Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 54: Shadows before Dawn (5)

The witch felt that her consciousness was connected to Li Anping's spiritual world. When she opened her eyes, an endless space appeared in front of her.


"This is!"

There were dead souls wailing everywhere, and endless fear and evil filled the witch's eyes. The witch felt like she had come to hell.

"The environment here is even worse than the underworld." The witch frowned. The complexity and vastness of the other party's spiritual world far exceeded her imagination. She felt like she had entered a different world.

"It's too big, it's like a spiritual space composed of countless souls. This kind of person's spiritual attack has no effect on him at all. Even if I try my best, I can't hurt him in the spiritual world. Then why did he fall into a coma?"

Thinking of this, the witch flew towards the depths of Li Anping's spiritual world driven by her consciousness. Along the way, she saw countless twisted souls and the dead in front of them.

The deeper she went, the more frightened the witch felt. All the cruelest and most brutal scenes in the world are like commonplace here, as common as eating and drinking. The witch was getting more and more worried about the success or failure of her action.

In the spiritual world, time is difficult to calculate. When the witch felt that she was getting deeper and deeper into the other party's spiritual world, the dead spirits around her began to gradually decrease.

I don't know how long it took, maybe one second, maybe ten thousand years. When the witch reacted, there were no more dead spirits in front of her. In the empty spiritual world, black and white became the main colors. The two colors spread to each other, and one side turned white, and the other side turned black. They represent the confrontation between Li Anping and the black consciousness.

At the same time, a roar came over.

"Li Anping! I also gave you your power. Do you think you can really defeat me?"

The witch heard the voice and turned her head to see that the two figures were entangled with each other, and the sound of fists and feet colliding and flesh tearing kept coming. In a moment, the witch flew towards the position of the two. I saw a black demon-like creature constantly attacking a man. The man looked exactly like the man sleeping on the stone bed.

Seeing this, the witch, who has rich experience in consciousness battles, still doesn't understand what's going on.

'Is it because that devil-like creature is attacking his consciousness that he can't wake up? '

'Well, I'll deal with that devil thing with him first, wake him up, and see if he really knows the secret of Hades. '

Thinking of this, the witch shouted, and a white lightning formed by mental power shot towards Hei. This is her unique skill of walking in other people's consciousness for many years, attacking others through fragments of consciousness.

Because a person can't focus 24 hours a day.

'What to eat today? '

'I wonder if he likes me? '

'Is there something wrong with my dress today? '

'The comics are finally updated tonight! '

As long as people are alive, they will definitely have all kinds of fragmented thoughts. These thoughts may only flash by, and the owner may not even take them to heart, and the witch can use these fragments of consciousness in the minds of ordinary people, combined with her own mental power, to emit powerful mental lightning.

The white lightning instantly hit Hei's back, emitting bursts of black smoke. Hei screamed and turned his head to look at the witch.

"Get out of the way!" Li Anping shouted.

But before the witch could react, she felt an extremely evil and brutal aura rushing towards her. This aura was so strong that ordinary people would probably collapse immediately after facing it for just one second. If they were a little more fragile, they would become crazy just by looking at each other.

Just when the witch was stunned, a black shadow flashed, and Hei had come in front of her and grabbed her neck.

"You die!"

The terrifying force directly crushed the witch's neck. At this time, Li Anping rushed behind Hei and punched her in the back.

With a bang, Hei turned around and caught Li Anping's fist, laughing: "Are you still not giving up? You are already so weak, the outcome has been decided, and you will never be able to hurt me in the next battle."

Li Anping gritted his teeth and looked at Hei, and waves of huge power came from his fist, making him completely unable to break free.

At this moment, rays of light shot out from behind Hei, and an old voice sounded:

"Strange young man, this is a blow I gambled my life on and tried my best. After this blow, my consciousness will dissipate forever and I will die completely. I hope that after you wake up, you can take everyone out of the underworld."

With this old voice, endless light illuminated the entire space. Whether it was Hei or Li Anping, their eyes were already covered by white light.


Emma frowned when she heard what the driller said, "How is it possible? Do they know all your exits and entrances?"

