Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 26: Earth-shaking (7)

Li Anping stood on the palace square, looking up at the rising sun in the sky. There seemed to be countless rays of light in his eyes that were constantly fading. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"Where is Fang Yuhuang?"

When Li Anping finished speaking, Yelumengxiang, who was standing behind him, said softly: "Grandpa Huang is waiting for you in a desert more than a hundred kilometers north. There are no residents nearby.

After all, the destructive power of your battle is too shocking, so you chose such a remote place. "

"It doesn't matter if it's far away." Li Anping didn't look back, his eyes were still looking at the sunshine in the sky. It seemed that the decisive battle so close at hand was not as attractive as the sunrise in front of him.

"Are you ready for the live broadcast?"

Yelu Mengxiang hesitated for a moment, then said: "Grandpa Huang doesn't want to be broadcast live. He doesn't want others to understand his abilities."

"Understood. If any of his abilities can be prepared in advance and then targeted, then his willingness is normal."

Yelu Mengxiang said happily: "Do you agree?"

"Live streaming is still a must. Let the TV stations be ready, so people don't have to go. Hurry up and prepare unmanned cameras." Li Anping's tone was like ordering a subordinate, sounding direct and irresistible.

Although Yelu Mengxiang was angry, she couldn't do anything about it. I can only argue with reason: "My lord, why bother insisting on the live broadcast? As long as the results of the battle are made public in the end, it will not affect the result. And as a person with abilities, my lord, it is not like letting everyone clearly understand his abilities, right?"

"They can understand it if they want to. The live broadcast must go on." Li Anping raised his right hand and grabbed the sun in the sky. His clenched fist seemed to hold the entire sun firmly in his hand. inside.

"Only live broadcast can let them understand my power and spread my fear."

"Those politicians, aristocratic families, villains, murderers..."

"I want them to tremble under my power. I want them not to dare to pull the trigger, not to dare to bully the good."

"I want all these people to crawl in my shadow, trembling in fear, and never dare to do evil again."

Yelu Mengxiang gritted her teeth and said: "Including letting them join your Pan-Continent Alliance in fear?"

"Yes." Li Anping said with a smile: "This world has been decayed for too long. It's time for change."

"Even if hundreds of millions of people die?"

"Even if hundreds of millions of people die." Li Anping turned his head, looked at Yelu Mengxiang who looked a little pale, and said, "These ten days are already the deadline I left for you and Baiyue. Today I defeated Queen Fang Yu , you only have one way to join the Pan-Continental Alliance."

Having said this, Li Anping turned around again, faced the sunshine in the sky and said: "Tell Fang Yuhuang that the dead do not need to be kept secret. I will use the recording and broadcast of today's battle, and will not play it until he is dead." go out.

certainly. If he could kill me, he could of course choose to destroy the video forever. "

The sun shone on Li Anping's body, seeming to turn his entire body into gold. But behind the light, Yelu Mengxiang was completely shrouded in Li Anping's shadow. She looked at the young man in front of her saying those arrogant and arrogant words, and her eyes were blank for a while, but showed a very complicated expression.

'What a madman'

In front of the tarmac. Li Anping was instructing Xie Zi and others on the next arrangements.

"When the video arrives, you can save it first and then spread it out after I come back."

Scorpion asked: "Sir, don't you need us to go there together?"

Li Anping shook his head: "No need, Fang Yuhuang is also a fifth-level ability user. Although I don't know what ability he used to break through to the fifth level, once the battle begins, I can't always Protect you all the time.”

"It's because my subordinates are incompetent." Xie Zi said sadly.

"It's not that easy for level five ability users to break through." Li Anping sighed. Even he himself wants to break through to the fifth energy level now. It is also very difficult, not to mention the ordinary ability users under him. If there were seventeen or eight level five ability users in Daxia Longque now, he wouldn't have to do so many things.

Then Scorpion asked carefully: "There have been a lot of people coming in and out of Baiyue Palace recently, especially the princes. I'm afraid they won't want to be lonely."

