Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 27: Earth-shaking (8)

Li Anping, who was penetrated by the cyan line, slowly dissipated. It was just the afterimage left after his high-speed movement. As for his real body, it had already appeared in the air hundreds of meters away.

Li Anping looked up and saw that there was nothing around him. There was no palm, and the man who had just spoken to him was nowhere to be seen.

‘According to the man, he attacked me out of sight. If he is not lying for the time being, it means that this is an ultra-long-range attack. ’

Li Anping stood in the air motionless, but the mind energy in his body was radiating and sweeping in all directions.

‘I really can’t feel the presence of anyone around. Either he has concealed me in some unknown way, or he is indeed attacking me beyond visual range from a long distance. ’

‘The key is the unusual speed of the attack. ’

‘Fang Yuhuang, hum, interesting ability. ’

Just as Li Anping was thinking, the cyan palm appeared again. When Li Anping reacted, the cyan palm was almost touching his chest.

At this moment, Li Anping could finally see the true appearance of his palm.

That green palm looked obviously different from that of an ordinary person. Not only were the knuckles thick, but it was also covered with a thick layer of scales, which looked like the claw of a giant dragon.

‘Is this the Green Dragon Claw? Although I don’t know why he attacked my chest three times, it’s better not to let him hit me before I figure out this ability. ’

Compared to Li Anping’s thinking speed, his body reaction was obviously faster. Before he finished thinking about these things. His body had instinctively dodged to the side, especially this time the opponent’s attack speed was too fast, and Li Anping also tried his best to dodge.

In one thought, in one moment, Li Anping had already flown five hundred meters away.

This amazing speed, in the eyes of bystanders, was undoubtedly teleportation.

And this level of speed. The air resistance faced was also unimaginably strong. The huge wind pressure directly drew a gully several kilometers long on the sand, and Li Anping’s combat uniform was directly shattered by the high-speed airflow.

However, the nakedness only lasted for a while, and Li Anping's body was wrapped in countless white air currents the next moment.

This is the void force field on the surface of the body, which absorbs and compresses a layer of air, forming a "clothes" outside the body. This "clothes" not only has strong defense, but can also be repaired by air at any time. Moreover, Li Anping can control the flow of air in it with the void force field to offset part of the air resistance when moving at high speed.

Li Anping called it atmospheric armor. After using the atmospheric armor, he not only no longer had the problem of clothing damage, but also improved his defense and speed. It is also one of the tricks Li Anping has come up with recently.

"Want to compete in speed? Then come on."

Li Anping snorted coldly, and the next moment. A huge explosion occurred where he was standing, and it seemed that the air around him was drained in an instant, and Li Anping's position had appeared one kilometer away in the north.

At the same time, almost every moment, dozens of blue dragon claws attacked Li Anping from the north. There was no sound of breaking through the air, nor was there an amazing scream or sonic boom.

But the speed of each attack of the Green Dragon Claw was so fast that it seemed to have crossed time and space. The visual effect was like a series of blue lasers shooting at Li Anping. Fortunately, Li Anping was also very fast, and these attacks could only miss his body.

Two seconds later, Li Anping appeared three kilometers away with a long wave of air. At this time, he was only two kilometers away from the location agreed with Fang Yuhuang. With his eyesight and hearing, this location was no different from being close at hand.

In this situation, he saw a white-haired old man. The old man looked skinny and was wearing a thin robe. He sat cross-legged on the sand with a temperature of 60 to 70 degrees, but he did not look uncomfortable at all.

'No heartbeat, no smell. Do you have the same ability as that old man? Or is it another reason? ' Li Anping looked at the old man and took a step forward. The hurricane chased after him, directly splashing a sand wave hundreds of meters high in the desert.

His people had already appeared a hundred meters away from the other party, and asked, "Fang Yuhuang?"

After arriving here. The other party seemed to have stopped the attack of the Qinglong Claw, looked at Li Anping, grinned, and revealed a mysterious taste in his eyes.

"Li Anping?"

Li Anping said, "It was you who attacked me just now and said you wanted to kill me."

"Yes." Fang Yuhuang said lightly, "But it seems that it didn't succeed." Although he said it didn't succeed, he didn't look disappointed at all.

Li Anping looked at the old man and said slowly, "Your ability is very interesting. I lack some level 5 ability people as my subordinates. If you are willing to join me, I can hand over Baiyue to you for management, and give you some preferential treatment when dealing with Baiyue's royal family and nobles later."

The reason why Li Anping said this is because his current physical fitness has reached a bottleneck. Before breaking through to the fifth energy level, he will not become stronger by swallowing souls. So compared to eating Fang Yuhuang, he wants to subdue him. This will also provide a lot of convenience for the process of absorbing Baiyue.

