Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 13: Savings

This time Li Anping attacked Zhangjia Manor, and the impact was calmed down under the control of many caring people. But all senior people already know that Li Anping has been on everyone's blacklist.

In their eyes, Li Anping has completely become a mad dog. No one wanted to get hurt trying to kill a mad dog that was about to die.

With no one to stop him and every green light given, every plan under Li Anping went smoothly.

First, the Dragon Bird Guards conducted a nationwide investigation, targeting various hidden ability users. Then when facing people with different abilities, different methods will be adopted. Those who use their abilities to commit crimes will be arrested and sent to Tianjing. Those who are independent of the world will be invited to join the Great Xia Longque, or they will be monitored to a certain extent.

It is a pity that most people who have abilities will more or less break some laws based on their abilities. They were all caught in front of Li Anping.

However, Li Anping has not issued any orders yet to the civilian organizations with abilities.

On the other hand, most of the equipment at the Biological Research Institute has been completed. With the improvement of equipment and personnel, the entire esper cloning project is proceeding in an orderly manner.

But until now, not only has there been no news from the Flame Dragon Pioneer, but even from the Star Alliance, no one has come back. Everything is like the calm before the storm.

All the senior officials in Tianjing are waiting to see how long Li Anping can keep dancing.

Inside the Institute of Biology, 12 floors underground.

In a huge room, there were hundreds of blond men standing. They looked exactly the same, had the same body shape, and looked like countless twins.

Li Anping walked up to one of the blond men and gently tapped the blond man's forehead with one finger.

There was an unusual squeaking sound, and the man had already reached down, his eyes lost focus, and then he stopped breathing.

Behind Li Anping, dozens of corpses of blond men like this were lying. Faced with such silent killing, the hundreds of standing blond men showed no reaction, just like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, quietly watching Li Anping kill them one by one.

Once again tearing a blond white man in half, a hint of impatience flashed in Li Anping's eyes.

I saw him slapping his right hand towards the crowd.

With one air palm, the shock wave formed by the air exploded directly in the crowd. Then Li Anping slapped several more palms, and all the hundreds of clones in front of him died.

Then Li Anping looked at his physical fitness, and now his strength is 16.5, speed is 15.7, and physical fitness is 17.6. Counting the thousands of clones he killed during this period, as well as the super-powered criminals sent to execution from all over the country, Li Anping only improved his physical fitness by 0.1. This kind of snail-like improvement speed is very difficult for Li Anping. To be honest, it's too slow.

Without even looking at the broken arm on the ground, Li Anping opened the door and walked out.

In the corridor outside, Shi Wen came towards me.

Li Anping asked directly: "They are all ordinary people, not a single person with abilities. How is the progress of the other models?"

"No, it's too difficult to clone field type and parasitic type ability users. We need to simulate the environment in which their abilities are generated." Shi Wen replied: "I think we should still focus on the bloodline type and mutation. In terms of lines, the abilities of these two lines are more closely related to heredity and DNA, and the possibility of having abilities after cloning is higher.”

"Yeah." Li Anping nodded: "What about Qilin Type I?" The so-called Qilin Type I was the body that Daxia Longque took away Fang Qi's body in the past. Li Anping asked for it directly, gave it to Shi Wen, and asked him to Come and clone this bloodline ability user.

"Excellent!" Shi Wen said excitedly: "The body of the material is very intact. According to his body information, I am sure that I can clone him very well and have a chance of giving birth to abilities. But the biggest problem now is the mental energy. , Except for those of you with abilities, this kind of thing cannot be observed by ordinary people and instruments.

I'm afraid that after the Kirin Type I clones are cloned, they will become level 0 ability users at most because they have no mental energy. And if you want them so urgently and give them too little time, I'm afraid their lifespans will be very short. It's not even possible to increase the ability level.

We still have too few materials now, and I need more mutant and bloodline ability users. "

"There will be more materials. Lifespan and potential don't matter. As long as you are an ability user, even level 0 is fine. The key is quantity." Li Anping said calmly: "Thunder Emperor I type will still be in production. If there is also Qilin I type, When can it be put into mass production?”

Shi Wen frowned and made a rough estimate: "It will take five days at the fastest. Will it also be manufactured every day like the Thunder Emperor Type I?"

"Not bad." Li Anping confirmed: "While investing in research, you must maintain maximum production. I use it every day."

"I understand." Shi Wen nodded to express his understanding. As for how Li Anping used these clones, he didn't care at all. Because in the past two weeks, all the staff who were concerned about this have mysteriously disappeared.

Shi Wen then added: "And the researchers I requested, when will they arrive? How long do I have to wait?"

Li Anping glanced at him and said, "Don't worry, maybe they are on the way now."

The west coast of Daxia, the port city, Ninghe City.

Peter was pushing his bike on his way home, still upset about what happened in school.

Today was Friday, and he had wanted to invite Lu Tiantian, the prettiest girl in the class, to dinner tomorrow. However, he was introverted and didn't do it until after school.