"It doesn't matter. Let's talk about it after I kill Fang Yuhuang and come back." Li Anping asked: "How are the preparations in Tianjing?"

"Lord Yagyu has selected a hundred dragon bird guards who can arrive at any time. There is also Wang Chong. An envoy group has also been arranged. The treaty for Baiyue to join the alliance has been drafted."

It turned out that Li Anping had asked Tianjing to arrange manpower and wait for the challenge in ten days. Especially after killing the last Queen Fang Yu, Daxia Longque will be stationed in the capital of Baiyue Kingdom by warriors. Set up a branch here.

Li Anping's plan is that every country that joins the Pan-Continental Alliance will send Dragon Bird Guards to station there. And establish a Daxia Longque military base. It is both protection and monitoring.

As the first country, Baiyue will have a larger number of people, because many of these people will be diverted to other southern Xinjiang countries in the future.

As for the specific treaty, process, and various impacts of Baiyue Kingdom joining the Pan-Continental Alliance, Li Anping did not need to personally consider it. He left everything to the politicians of the nine royal families.

He only needs to tell them his ideas and check them out at the end. At this time, the nine royal families, who had experienced repeated purges and shocks, were already very obedient to Li Anping.

Finally, Li Anping told Scorpion some arrangements after the duel, and then boarded the armed helicopter arranged by Baiyue Kingdom and left.

This armed helicopter will take him to Fang Yuhuang's current location.

The news of Li Anping's departure from Qicheng was kept very secret this time. No one in Qicheng who came to watch the battle knew that the war was about to begin.

In fact, they had to wait until the two of them decided the winner before they could see the video recording. So those who tried to rush to Qicheng to watch it with their own eyes came in vain.

After all, the combat power of the fifth-level ability users is too strong. Once they fight with Li Anping, the aftermath alone is enough to destroy the city. It is too dangerous to let too many ordinary people watch.

Fang Yuhuang doesn't want people to see his ability, and Li Anping obviously doesn't want too many irrelevant people to die in this battle. And the Baiyue high-level officials obviously don't want the two sides to fight in Qicheng or even the palace, destroying the capital of Baiyue.

A few days ago, Li Anping used a large air cannon to bomb the palace square, which had caused secret dissatisfaction among many Baiyue senior executives.

So with only a few people knowing, Li Anping quietly boarded a helicopter and headed for the desert more than 100 kilometers away.

That desert was originally uninhabited. Except for the hundreds of unmanned probes that Baiyue had just set up at Li Anping's urging, there was nothing, which allowed the two duelists to show their skills to their heart's content.


More than an hour later, the area below the helicopter had turned into a large expanse of sand.

The sunlight in the sky shone on the surface, and a trace of distorted air emerged.

The distance to the place agreed with Fang Yuhuang was only more than ten kilometers.

Li Anping said to the helicopter pilot: "I'll get off here. After I get off, you can go back directly without waiting for me."

"Yes." The pilot replied.

Then I saw Li Anping push open the cabin door, take a step out, and fall directly from a height of more than 100 meters. However, after falling only a few meters, his feet had already exploded the air, bringing up a wave of air and flying towards the north.

Sand dunes flew past his eyes, and the air around him became increasingly dry and hot, and there was no sign of life on the ground. The harsh environment in front of him alone was enough to become a hell for ordinary people.

But at this moment, a green shadow suddenly flashed in Li Anping's sight.

A palm pressed on his chest at a speed that Li Anping could hardly detect.

The opponent's huge power collided with the impact of Li Anping's high-speed flight, and Li Anping, who was flying in the air, fell rapidly towards the ground like a meteor.

'How is it possible? '

'This speed? What kind of attack is it? '

Just as Li Anping was puzzled by the attack he had just received, a man's voice had reached his ears, as if he was talking to him right at hand.

"I'm sorry, your close combat ability is too strong. For safety reasons, I have to kill you out of your sight."

"Goodbye, Li Anping, whom I have never met."

The next second, a green line directly penetrated Li Anping's body in mid-air.

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