entangle these things. He was more concerned about why the other party did it than how the other party did it.

'This kind of trick similar to a mirage can only deceive the opponent visually, so he has a huge weakness, that is, he can't hide his voice, nor can he hide from the opponent's mind scan. '

Although Fang Yuhuang quickly found the weakness of this trick. But he neither heard the other party's voice nor released his mind to sense Li Anping's existence.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he can't do these two things. The reason comes from his strongest ability, Thirty-three Caves.

Thirty-three Caves is an ability that can distort space.

Space itself is an extremely solid thing, which is countless billions of times harder than diamonds in nature.

But space. It is not complete. The world where humans live is composed of countless tiny fragments that are difficult to see with the naked eye. The so-called people are actually being divided all the time, but they just can't feel it.

And Thirty-three Caves is an ability that can change the distance of these space fragments.

In terms of actual effect, it is divided into stretching and shrinking distance. For example, turning a distance of one meter into two meters. Or shrinking a distance of two meters into one meter.

And the growth of the ability of the entire Thirty-three Caves, as the name says, is divided into thirty-three levels.

When he was in the first cave, Fang Yuhuang could stretch one meter into two meters, or shorten one meter to half a meter. When he reached the second cave, this number doubled, and one meter could be stretched to four meters. Or shortened to a quarter of a meter.

This number will double with each upgrade of a cave heaven.

When Fang Yuhuang upgraded this powerful bloodline ability to the 25th cave heaven, he reached the fifth energy level. He became one of the most powerful monsters in the world.

It was also because he reached the 25th cave heaven that he became the fifth energy level. Therefore, Fang Yuhuang's urgency for power made him practice himself eagerly, thinking with great anticipation about how powerful he would be after reaching the 33rd cave heaven.

If it weren't for Li Anping's riot in Baiyue, he would not have considered leaving the mountain before his power was cultivated to the end.

And he who reached the fifth energy level could now increase the distance of a short meter to 2 to the 25th power of meters, which is about 33,500 kilometers, or shorten it to a distance of about 30 nanometers.

The so-called close distance is just like this.

So when he attacked, he could compress the distance between him and Li Anping meter by meter and launch a beyond-visual-range attack.

So although his own speed was not fast. But if he swung his fist over a distance of one meter, he could hit Li Anping from a distance of several kilometers. For his enemies, Fang Yuhuang's attack speed was ridiculously fast. It was unbelievably fast.

Therefore, Fang Yuhuang's attack would not cause a sonic boom, nor would there be much air fluctuation.

However, the influence range of the Thirty-Three Caves is limited. The farther the distance, the weaker the effect. So when Fang Yuhuang was seven kilometers away from Li Anping, the attack speed of the Azure Dragon Claw was very fast, but it was still within the range that Li Anping could dodge.

But when Li Anping appeared in front of Fang Yuhuang, even Li Anping could hardly dodge the extreme speed obtained by the opponent through folding space.

The extreme distance creates the extreme speed. This limit makes it difficult for Fang Yuhuang to change the trajectory of the attack even after he made a move.

Because the distance after the space is folded is too short.

But everything has its pros and cons. When Li Anping came in front of Fang Yuhuang, not only could Fang Yuhuang tear him into pieces with his extremely fast Green Dragon Claw, but a distance of one hundred meters was no different from one centimeter for Li Anping.

So Fang Yuhuang knew that at this distance, any slight negligence could lead to him being killed instantly by the opponent. That's why he let the Azure Dragon Claw get the first hit a few kilometers away, so that when Li Anping approached him, he could kill him instantly in the first wave of attack.

But he didn't expect Li Anping to be able to come up with this mirage-like method to avoid his attack.

But even so, he was not worried at all.

The Thirty-three Caves had already deployed a one-meter radius defense circle around him. At this moment, this one-meter distance turned into a 33,000-kilometer natural chasm, as if isolating him from another world.

Fang Yuhuang didn't think that Li Anping had the ability to attack him across a distance of 33,000 kilometers. In fact, he didn't think there was any capable person in the world who could kill him across 30,000 kilometers.

But this invincible defense was ultimately lacking.

Because only light can cross this natural chasm in one tenth of a second, but sound can't, and mind energy can't even more.

So when Fang Yuhuang deployed this strongest defense, he could only observe the outside world through vision. He could only read other people's words through lip reading. Then he carefully opened a hole in the defense circle to send out the sound of his own words.

So when facing the mirage created by Li Anping, he had difficulty judging the truth of these phantoms. These things can only be done at the moment of his attack.

'I didn't expect things to become so troublesome. 'When Fang Yuhuang realized this, the green claw shadow had once again turned into countless streams of light within a second, tearing Li Anping in front of him into pieces.

But all he could see was the expanding airflow and the terrifying explosion.

The explosion naturally could not affect him in the defense circle of the Thirty-Three Caves, but the sand waves that rose into the sky still completely obscured his vision one meter away.

'Explosion, sand, have you even calculated this? Take the environment into consideration. 'Fang Yuhuang's eyes became colder and colder: 'It's impossible, it's just a coincidence, no one can see through my ability in such a short time, and can also use all the factors. '

But when the sand that soared into the sky fell back to the ground under the pull of gravity, Fang Yuhuang's eyes had completely disappeared from Li Anping.

'Where did he go? Did he hide? '

'By the way, if he can refract light, his body can be invisible. Did he hide like this? '

'Or did he feel that he had no chance of winning, so he kept his distance? '

Fang Yuhuang couldn't help but feel a little anxious. After all, with Li Anping's speed, if he was determined to escape, even he would find it difficult to stop the other party. Moreover, in the case of pursuit, the defense circle would affect his speed, and it would be impossible to deploy it all the time. 'Once I get caught in a guerrilla war, it would be the situation I least want to see. 'Fang Yuhuang thought to himself: 'No, if Li Anping leaves directly and figures out my ability after returning, he will be well prepared next time we fight. '

Just as Fang Yuhuang was lost in thought, he suddenly felt his arm lighten. He was in the defensive circle, which was the most relaxed and safe time for him.

He never thought that he would be attacked after opening the defensive circle.

The whole world seemed to stop at this moment and turned into black and white.

He slowly lowered his head and looked at his left arm.

I saw that the blue dragon claw wrapped in layers of scales had left him at some point, and the part below the elbow was like being cut by a sharp knife, but because the speed was too fast, not even a drop of blood flowed out.

A strong and powerful arm firmly grasped the blue dragon claw on Fang Yuhuang's left hand in the palm of his hand, as if grasping a beautiful specimen.

The latter looked ugly, and a little cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

A voice came, like the devil's low moan, quietly sounded in his ears: "Have you had enough fun? Can you surrender now?"

At this moment, Fang Yuhuang truly realized that the man in front of him was a demon god who was more powerful than he could imagine, a completely out-of-specification existence.

But when he saw the other party's attitude like a teacher treating a naughty student, a burst of anger still couldn't help but burst out, filling every cell of Fang Yuhuang.

After decades of hard training, giving up all rights and enjoying the power he gained.

No one can fight me with this attitude.

Even if you are as powerful as you can't.


A thunderous roar!

The sound waves turned into ripples, spreading out layer by layer.

Fang Yuhuang completed the transformation of the fourth energy level of Qilin blood in an instant and became a black beast.

At this moment, the strongest man of Baiyue Kingdom burst out all his strength.

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