Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 53: Shadows before Dawn (4)

In Hades, the red moonlight still fills the earth.

In mid-air, a black figure kept falling, and a few seconds later, it suddenly appeared hundreds of meters away. Then, after falling for a few seconds, there was another flash of black light, and it appeared again hundreds of meters away.

Like a small black dot, it keeps jumping towards the north.

It is Emma who is constantly teleporting forward through the space gate. Behind her was Li Anping, who was still in a coma. Seeing the desolate land under her feet and zombies everywhere, Emma frowned more and more.

This was already her 12th hour of searching for the living dead. She had not rested or slept for a long time, making her eyes bloodshot, her hair greasy and dry, and she looked very haggard.

But now she really has no choice. At this moment, Pluto takes action with all his strength, and the huge zombie army covers all the land of Hades. All rebirth points were besieged, and there were three level five ability users waiting for an opportunity. Until this moment, she didn't know how naive the rebels' previous actions were. In the underworld, they were no match for Hades at all.

Emma's only glimmer of hope now lies in the man behind her. She couldn't even imagine what she and her men would do if this man didn't know how to defeat Hades.

A few minutes later, Emma appeared in a cave and looked at the remains of a fire at her feet. The ground still retained some warmth.

‘Someone was here just now, he shouldn’t have been gone for too long. ’ Just as Emma touched the ashes and was thinking, she suddenly heard a few footsteps coming from outside.

"Who?" Emma shouted, and a portal flashed in front of her eyes. After several consecutive flashes, she had arrived outside the cave.

She frowned and looked at the woods outside the cave, but found nothing except a few fallen leaves.

After thinking for a while, she suddenly shouted: "Is there anyone there?"

"I am Emma, ​​the leader of the rebels!"

"I want to see your leader!"

"We need your help!"

Emma yelled several times in succession, and her voice spread far away. She stood there and waited for a few minutes, but no one responded to her.

Just as she was raising her spirits and shouting again, a voice suddenly came from under his feet.

"Stop shouting, do you want to attract the zombies?"

"Huh?" Emma took a step back in surprise and found a human face speaking at her feet.

Seeing Emma's surprised look, the man smiled disdainfully, and then a man slowly rose up from the ground.

"What are you making all this fuss about? My ability is to burrow into the ground. It's normal to enter the ground." The man who burrowed into the ground stood in front of Emma. He was covered in sperm and only wore a pair of swimming trunks. He looked like he was swimming in the ground.

He patted the dirt on his body, glanced at Emma, ​​and asked, "Do you want to see the goddess?"

"Yeah." Emma nodded. She knew that most of the living dead were people with powerful escape abilities. If not, they wouldn't be able to survive for so long.

She pointed to Li Anping on her back and said: "He may know the secret of Hades, or even how to leave Hades. I need the goddess to wake him up."

"Oh?" Hearing Emma's words, the Earth-Drilling Man shrank his eyes slightly and glanced at the unconscious Li Anping: "You said you are Emma, ​​the leader of the rebels, but I have never seen what Emma looks like. …”

When the earth-burrowing man said it was normal, he saw the pony-tailed girl in front of him wave her right hand, and a black portal appeared in front of him. Then the girl stepped in and appeared ten meters away.

"I should be the only one in the entire Hades who knows this ability."

The underground man nodded: "I understand. Boss Emma, ​​please come with me. The zombies have gone crazy recently and are attacking us everywhere. The witches and elders have all hid deep underground."

I saw Emma following the underground man to the previous cave again. The underground man moved away a few stones from the deepest part of the cave, and then they could see a downward passage appearing in front of their eyes.

Emma thought: "No wonder, they all hid underground. I'm afraid there are many people with abilities like the man in front of me who are good at creating underground spaces. However, although it is difficult to find, once they are discovered, it will be easy." The door is blocked by zombies and I don’t know how many escape routes they have.”

Just as Emma was thinking about it, the underground man's voice came from down the passage.

"Boss Emma, ​​come down quickly, this passage is very long!"

