Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 30: Earth-shaking (11)

A nuclear bomb is a weapon that uses the huge energy released by an explosive nuclear reaction to cause damage to the target.

As the ultimate weapon of mankind. It has a destructive power that most level 5 ability users cannot match. It is one of the greatest inventions in modern society.

Because of its powerful power and side effects, nuclear weapons have been used only a few times since their advent, and have always been used by all countries as the last trump card.

No one has ever used nuclear weapons just to deal with one person.

When Li Anping, who was standing in the desert, felt the huge vibration of the ground, eight nuclear bombs exploded in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast, completely surrounding the position where he was standing.

The huge energy exploded in an instant, and the high-temperature and high-pressure gas expanded strongly. The hurricane and pressure wave generated were transmitted through the air and soil, and attacked Li Anping in the center at a speed of 400 meters per second.

When Li Anping wanted to fly into the sky, it was too late.

Because there were also two nuclear bombs exploding in the desert under his feet. The high-pressure shock wave directly rolled over his body still standing on the surface, and then transmitted to the sky until it penetrated the atmosphere.

The powerful shock wave blew Li Anping into the sky. His tough body, the protection of the void force field, and the continuous repair of his soul power prevented him from being instantly destroyed.

But the nuclear bomb was not just a shock wave. The huge fireball also completely engulfed Li Anping's body. Although the fireball produced by the nuclear explosion could only last for a few seconds, the air temperature produced was hundreds of thousands of degrees, including various rays such as X-rays, ultraviolet rays, and infrared rays.

Everything would be scorched and melted in an instant.

A minute later, the flames and shock waves had gradually disappeared, and the radioactive substances produced by the nuclear explosion began to diffuse in the earth and air.


Ten atomic bombs were detonated in the desert, and the strong vibration of the earth could be felt even in Qicheng.

Fang Yong had led hundreds of elite members of the royal family and thousands of ancient ability users into the palace.

When the atomic bomb was detonated. Fang Yong had completely no way out. When Li Anping didn't know whether he was dead or alive, he would treat him as dead.

In his heart, he could only firmly believe that Li Anping had died under the high temperature and pressure of the nuclear explosion.

The time was too short. Whether it was the source of the nuclear bomb, the detonator, or the transportation channel, there were too many loopholes that could point the finger at him.

At this time, Fang Yong had no way out.

So he had to grasp the situation in the shortest time. Before everyone could react. Let them have no chance to attack Fang Yong.

Several commanders of the imperial guards in the palace were controlled at the first time, and the entire city defense was unknowingly taken over by Fang Yong, or the people left by Fang Lie in the past.

Because when the news of Li Anping's death in the nuclear explosion spread to their ears, Fang Yong had become their hero.

Fang Yong was a prince. Although his two brothers were still alive in the past. He was not valued by his father, but he was a prince after all.

After so many years of struggling in the court of Baiyue, he knew too well which departments in the government were the most critical in a country. He knew too well where to control first if he wanted to rebel.

The news that Li Anping died in the nuclear explosion was spread by Fang Yong, and the civilians of Baiyue City seemed to be in joy. With the fanatical atmosphere and deliberate guidance, Fang Yong will be shaped into a national hero.

This is a plan that has been arranged long ago.

Under the oppression of Li Anping. The various forces of Baiyue are connected together as never before. The martial arts people headed by the three major sects, the military, the aristocratic families, the nobles, and more than 40% of the forces in the country stand behind Fang Yong.

Although the life and death of She and Li Anping have not been completely confirmed, they have not made any substantial actions, but the attitude alone is enough to help Fang Yong completely reverse the situation.

Yelu Mengxiang was blocked in the harem.

The fully armed imperial guards surrounded their master in the palace in a blink of an eye.

In just four hours. The entire Qicheng seems to have changed.

With the support of the three major sects and the elite of the royal family, Fang Yong directly swept away all the voices of opposition in Qicheng with absolute power.

