Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 14: Criminals

In the Daxia Longque base, Li Anping walked on the corridor outside the cell, and Yang Guang followed him closely.

"Is the recent operation going smoothly? How many people came today?" Li Anping asked Yang Guang behind him.

Yang Guang answered cautiously: "It's going well. Except for the five team members lost in Gushan City last time, everyone else successfully completed the mission and brought back a total of 126 superpower criminals. Among them, there is a level 4 ability user, twelve level 3 ability users, and the rest are all ability users below level 3. This is their criminal record." After speaking, Yang Guang handed a thick document to Li Anping.

"Yes." Li Anping nodded, took the document and quickly flipped through it.

Yang Guang looked at Li Anping's speed of flipping through several pages in a few seconds, and he was no longer surprised when he first saw it. But in his heart, he still admired Li Anping's powerful memory and analytical ability.

After this period of contact, Yang Guang also admired Li Anping more and more. The other party is powerful, cruel, harsh, and has amazing execution and concentration, and even hardly needs to rest or eat.

Sometimes Yang Guang even subconsciously feels that if Li Anping ascends the throne of emperor, it may be more helpful to Daxia.

When Li Anping walked to a big door, he stopped and handed the information to Yang Guang.

The captain of the guard in front of the gate saluted and asked: "Two officers, the next is the cell for the capable people, please show your ID."

It turned out that the cells that Li Anping just passed by were like the ones that Li Qian and Xia Yunyun stayed in last time. They imprisoned ordinary people who were captured by Daxia Longque and had no ability or people who were not threatening or under house arrest. The next place Li Anping was going to was naturally the prison for superpower criminals.

After the two handed their IDs to the guards, the captain of the guards scanned their IDs with an instrument, then handed them back with both hands, saluted again and let them go.

With a choke, the electronic door weighing dozens of tons slowly opened, revealing a bright corridor, and Li Anping walked in first.

On both sides of the corridor are large pieces of floor-to-ceiling glass, through which you can see the cells and prisoners behind the floor-to-ceiling glass. The prisoners in the first cells were not very violent.

Li Anping and Yang Guang did not talk much. After walking about 200 meters, they passed through another electronic door, and the appearance of the cell also changed.

On both sides of the corridor, there were all specially made metal cells, and the openings were all alloy columns, and the columns were electrified. Any prisoner who grabbed the column of the cell without permission would be electrocuted directly.

There was only one prisoner in each cell. Some of them looked ferocious, while others looked approachable. But without exception, each of them had a strong or weak fluctuation of mind energy.

After looking at these people with special abilities, Li Anping suddenly said to Yang Guang behind him: "In addition to the 126 people captured by the Dragon Bird Guards, there have been many people imprisoned before, right?"


Li Anping nodded and said: "Let all the people with special abilities of bloodline and mutation system in the cell have their blood tested, and the blood samples will be sent to the Eighth Research Institute." The so-called Eighth Research Institute is the new biological research institute built by Li Anping. For the convenience of management, Li Anping registered it under the name of Daxia Dragon Bird while keeping the personnel pure, and it became the eighth research institute of Daxia Dragon Bird, so it is called the Eighth Research Institute.

"I understand." Yang Guang replied. He didn't have any questions. Because he didn't know what the Eighth Research Institute was really researching. Since Li Anping established the Eighth Research Institute, most of the projects about this institute were secrets. In order to keep the Eighth Research Institute mysterious, Li Anping had asked the Dragon Bird Guards to purge many people.

Yang Guang didn't want to be on the purge list anytime, so he never asked about the Eighth Research Institute.

Suddenly, a big man in a cell knocked on the steel wall and shouted, "Yang Guang, I didn't expect that you had your hands and feet chopped off after not seeing you for so long? Hahaha, tell me who chopped it off, I'll treat him to a drink when I get out."

Many people started to shout again, because all the people imprisoned in this cell were dangerous people, so they prohibited all outside contacts, no news, no visits, and according to the national population statistics, they were all dead.

"Where's Xia Liekong? Where's Xia Liekong? Let him get out?"

"Call Song Bang in! I'll tell him everything he wants to know! Let me out now!"

"Yang Guang, why did you bring a pretty boy in? Are you giving him to us to fuck?"

"Hahaha, what a tender young man, I like this one the most."

Yang Guang frowned and explained in Li Anping's ear: "They have been detained here for a long time, and they all have violent tendencies. Many of them have serious psychological problems, so no one has ever been willing to let them out before."

Li Anping nodded. Seeing that Li Anping and Yang Guang were silent, the prisoners on both sides of the corridor shouted more wildly, and some even raised their middle fingers to Li Anping.

"Boy, come and lick your uncle's dick!"

"I'm going to fuck his dick!"

Li Anping looked coldly at the big man who led the roar and punched him directly in the air.