Emma took a deep breath and slowly walked underground with Li Anping on her back. After a few seconds, a pair of hands stretched out from the passage and rearranged the stones.

The cave became empty again and seemed completely silent. However, more than half an hour later, there was suddenly a large number of footsteps outside the cave.

After Emma entered the passage, she found that the entire passage was short and winding. Although there were torches illuminating every other section, the vision was still very dim. She could only follow the underground man and keep walking forward. The entire underground passage extends in all directions, and many people have dug subway caves on both sides of the passage and lived in them.

So in addition to the underground man, Emma also saw many other living dead along the way, some with haggard faces, sitting motionless. Some were crying and fussing, looking as if they were crazy.

Some also gathered together to sing and dance, as if the place in front of them was not the underworld.

The man from the front said with emotion: "In the early days, everyone was very optimistic, thinking that we could manage a paradise in the underworld, but now we know that we were too naive. It is absolutely impossible for this place to become a paradise, a Shambhala . This is hell on earth, a prison that binds us. We are just deceiving ourselves.”

Emma sighed, wanting to comfort her, but didn't know where to start. Finally, she said softly: "It will get better. After knowing the secret of Hades, we will escape."

The man who drilled the ground did not comment, but just led the way.

After more than half an hour, a small wooden house appeared in front of Emma's eyes. The man who drilled the ground made a gesture of invitation and stopped talking.

Emma glanced at him, licked her lips, and then carried Li Anping towards the cabin. It's finally time to reveal the mystery. Once the man behind it wakes up, the answer will be known.

Various thoughts flashed through Emma's mind, and she finally walked to the door. She pushed it gently and opened the door.

A burning fire, a stone bed, and a rocking chair made of wood. The whole room is extremely plain. When Emma opened the door, a short old woman sat in a rocking chair and moved, looking at Emma coldly as she pushed in.

Looking at the old woman on the rocking chair, Emma said seriously: "Is she a goddess? I am Emma, ​​the leader of the rebels. The man on my back may know the secret of how to fight against Pluto. I need you to wake her up. he."

The goddess was still sitting in the rocking chair, moving and not speaking. The only sounds in the wooden house could be heard were the crackling of the flames and the creaking of the rocking chair.

Just when Emma thought there was something wrong with the goddess, she nodded and shouted to the door: "You guys can go out, I can't feel her malice."

Then Emma sensed dozens of thoughts of varying strengths and weaknesses outside the door and quietly left the cabin. Originally, as a fifth-level ability user, she had sensed this a long time ago, but her strength didn't care about these ambushes at all.

The goddess pointed at the stone bed and said: "Put him on the bed. I will try my best. The conditions in the underworld are too harsh. My body is getting worse and worse. My lifespan is running out. I only have about five successes." No matter how hard you try, there is no guarantee of success.”

"You must succeed." Emma placed Li Anping on the bed, looked at the goddess and said: "You must succeed. Pluto outside has begun to use all his strength to destroy all unfused people. If we also fail, we may never have a chance again. ”

"Alas." The goddess sighed deeply: "Next, I will use my dreaming ability to enter his consciousness and find a way to wake him up. During this period, you must protect my body. Once I If the physical body is harmed or disturbed in any way, dreaming will fail.”

"Don't worry, even if I die, I will never let anyone hurt you."

The goddess nodded. A level five ability user was enough to protect her, which was why she had just rejected everyone. Then she closed her eyes and lay down completely on the rocking chair.

She looked like she was asleep, but Emma could clearly feel a stream of thought slowly coming out of her brain, and then connecting to Li Anping's brain.

Emma doesn't have mental abilities, so although she is extremely anxious, she can only wait here.

More than ten minutes later, a cry of killing suddenly came from a distance. Emma hurriedly opened the door and walked out, when she saw bursts of shouts of death coming from the passage in the distance. She was even more anxious, but there was nothing she could do because she had to stay by the goddess' side.

At this moment, the Earth-Drilling Man emerged from the ground in front of the wooden house.

"The zombies are coming. They have blocked all the holes. Boss Emma, ​​hurry up and escape with the goddess."

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