Even the envoys of Daxia were put under house arrest. As for the Dragon Bird Guards, they have disappeared without a trace.

However, Fang Yong did not care about the life and death of these small shrimps. He had issued a wanted order to hunt down these capable warriors of Daxia. Relying on the strength of the Imperial Guards. There are also a large number of martial artists. Fang Yong believes that these Dragon Bird Guards will be arrested soon.

At this time, Fang Yong was sitting on the dragon chair with his eyes closed. He took a deep breath and savored the feeling that this chair brought him carefully.

To be honest. This dragon chair in the Baiyue Palace is hard and big. It is uncomfortable to sit on the buttocks, and the back cannot be leaned on the back. It can be said that there is no feeling of comfort at all.

But when Fang Yong sat on it, a strong pleasure arose spontaneously.

That was the absolute power that was about to be obtained, which brought him the heartfelt pleasure.

"Your Majesty, Princess Yuelin and the Queen refused to come out." Xing Ming, the deputy commander of the Imperial Guards below, reported carefully. Now all those who have surrendered to Fang Yong have not really settled down.

Because first of all, Li Anping's life and death have not been confirmed. Secondly, if Li Anping died, it was obvious that Daxia would not let it go.

So everyone is looking forward to Fang Yong's back-up plan. Because they believe that Fang Yong would never have considered a way out. Moreover, whether it is ten small-yield nuclear bombs or the technology of burying and detonating nuclear bombs, it is not something that Bai Yue could do a few days ago.

So there must be someone behind Fang Yong, and everyone, including Xing Ming, is looking forward to who it will be.

After hearing Xing Ming's report, Fang Yong opened his eyes and looked at him: "Tell the guards not to hold back, and kill all the rebels without mercy."

He paused, as if waiting for Xing Ming to digest this order, and it seemed that Fang Yong hesitated. After a few seconds, he said again: "Although my mother has gone astray and sold out her country for glory. But after all, she is the queen of my Bai Yue, let her go decently."

Xing Ming's eyes condensed, and he immediately knelt down and said yes. He didn't dare to plead for the queen at all. Because whether it was the comparison of the power of the two sides or what Yelu Mengxiang had done before, it would be regarded as the best way to vent the other party. It is also the best object for Fang Yong to establish his authority.

Not only Yelu Mengxiang, but the entire Yelu family will probably be labeled as traitors by the Baiyue people. They will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history forever.

Thinking of the fate of Yelu Mengxiang and the Yelu family, Xing Ming couldn't help but feel a chill in his chest, and his head seemed to be lowered even lower.

Fang Yong in front of him, the seventh prince who had always been ineffective in the eyes of the ministers and people of Baiyue, showed his claws and cruelty today, which was shocking.

Unite the forces left by Fang Lie, unite the three major sects, then detonate the nuclear bomb, force the palace, and purge the forces of the Queen's faction. Each one is a big deal.

At this time, another deputy commander reported: "Your Highness, the media are all here. The press conference can begin."

Fang Yong nodded, stood up and left the dragon throne.

No matter how cruel his methods were, and how well he arranged, the time was too short after all. The killing and turmoil brought by Li Anping, as well as the chaos brought by the political changes, all needed Fang Yong to smooth out one by one.

The press conference is a good means. Fang Yong will announce Li Anping's death and the next countermeasures of the Baiyue government at the press conference.


The location of the nuclear explosion center.

Thousands of meters above the sky, a new model of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is searching. Optical, television, surveillance radar, infrared cameras and other equipment are constantly scanning the land after the nuclear explosion.

The satellite communication antenna on the aircraft can help him transmit images and electronic intelligence data to the ground control center in real time.

However, the high temperature, hurricane, and various radiation left by the nuclear explosion reduced the search efficiency of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to the lowest level.

So it did not notice that deep underground five or six kilometers away from the nuclear explosion center, a charred body was slowly crawling.

A small piece of charred shell fell off, revealing a piece of delicate, white skin.

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