Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 55: Rampage (1)

Under the blood moon, a black portal suddenly appeared in a valley, and several people fell out of it and fell towards the ground.

Emma had begun to adjust her posture in mid-air, but the moment she came out of the portal, she already felt something was wrong. With a high degree of concentration, time seems to gradually slow down.

She saw the unconscious Li Anping still falling towards the ground without consciousness, and the man who drilled the ground hugged the goddess tightly and fell towards the ground.

Just as the three of them were slowly falling towards the ground, a black shadow rushed towards Emma at an astonishing high speed.


One of Emma's right legs flew into the air, and blood spilled out like a fountain.

He didn't even have a second to come out of the space door. The other party sprinted and cut off one of Emma's calves.

A few seconds later, the severe pain entered Emma's mind. She lay on the ground and stared at the black shadow.

"Flying General!"

At this time, the underground man seemed to realize that they were under attack. He stood in front of Emma and said anxiously: "Boss Emma, ​​are you okay?" He turned his head, looked at the man in front of him and shouted: "You This bastard!"

"It's useless. He has turned into a zombie and has no self-awareness for a long time. Be careful, he was a fifth-level ability user in Daxia, a flying general." Emma frowned and endured the pain coming from her lower body. Pain: "Help me up."

The underground man quickly helped Emma up. At the same time, he was nervously guarding the flying general. No wonder a level five ability user could successfully sneak attack Emma.

The pale-faced flying general just watched Emma slowly stand up with the help of the underground man. There was a hint of joking in the corner of his mouth: "To be honest, I admire you very much."

"Flying General, are you still here?" Emma suddenly shook her head mid-sentence: "No, you are Pluto? Can you control what they say?"

"Yes, I am communicating with you now." The flying general nodded and said: "Even a fifth-level ability user will give up hope soon after entering the underworld, and finally be slowly fused with the underworld, because this is indeed what makes people fuse with the underworld. Desperate environment.

But you have been fighting from the beginning to the end, with no thought of giving up, and you even united a group of subordinates. To be honest, if it hadn't been for Li Anping's appearance, I would have wanted to keep watching to see how long you could hold on. "

"So you haven't really taken action, haven't you tried your best to destroy me like you did recently?" Emma looked at Li Anping who was lying on the ground, and suddenly asked: "Li Anping, is this his name? Now that it has reached this point, Can you tell me why we started to exterminate the rebels with all our strength because of the appearance of this man?”

"Because Li Anping's strength is pretty good. Although he is not as good as me, his combat power has reached the fifth level. Two guys with fifth level combat power, even if you join together, you still can't defeat me. But I never like to take risks." After saying that, 'Flying General' snapped his fingers, and vague figures began to appear around him.

Countless pale-faced zombies appeared in the sight of Emma and the underground man. They seemed dense and endless, with no end in sight.

"You still want to open the space door and escape?" The flying general looked at Emma's solemn expression and smiled disdainfully: "If I didn't want to talk to you more, I could have killed you with that blow just now. "Why don't you wonder why I know where you teleported?"

"Say what you want to say." Emma said coldly.

'Flying General' smiled and shook his head: "Did you know? In fact, the entire underworld is under my surveillance. I can clearly see your so-called hiding places, bases, and strongholds. You previously left the remaining The rebels were all arranged in this valley, so I guessed that you would set the teleportation coordinates here, but I guessed it right!"

Seeing the changed expressions of Emma and the underground man, the 'Flying General' smiled very happily: "Is this game fun? Your so-called resistance, so-called resourcefulness, and plans are all wrong in my eyes. If I weren't really bored and wanted to play with you, you wouldn't have had a chance."

Emma clenched her fists and looked with a livid face at the 'Flying General' who was laughing back and forth. Her tone was as cold as ice: "What happened to Hansen and the others... What did you do to them!"

"They? Are they dead..." 'Flying General' shrugged and said calmly: "They should all be at the rebirth point now. I will tell you a piece of news for free. Under my control, they are all at the same time now." Rebirth at a rebirth point. I'm really sorry. I never told you. In fact, I can control the number and location of the rebirth point. Now it is surrounded by countless zombies, Sandstorm and Wolf. I'm afraid they are constantly being killed. Then it merged into the underworld.

If it weren't for the fact that operating so many people at the same time consumes so much of my energy, you would have no chance to resist. But it's good this way, I can let you relieve my boredom. "

The rebels on Hades, their desperate resistance, are nothing more than a game to Hades. But there is always a bottom line in Hades. As long as the threat of the rebels exceeds this line, Pluto will clean up the entire Hades. Obviously, Li Anping's arrival made Pluto feel that he had reached this line.

Seeing the pony-tailed girl clenching her silver teeth with a look of hatred on her face, the 'Flying General' felt more and more happy. After all, he had been playing this game for so long, and he had been waiting for this woman.

"You have to die more than a hundred times before you can completely merge into the underworld, right?" The 'Flying General' laughed morbidly, and couldn't help licking his lips and said, "Don't worry, we have plenty of time, I will take good care of you. You can run as hard as you can, I'm afraid you will be alone next time. The underworld is so big, how long can you run away..."

