Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 12: One Punch

Before the fist arrived, the domineering force had already broken through the air and arrived through the air. Under the pressure of the huge force, the air directly blasted open several buildings, leaving a huge fist mark on the ground.

The next moment, Li Anping had already punched the ground firmly.

The terrifying power exploded under the feet of everyone, like a disaster like a magnitude 10 earthquake, submerging everything in vibration and impact.

The shock wave formed by the airflow rushed in all directions, and the vibration of the earth destroyed one house after another. In the face of this violent force, the house became as fragile as a piece of paper.

The broken glass, soil, and walls expanded and cracked, and then the whole thing was shattered, together with the bursting flames and shining electric light, forming a doomsday-like scene.

In the center of the explosion, smoke and dust rose into the sky, covering a large area of ​​ruins.

The whole disaster lasted for about ten seconds. When everything changed from violent to static, there were human screams and cries everywhere.

Zhang Yanheng climbed up from the ruins in a daze. Fortunately, he ran far away in advance and was not buried by the collapsed reinforced concrete.

He stared at the scene around him with dull eyes. The originally magnificent manor had become a large area of ​​ruins. There were rubble, beams, dancing flames and electric lights everywhere. In the distance, there were several broken walls standing alone in the ruins.

At this moment, a groan sounded in his ears. Zhang Yanheng turned his head and saw Zhang Hai lying on the ground covered in blood.

"Xiao Hai! Xiao Hai!" He stumbled over and suddenly tripped. He looked down and saw the body of the old housekeeper lying at his feet. The other's chest was full of blood and his lower body was pressed by a large piece of concrete slab. Until his death, his eyes were still full of disbelief.

Zhang Yanheng looked at the old housekeeper's body, swallowed his saliva, and then rushed towards Zhang Hai again. He squatted down and slowly pressed his fingers on Zhang Hai's neck.

"Fortunately, he's still alive." Zhang Yanheng sighed, and then looked at Zhang Hai's body. He saw that his body was covered with dust from the explosion, and his arms, chest and stomach were all wounds cut by glass fragments. As for Zhang Hai himself, he had completely lost consciousness at this time.

"Come on!"

"Come on!" Zhang Yanheng looked at Zhang Hai and saw that he was not in danger of life for the time being, so he shouted loudly: "Come on, someone, save us!"

After he shouted for a while, he suddenly heard a strange sound behind him, as if someone suddenly stepped on the ground. Then he was motionless.

Zhang Yanheng seemed to feel something. The hairs on his back stood up one by one. He slowly turned his head and saw Li Anping standing spotlessly in the ruins, looking at the two of them with his hands on his chest.

"Please... please." Even though he was arrogant and stubborn, Zhang Yanheng already knew how bad the current situation was. Facing this monster-like man in front of him, they were actually eaten to death from the beginning. It was too late to regret and feel guilty at this time. Zhang Yanheng only planned to try his best to save the bloodline of the Zhang family.

Li Anping looked down at the old man in front of him, watching him begging him non-stop.

"Please... please spare our lives." Zhang Yanheng trembled and said intermittently. The power and wealth that he usually relied on seemed useless in the face of Li Anping's absolute power.

When the other party actually strangled the Zhang family's throat with his palm, he found that the only thing he could do was to beg for mercy.

"I can hand over everything. All the resources, wealth, and power of the Zhang family can be used to help you. How about it? As long as you spare our lives."

"Keep us, and the Zhang family will always obey you from now on! We will be your strongest backing. With the resources of the Zhang family and your strength, you can call the wind and rain in the whole Daxia."

Facing Zhang Yanheng's plea for mercy, Li Anping was silent for a while, and suddenly pointed at Zhang Hai and said: "I came here this time, all because of him. Let you go, and the Zhang family will work for me in the future. There is no problem with this.

But he, Zhang Hai, this person must die."

Zhang Yanheng's face changed, his neck was stiff, and he turned his head little by little to look at Zhang Hai under his feet. He slowly squatted down, He asked word by word: "I promise that he will never appear in your eyes again. I will send him to a foreign country for house arrest and never touch any electronic products for the rest of his life... I also promise..."

Faced with a lot of promises and proposals from Zhang Yanheng, Li Anping just shook his head coldly: "He must pay the price for what he did."

Zhang Yanheng trembled his arms and slowly said: "But he is my grandson."

Li Anping was unmoved and said lightly: "He dies, or you die. I just need someone to help me manage the Zhang family."

Seeing Zhang Yanheng's trembling shoulders, Li Anping continued: "Do you want to do it yourself or do I help you?"

'Xiao Hai is dead, I still have Xiao Kuang, and there are other children in the Zhang family. But I am the only head of the family. '

'Xiao Hai... Grandpa is sorry for you. '

Thinking of this, Zhang Yanheng slowly lowered his head.

At this moment, Zhang Hai slowly opened his eyes, saw Zhang Yanheng in front of him, and called out in a daze: "Grandpa... I... What's wrong with me."

He used his hands to prop up his body, and it seemed that the wound was involved, and he groaned. Then he saw Li Anping in the distance.

Zhang Hai made a face as if he had seen a ghost, sat on the ground, backed away desperately, and screamed: "Grandpa... Li... Li Anping!"

"Looks like I'll do it." After saying that, Li Anping walked towards Zhang Hai step by step.

Zhang Hai stared blankly at Li Anping who was walking over, and Zhang Yanheng who stood silently on the side with his head down, without any movement. After years of political struggle, he seemed to understand something quickly.

He laughed bitterly, and said to Li Anping with a glimmer of hope: "I don't know what you said or what agreement you reached, but is it too late for me to apologize for what I did before?"

Li Anping shook his head. Zhang Hai said with regret on his face: "Forgive me this time, I will repay you tenfold and a hundredfold!"

The pretended strength was pierced in an instant in the face of the terror of life and death.

Zhang Hai hurriedly got up, knelt on the ground while enduring the pain, and shouted loudly: "Please! Money, resources, women, I can give you anything!"

"I really don't want to die!"

Seeing that Li Anping still showed no mercy, Zhang Hai finally cried and roared: "I..."

With a bang, before he finished speaking, he was punched in the head by Li Anping.

Li Anping wiped the liquid on his hands, turned his head and looked at Zhang Yanheng who remained silent all the time and said: "This is the end of it. How to explain it to the outside world, you should think about it. All the news that should be blocked will be blocked.

Also, come to my office at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. I have something for you to do."

After speaking, Li Anping exerted force on his feet and rushed into the sky. After a sound explosion, he had rolled up a wave of air and flew away. Only a mess of Zhang's ruins was left.

Zhang Yanheng stumbled to Zhang Hai's headless body as if he had lost his soul, knelt down, and stroked his grandson's gradually cold body.

Suddenly, a long series of footsteps were heard, and a team of security guards ran towards Zhang Yanheng.

"Master, are you okay?"

"Master! What happened to you, Master!"

"Hurry up and send Master to the hospital!"

Within an hour, the news of the Zhang family spread to the other eight royal families through various channels. Some people smiled contemptuously, some were full of fear, and some pretended to be calm.

Undoubtedly the same thing was that they all withdrew their forces and did not intend to run into Li Anping's gun.

Because almost all of them believed that with the arrival of the Star Alliance again, Li Anping's demise was a foregone conclusion. Even if he was a level 5 ability person, it was impossible for him to remain safe and sound after offending so many forces in the Star Alliance and Daxia.

In the eyes of the nine royal families, Li Anping had obviously become a mad dog. The result of the previous hard fight with Li Anping was the best example of the Zhang family.

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