"Damn, Peter, you're such a coward." Peter clenched his fist and muttered to himself, then thought of Lu Tiantian's beautiful face, and looked a little absent-minded.

"Hey, Peter, why did you go home alone today? You didn't even wait for me." A black guy ran over. As the only mixed-race kid like Peter in the class, the two had always had a good relationship.

"Peter, have you heard? Zhang Dong from the next class is transferring to another school."

"I heard that English teacher Tan is getting married. What a pity..."

This black guy is obviously well-informed in the school. He is telling his best friend the new gossip he heard. However, Peter is still immersed in his YY about Zhang Tianze. He only responds to him sporadically and doesn't listen to much at all.

"Hey, I heard that Lu Tiantian has a car to take her to and from school every day these weeks. Some girls said that she is dating a rich man."

"How is it possible?" Peter was shocked when he heard the news. He jumped up and grabbed his best friend Mike's collar and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Tiantian is not that kind of person."

"Hey, man, don't get excited." Mike finally pushed Peter's hands away and said slowly, "You can't judge people by appearance. A beauty like Lu Tiantian has been pursued by countless men since she was a child. Some of these men are very talented, some are very handsome, and some are successful in their careers and very rich. How can a little girl resist the pursuit of so many good men? Don't think that she looks simple and her heart is simple. Appearance and inner qualities are completely different things."

Mike knew that Peter was interested in Lu Tiantian, so he patiently comforted his friend, but the other party looked lost and obviously didn't listen to his words.

After the two broke up, Peter walked back home with wild thoughts, and his mind was still full of Lu Tiantian's things. It was not until he heard a scream that he suddenly reacted.

"What's going on?" Peter looked up and looked around, listening hard with his sharp ears, but he didn't hear any sound. He frowned and looked at his house, but found that the door was open for some reason.

"Uncle? Are you there?" Peter walked into the house carefully. When he passed the porch, he took out an umbrella as a weapon: "Did a thief come in?"

He looked at the room carefully and found that there were traces of fighting everywhere in the hall. The cabinets, tables and chairs were smashed to the ground.

Just then, a warning sounded in his heart.

Without time to think about it, Peter rushed forward, his whole body like a juggler, turning over two somersaults in a row, and rolling on the ground before standing up.

Looking back, the place where he was just now seemed to be cut by an invisible sharp blade, and the floor and furniture were turned into fragments. Even the umbrella in his palm was cut into several pieces, leaving only a bare umbrella handle.

A man with a scorpion tattoo on his face was looking at him with a grim smile.

Peter shouted: "Who are you? Why did you come to my house?"

The scorpion ignored Peter and turned around and shouted: "Hurry up, don't wait for me, I'll stay and play with him."

Peter looked behind him and saw several men in blue and white uniforms tied up his uncle and aunt and sent them to a black van.

"Uncle!" He shouted, jumped hard, and had already passed the scorpion and rushed towards the van.

"Dare to turn your back on me, are you looking for death?" Before he finished speaking, Peter only felt that there were two invisible blades in the space slashing towards him at the same time, but he relied on his superhuman intuition, twisting left or right, and dodged the scorpion's attacks one by one.

'What on earth is this? ' Peter looked at the scorpion in the distance with fear on his face, and he couldn't understand how the other party attacked him. If he hadn't suddenly acquired superpowers some time ago, he would have been killed instantly when he met him.

But the opponent's attack was invisible. Although Peter dodged again and again with his super intuition and agile body, he had no way to save his uncle. He could only watch his uncle and aunt being sent to the van and disappearing in the traffic.

Scorpion grinned: "Are you also a person with abilities? Super physical coordination? Super intuition? Or is it far more sensitive than ordinary people? Why are you so anxious? Your uncle was just invited to participate in a research. He won't die. Maybe he will be very happy.

Forget it, why am I telling you this? Let's see if you can survive first."

As Scorpion finished speaking these words, the warning signs in Peter's heart suddenly increased tenfold. If he could use his mind energy, he would be able to see nine transparent sharp blades like the scorpion's tail rising up from behind the scorpion, shooting at him at the speed of a bullet.

At the critical moment, Peter pointed at the scorpion with one hand, and saw a white silk thread shooting out from his wrist, covering the scorpion's face.

The nine scorpion tail attacks were also dodged by Peter with his superhuman agility.

The scorpion, whose vision was blocked, felt a sticky thread shooting towards him from a distance, tying up his body.

"Let's stop playing here."

Scorpion was furious. He didn't expect that his carelessness gave the boy an opportunity to take advantage of him. He directly raised the energy of the fourth-level ability user. The white silk on the surface of his body was directly shattered by the endless energy. But when he looked up, there was no trace of the boy in front of him.

Then his face changed, he touched his chest and cursed: "Damn it!"


On the roof of a building in the distance, Peter grabbed the wall with his limbs and slowly climbed up like a spider. Then he took out a certificate in his arms, which showed Scorpion's photo.

Peter looked at the information on the certificate and gritted his teeth and said: "Special Service Team..."

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