But the next moment, the 'Flying General' frowned and looked behind Emma, ​​where a man was slowly getting up from the ground.

As he stood up, Li Anping slowly said, "Indeed, the underworld is so big, how long can you run away? Hades."

The 'Flying General' looked down on him: "Li Anping, you can't even beat Zhurong and the Blood Demon, and you were beaten unconscious. Do you think you can deal with me now by joining forces with Emma?

I just hope your resistance can provide me with more fun."

"Li Anping?" Emma said this strange name in her mouth, looking at the man who finally woke up from his coma. It's a pity that it's meaningless. From the beginning to the end, this man had no idea how to leave the underworld. The so-called concern of Hades was just that the other party wanted to take precautions before it happened.

And a level 4 ability user, even if he had the combat power comparable to that of a level 5 ability user as Hades said, was only limited in strength.

"No need to join forces." Li Anping's eyes fell on the face of the 'Flying General': "I will kill you like slaughtering chickens and dogs."

"Humph." The 'Flying General' just snorted coldly, and the next moment his face changed wildly, and a fist appeared in front of him as if teleporting.

With a puff! The head of the 'Flying General' exploded like a watermelon, and white and red liquids were scattered all over the ground like dyes.

Li Anping retracted his fist covered with blood and murmured: "Although the power is still at the fifth energy level, it has lost self-awareness and is too weak."

With a thump, the body of the 'Flying General' fell straight to the ground.

The whole audience was silent.

Time goes back to two hours ago. The streets of Morroco are particularly deserted today. Most residents have received the news that they will have a day off at home. The streets are full of fully armed soldiers.

Today is the day for the three-party talks between Ice Castle, Daxia, and the Star Alliance to gradually sign an armistice agreement. For Daxia, it may be a surrender agreement.

Under the escort of the army, black cars sent guests from various countries to the front of the Saint Paul Palace. This peace meeting was held here.

In the center of the Saint Palace is Morroco's famous architectural attraction, the National Assembly Hall. Over the past few hundred years, countless major events that have affected Ice Castle have been decided in this conference hall.

Today, this conference hall has been renovated and upgraded. There are more than a thousand seats in the semicircular conference space, and it is equipped with two-way simultaneous interpretation facilities in sixteen languages.

At this time, guests from various countries have walked into the conference hall one after another and sat down. There are several documents on the table in front of the seats, which record some of the topics of today's meeting.

Li Qian is sitting in her seat and flipping through these documents. After witnessing Roland's death that night, she returned to the room alone, and no one else from the Great Xia Dragon Bird knew what happened that night.

But everyone found that Li Qian seemed different. Not only did she break through to the second energy level, but she also became colder than her lively appearance. No matter who she looked at, her eyes were as calm as a well. It was as if she had changed into a different person overnight.

Around Li Qian, other members of the Great Xia Dragon Bird were sitting. They were either playing with their phones, or in a daze, or chatting. Only a few, such as Liu Sheng, Yang Guang and others, were looking through the documents on the table.

But the more they looked, the deeper their brows frowned.

The currently drafted peace agreement is completely tilted towards the Ice Castle and the Star Alliance. Once the Great Xia signed this agreement, not only would the Great Xia Dragon Bird be shattered, but all kinds of potential ability users would be divided up by the Ice Castle and the Star Alliance.

Not only that, the content of this agreement is so harsh that, apart from the problem of the ability users, once it is fully implemented, it will be enough to make Daxia's economy and military regress by more than ten years, and open all these things to the Star Alliance and Ice Castle.

"If this shit is really signed, it won't take many years for Daxia to be completely divided by the Star Alliance and Ice Castle." Liu Sheng gritted his teeth.

But even so, he had no way out. The strength difference is too great. It can be said that whether it is the Star Alliance or the Ice Castle, as long as they send a level 5 ability user at random, they can defeat Daxia. Faced with this situation, what else can they do except sign the agreement.

"I am the fish on the chopping board." Liu Sheng sighed, "I don't know what Wang Chong is going to do?"

"What else can we plan? The nine royal families have given up on us a long time ago." Qian Duoduo sneered on the side. After speaking, he looked at the other side of the venue, where a group of middle-aged men and old men were slowly walking into the venue.

It was a group of people from the nine royal families headed by Wang Chong. After entering the venue, they didn't even look at Liu Sheng, and sat down directly according to the seat arrangement.

If you look down from the podium at the front of the conference hall, you can clearly see that the Great Xia Dragon Bird on the far left and the other participants around it are like an invisible barrier, and all the positions close to the Great Xia Dragon Bird are vacant.

At this moment, no one is willing to get close to the Great Xia Dragon Bird. They are even afraid that some unnecessary closeness will cause misunderstandings from the Flame Dragon Vanguard and the Star Alliance. The Great Xia Dragon Bird, which used to roam the East Continent, has now become a lamb to be slaughtered in the eyes of everyone.

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