Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 15: Release

I saw that the temperature inside the entire coffin gradually increased under Li Anping's operation.

One hundred degrees below zero, ninety degrees below zero, eighty degrees below zero...

Half an hour later, when the temperature rose to minus 20 degrees, the flesh ball suddenly shook, and a huge eyeball squeezed out of the flesh ball, staring at Li Anping.

"Oh, he's really alive? Interesting." Li Anping saw the eyes staring at him. He was not afraid at all. Instead, he showed an expression of interest and increased the temperature.

Yang Guang on the side saw such a strange and powerful life, and unknowingly raised his mind energy to be on guard at all times.

Five minutes later, when the temperature reached minus five degrees, the meat ball suddenly began to expand. First, a huge flesh thorn shattered the glass cover of the coffin, and then the puddle of rotten meat rushed towards Li Anping in front of the coffin.

"It's interesting." Li Anping smiled slightly, grabbed the flesh thorn directly, and then flicked it hard to throw out the swollen flesh.

With a bang, the meat ball hit the wall, making a loud noise.

Li Anping shouted: "I am the commander of Daxia Longque now. Are you Tang Weihan? I want to talk to you."


When the meat ball heard the words Daxia Longque, it swelled violently again, and its hands and feet were slowly squeezed out of the meat ball. A hairless, thin, short, deformed human was lying there.

He looked at Li Anping with hatred on his face and murmured: "Daxia Longque... Daxia Longque..."

Li Anping frowned and continued to ask: "Let's talk. If you are willing to join, you will not be locked up. You will have a decent job and a certain degree of freedom."

"Great Summer Dragon Bird!" The dwarf roared again, got down on all fours and ran towards Li Anping: "Kill you! Great Summer Dragon Bird!"

Just as Yang Guang was about to take action, he felt his back being pushed gently, and his whole body had 'floated' out.

"You go aside first."

Li Anping pushed Yang Guang away, looked at Tang Weihan who was rushing towards him, and gave him a slap in the face. The other party seemed to be like a fly, and was directly swept to the ground by this slap. His head was dizzy and he could not stand up at all.

"Are you awake?" Li Anping asked.

Unexpectedly, Tang Weihan roared again, saying the words "Great Summer Dragon Bird", his hands turned into sharp claws, and he grabbed Li Anping.

Li Anping slapped Tang Weihan again impatiently, and this time he turned Tang Weihan's head 180 degrees. He fell to the ground with a thud and couldn't get up for a long time.

But after a while, after he recovered, he rushed towards Li Anping again.

After probing like this for about ten minutes, Tang Weihan had been slapped more than twenty times, and his whole face was swollen, but his expression was no longer as crazy as before. He looked at Li Anping with fear in his eyes, and then He didn't dare to attack anymore.

"Are you awake?" Li Anping waved his hand and said.

As soon as he saw Li Anping's hand waving, fear flashed in Tang Weihan's eyes, like a puppy, and he couldn't help but retreat.

"It looks like he is crazy." Li Anping said to Yang Guang: "No wonder, after being tortured like this for 30 years, most people will go crazy."

Li Anping raised his fingers at Tang Weihan and said, "Come here."

Tang Weihan hesitated and didn't dare to come over, but he was also very afraid of Li Anping and didn't dare not come over. He looked hesitant.

"Huh?" Li Anping snorted coldly and frowned. Tang Weihan was immediately frightened and jumped to Li Anping's feet with a look of fear on his face.

Li Anping probably already understood Tang Weihan's condition. After being frozen for thirty years, his brain seemed to be damaged. Acting a bit like a child. But seeing how he hated Daxia Longque, he should still have some memories. Also, when he was fighting just now, he turned his hands into animal claws, so his ability should still be usable.

So Li Anping pointed to Yang Guang in the distance and said, "Become like him."

Tang Weihan followed Li Anping's finger, looked at Yang Guang, and nodded. The next moment, the skin on his body trembled, and his whole person began to change. His body became taller, his hands and feet became thicker, and hair grew on his head. In just a few seconds, another Yang Guang appeared. In front of Li Anping.

Except for the mechanical hands and feet of the real Yang Guang, there is no difference between the Yang Guang transformed by Tang Weihan and the real Yang Guang.

But this perfection was immediately broken by Tang Weihan's fawning look. Yang Guang saw a man who looked exactly like himself, bending over and looking at Li Anping with a silly smile, as if he was a mentally retarded person, feeling indescribably strange in his heart.

However, Li Anping was very satisfied with Tang Weihan's transformation ability and murmured: "The ability is good, but he is a bit stupid and needs to be trained again."

After saying that, he walked towards another coffin. In the coffin was a skinny man, his whole body soaked in liquid. Yang Guang on the side quickly came up and introduced: "This man's name is Mawei, he is a serial murderer. Originally, this matter was not our responsibility, but he is a fourth-level ability user, and ordinary police have no way to deal with him, so it is up to us." Caught him."

After hearing the story of this ponytail, I knew that the other party was a scumbag. Li Anping had no interest in letting him out. He punched out directly, and the coffin and ponytail turned into a pile of debris in an instant, and then he moved to the next coffin.

Seeing Li Anping kill Ma Wei so simply and brutally, Yang Guang and Tang Weihan couldn't help but twitch their eyelids. Especially Tang Weihan, seeing the broken body on the ground, thinking of how he had been attacking Li Anping just now, he felt even more scared.

The next two were murderers and arsonists, and they were unforgivable. Li Anping didn't release them either, and let them be imprisoned in this dark underground forever.

There were three people left, one was called Audrey, because her ability was very precious, she was an angel of the bloodline system. It was said that there were no more than five people with the ability of the angel bloodline system alive in the world, so she was also captured by Daxia Longque to study the secrets of this bloodline ability.

There was also a person called Zuomai, whose ability was called "death ray", which belonged to the field system and could shoot five different rays from his fingers.

The last one was called Yanbei, whose ability was the rare external system. Speaking of which, this was the first time Li Anping had seen an external system ability. There are very few people with abilities in this system. Their abilities are often illogical and against the rules of reality. The reasons for their abilities are unknown and difficult to classify into the other five systems.

Therefore, the Outer System is the most chaotic and irregular system. Some of its abilities are very strong, while others are very weak.

Yan Bei's ability is also very strange. Daxia Longque calls it "collapse". He can create a field that keeps shrinking inward with absolute gravity. All objects in the field will enter an irreversible collapse. In the world currently known to humans, there is no material or creature that can resist Yan Bei's attack.

Even the scientists of Daxia Longque speculated that if Yan Bei was given enough time, he could even create a real black hole and destroy the entire planet. They did not find the reason for this ability from the magnetic field, smell, pheromone, DNA and other aspects, and finally classified Yan Bei's ability as the Outer System.

It is precisely because of his extremely dangerous ability that Daxia Longque decided to imprison him permanently.

At this time, the coffins where the three people were were opened together. Li Anping stood aside and watched the awakening potion being injected into the bodies of the three people. Yang Guang stood behind him with a vigilant look on his face. Facing these three dangerous level 4 ability users, he couldn't be as calm as Li Anping.

Tang Weihan, on the other hand, returned to his original short appearance, squatting at Li Anping's feet like a puppy, looking at the three open coffins with curiosity.

After waiting for a few minutes, Li Anping suddenly said, "How long do you three plan to sleep?"

"I'll be frank with you. You now have three choices. The first is to be my subordinate, the second is to be killed by me, and the third is to continue to stay in the coffin."

"So which one do you choose?"

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