"All of them!" The driller gritted his teeth and said, "Someone must have betrayed us. Now all the exits and entrances are blocked by endless zombies. Unless you have special abilities, you can't get out." He looked at Emma and asked, "Boss Emma, ​​please take the witch out quickly. If possible, there are some children over there. Can you take them with you?"

Emma opened her mouth, sighed and said: "No, the goddess is using her powers now, so I can't take her away. Not only that, I must stay here to protect her."

"Damn it." The underground man said with hatred, "It happens to be this time."

Just as the two were at their wits' end and the shouts of killing in the distance were getting closer and closer, there was a sudden thud in the wooden house, followed by the sound of someone falling to the ground.

Emma and the underground man hurriedly ran in and saw a large mouthful of blood spilled on the ground. The goddess had fallen down from the rocking chair and lay on the ground. The underground man rushed forward and helped the goddess up, but when he saw the goddess's face, he jumped again.

The already senile Goddess is now even older. Her skin is full of ravines and wrinkled like tree bark, and her hair has turned completely snow-white without any trace of color. The most frightening thing is that at this moment, the goddess's eyes, nose, mouth, and ears are all bleeding out at the same time.

But the spirit of the goddess was still connected to Li Anping's brain.

"What happened? Did the goddess fail?" Emma asked anxiously from the side.

"I don't know." The underground man looked panicked: "I have never seen the goddess like this."

Suddenly, the shouts of killing were getting closer and closer, and it sounded as if they were very close at hand. The zombies had already arrived.

Emma's eyes showed a firm look as she looked at the underground man and said, "You protect the two of them, and I'll go out to fend off the zombies."

After saying that, he rushed out and saw that the passage outside the wooden house a few hundred meters away was already filled with dense zombies, scrambling for the first place and swarming towards the wooden house.

Emma snorted coldly, and a black space door appeared in the passage. The space door continued to grow larger and higher, and in the blink of an eye, the entire passage was blocked.

At the same time, another black space door appeared horizontally above the zombies.

So all the zombies rushing towards the cabin could only rush into the vertical space door, and then fall out of the horizontal space door. This cycle goes on and on, and no zombie can get even half a step closer to the cabin.

Just when Emma was about to breathe a sigh of relief, there was a loud noise above her head, and a large pile of yellow sand came out from the roof of the cave, turning into a huge rotating drill in mid-air, and heading towards Emma's head. .

At the critical moment, Emma stretched out her hand, and a black space door blocked her in front of her. The yellow sand drill rushed into the space door, and then passed through the horizontal portal and appeared directly above the zombies. Blood and flesh flew everywhere for a while. , dozens of zombies were dismembered in an instant.

But Emma couldn't relax at all, because the attack just now meant that the sandstorm, which was also a fifth-level ability user, also came.

Then more and more sand was drilled out of the top of the passage. They turned into various weapons and attacked Emma, ​​but Emma saved the day with her agility and a portal from time to time.

But as time goes by, there is more and more yellow sand in the channel. Apparently, after the sandstorm discovered Emma, ​​it was constantly moving the sand here.

However, Emma had to defend the cabin and maintain two space doors to resist zombies. As more and more yellow sand filled the space, Emma suffered more and more injuries. Coupled with the exhaustion of the past few days, even the two space gates used to resist the zombies have become increasingly unstable.

Emma could only temporarily withdraw the two space gates that resisted the zombies from time to time to block the sandstorm's offensive. But in this way, the zombies are getting closer and closer to the cabin, and Emma can take detours and have less and less room to dodge.

When the situation was getting more and more critical, Emma suddenly heard a cry from the cabin. Her heart tightened. She no longer paid attention to the sand and zombies in front of her, opened a portal directly, and appeared in front of the door.

When he opened the door, he saw the underground man holding the goddess with blood on her face, crying like a child.

"The dead!"

When Emma was stunned, a spear of yellow sand penetrated directly through her shoulder. She screamed in pain, shattered the spear with a palm, and then activated her ability again. Emma, ​​the Earth-Drilling Man, and There were also three black portals appearing under Li Anping on the bed, and the three of them fell directly into them and disappeared.

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