Fang Yuhuang lowered his head and laughed, and then his whole shoulders began to shake. He covered his stomach with one hand. His laughter became louder and louder, and even tears came from the corners of his eyes. It seemed that what Li Anping said was so funny. .

"Li Anping, do you know how childish what you said is?" Fang Yuhuang showed a ferocious expression: "Do you think you can forcibly integrate the countries of the entire Eastern Continent with your strength?

You underestimate human ambition and desire. "

"Really?" Li Anping was not irritated by Fang Yuhuang's expression or actions at all, and continued: "I don't think so, my power is very strong and will get stronger, so I can do all this.

For example, if I want you now, I can kill you the moment I see you. And in the end of all conflicts, it still depends on who is stronger. "

Fang Yuhuang showed an enigmatic smile: "Do you really think so? I have read a lot of your information and thought about it for a long time, but I always feel that the outcome between us is at most 50-50."

"In that case." Li Anping waved his hand towards Fang Yuhuang and said: "Then I will fight you a little more seriously.

But as soon as you admit defeat, I will stop. We can talk about it some more.

Level five ability users are very precious. A person like you who has been practicing hard for so many years is a person worthy of my appropriate tolerance. I don't want to kill him casually. "

Fang Yuhuang's eyes shot out two cold lights, and he said angrily in his heart: 'Arrogant brat. ’

He yelled at Li Anping: "There is only one reason for your defeat, and that is too arrogant." Then he sneered: "From the beginning, when I said I wanted to kill you out of sight, it was a lie. The purpose Just so that you can come to me quickly with your superhuman speed.

Because after you see me using beyond visual range strikes, you will definitely want to come in front of me and fight me in close combat. This is human nature. "

Speaking of which. Fang Yuhuang raised his hands, and saw that his left and right hands had been covered by layers of blue scales for some time, and his index and middle fingers were together. The ring finger and little finger come together, and the entire palm turns into a three-fingered dragon claw.

"But when you come to this distance and think everything is under control, I can better utilize my abilities."

When Fang Yuhuang said these words, his face was already full of murderous intent, and his palms were grabbing in the direction of Li Anping at the same time, like two green rays. It penetrated directly through Li Anping's chest.

At this time, Fang Yuhuang's attack speed was ten times faster than before! Li Anping's body was penetrated directly without any reaction.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yuhuang showed a proud smile and said: "The battle between ability users is a battle between deception and seeing through the deception.

When the strength is similar, being able to lure the opponent into your own trap and being able to see through the opponent's ability is the key to victory or defeat. "

Until this moment, he still had not revealed the secret of his ability. In fact, this is also Fang Yuhuang's habit. Even his personal bodyguard Lei Lao, his children, and wives, none of them knew the true secret of his abilities.

While speaking, he did not stop attacking. The next moment, cyan claws flew. Countless blue rays of light were formed and shot towards Li Anping's body. In a few moments, they would completely tear Li Anping into pieces.

But if you slow down the camera and look, you can see it. Every time a Green Dragon Claw attacks, it takes the second time to produce real destructive power. For example, when Fang Yuhuang attacked Li Anping's chest for the first time, he could only knock the opponent away due to suddenness and the fact that Li Anping was flying.

But the second attack just now, the green dragon claw's attack directly penetrated Li Anping's chest.

This is the scary thing about Qinglong Claw. When he attacks the same place for the second time, he will completely ignore the target's defense. Whether it is steel, rock, alloy, or anything else, the second attack of the Azure Dragon Claw can penetrate it.

That's why he attacked the opponent unexpectedly when Li Anping was far away from him and got the first blow.

As for the strange attack speed of Qinglong Claw and its ultra-long-distance attack method, they are attributed to his other ability, Thirty-Three Cave Heavens.

But just as the Green Dragon Claw tore Li Anping into pieces, a figure appeared behind Fang Yuhuang. Under the sun, the shadow of the other person covered his body, like a basin of cold water in winter, covering his entire body. Soaked.

Fang Yuhuang turned his head in shock and found that Li Anping was already standing one meter behind him. He quickly turned his head to look at Li Anping, who was torn into countless pieces by him.

I saw those fragments turning into streaks of white gas, and then began to generate more gas, and then began to expand. As the gas expanded, it made a loud explosion at the same time, and a terrible explosion occurred in Fang Yuhuang. in front of.

The explosion splashed countless amounts of sand and dust, and even set off a small sandstorm on the spot.

"Your attacks are ineffective against me. Now, do you want to consider admitting defeat?" Li Anping asked quietly.

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