Boom! The air in the corridor rolled back, making a sound like a tsunami, and a wave of air followed Li Anping's fist and rolled towards the big man.

The big man jumped up immediately. Although he knew rationally that the alloy steel column outside could not be broken by this air shock wave, he still couldn't help but muster up all his energy and made a defensive move.

Because his experience, his common sense, and his intuition all told him that the other party was more dangerous than any creature he had ever seen in his life.

With a click, the air wave directly twisted the alloy steel column, and a trace of electric sparks emerged from the twisted steel column.

The big man widened his eyes and looked in the direction of Li Anping with fear, watching the air wave twist the steel column directly, break it, and then sweep towards his body.

He wanted to beg for mercy and wanted to escape, but the strong wind brought by the air wave blew him so hard that he couldn't even open his eyes, and the wind pressure directly pressed all the words he wanted to say back into his mouth.

With a bang, the big man had exploded into a ball of blood mist, and the fragments of internal organs and bones covered the entire cell.

After killing this ability user, Li Anping found that his physical fitness had not improved at all, and said lightly: "A bunch of garbage."

He stepped into the depths of the cell: "Let's go, Yang Guang, and see if there is anything surprising for me behind."

On both sides of the cell, no one dared to speak, swallowed their saliva, and looked at Li Anping stupidly. The few people who had cursed the most before hid in the shadow of the cell in fear, curled up like kittens, and listened to Li Anping's footsteps with fear on their faces.

Until Li Anping's footsteps gradually disappeared, they dared to come out and carefully looked at the depths of the cell.

Along the way, Li Anping saw many ability users, and their strength became stronger and stronger with the depth of the cell. From the beginning of level 0, level 1, to level 2, and then to level 3 ability users.

Most of them were ignored by Li Anping. Since they could not be used as subordinates, it would be better to eat more clones than to eat them. However, there are also a few who are calm, capable, and know the current situation. They were ordered by Li Anping to be released and joined the Dragon Bird of Daxia to increase the number of Dragon Bird guards.

Li Anping considered that no matter how powerful he was, he still needed some strong men to serve him. Especially if he wanted to manage Daxia in the future and establish a new order on this land, an order that was not absolutely fair, but at least fairer and superior than the current order, he would definitely need a large number of strong men to help him.

Of course, there were some malicious provocations or extremely vicious criminals along the way, such as some ** criminals, robbers and murderers in the information given by Yang Guang. Li Anping killed them directly and absorbed them as nutrients.

After walking all the way down and passing through an electronic door, Li Anping finally came to the area where the fourth-level ability users were imprisoned.

There were six things that looked like coffins in front of him, and each coffin was covered with a layer of transparent glass, and people could be seen lying inside.

They were all fourth-level ability users, because this level of ability users was too dangerous. So they were all imprisoned in a special way. The power they used was the generator in the room, and the power supply and the network had no external connection, so people outside could only monitor but not control.

It was precisely because of this that when Thunder Emperor released all the prisoners, he did not release them together.

All the level 4 ability users in these coffins were locked in this coffin for 24 hours, and the coffin was controlled by the supercomputer and personnel of Daxia Longque.

They would inject nerve anesthetics through the coffin from time to time according to the physiological conditions of the ability users, so that the ability users would always be in a deep sleep.

Of course, some ability users are not afraid of anesthetics, so they use other methods to imprison them.

For example, the one in front of Li Anping.

It was a ball of meat, and he was placed directly under the glass cover, in the center of the coffin. Li Anping looked at the display screen outside the coffin and found that the temperature inside the coffin was about minus 110 degrees.

Yang Guang explained, "This is Tang Weihan. His ability is to transform his body into various animals and people, and his body has strong adaptability.

I heard that his ability is very useful. It took a lot of effort to capture him more than 30 years ago. According to research, his body will fall into hibernation at minus 110 degrees.

Because the people above think that this person with the ability is very valuable for research, they have kept him alive and injected him with nutrient solution every month."

"Interesting." Hearing that the other party can transform and become various people and animals, Li Anping thought about how useful this ability is. No wonder the previous leaders were reluctant to kill him. Thinking of this, Li Anping clicked on the menu on the external display screen on the coffin.

"Sir, what do you want?" Yang Guang looked at Li Anping in doubt.

"Let me talk to him. He should have figured it out after being locked up for more than 30 years."

Yang Guang subconsciously wanted to stop Li Anping, but after thinking of the other party's strength, he stopped thinking about it.

With Li Anping's fighting power, Yang Guang believed that the ball of flesh in front of him was definitely not a match for the adults, not to mention that he was also very curious about this person with special abilities. The person with special abilities who could hibernate at minus 110 degrees for 30 years, his vitality was indeed amazing.

In addition to the ability to transform at will, if the Great Xia Dragon Bird could be added, it would indeed be a great help.

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