Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 11: Thunderous Counterattack

Hearing the news that Li Liping and his wife were attacked, Li Anping just frowned slightly and then asked, "Has anyone else been attacked?"

"No news has been received yet."

"Just arrange a better hospital for the two of them, and the prisoner will be executed directly. Qin Yong also wants to comfort him. I will send a dragon bird guard to the Emerald City to stabilize the situation." After Li Anping finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He glanced at the frightened Wei Zhun and said, "I will solve the matter just mentioned. You can go out first."

Seeing Wei Zhun go out, Li Anping began to think about the current situation. Originally, he thought that through Li Qian's ability, he had monitored most of the information in Tianjing, but until Li Qian's phone call just now, he was not aware of the attack. There is also the problem of equipment shortages in biological research institutes.

It looked like someone was holding him back. Countless messages flashed across Li Anping's eyes. All are information on the daily necessities, food, clothing, housing, transportation, and work of all the monitors during this period. Li Anping updates this information every day and keeps it in his mind.

Now, he combined the goals he wanted to investigate and screened out all the suspects who might be related to this matter by retrieving tens of thousands of people's daily life information.

But now it seems that Li Qian's monitoring range is not large enough, and his brain cannot process information fast enough. Except for Daxia Longque, Longque Guards, and the Biological Research Institute, he has everyone else's daily information. I read it briefly, and even though I remembered it all, I couldn't immediately deduce the context of everything.

This requires him to consume too much brain power and time.

As his power becomes stronger and stronger, the scope that needs to be monitored becomes wider and wider, so relying solely on manpower is obviously not enough. Li Anping felt that it was time to think of other ways, perhaps combining Li Qian's abilities through technology.

But this is no longer the case. Now we must solve the immediate trouble first. Li Anping identified 124 suspects through information. In the next 10 hours, he will talk to them one by one, pursue them step by step, and find out the mastermind behind the whole thing.

With a supersonic body, a brain like a computer, coupled with unscrupulous power, and the huge information network woven by Li Qian, Li Anping's execution power exceeds that of any police officer in history. Even if it is something instructed by the highest level of the country, he can find out the result within ten hours through this primitive method.

Eight hours later, the Zhang family's courtyard was still brightly lit.

In the study, Zhang Hai held a glass of wine in his hand and asked an old housekeeper beside him with a proud look on his face: "How is that boy Li Anping?"

The butler said with a smile: "Young Master is so clever, how can that kid defeat you? I'm afraid I'm in a hurry now."

"Haha, the courage of an ordinary man is nothing." Zhang Hai smiled happily and drank the wine in his hand: "It doesn't matter how strong Li Anping is? He's not just being played around by me. This world is not about your personal strength. It will work. It's just the beginning. Next, I want him and his men to be in trouble. I want all his plans to go bankrupt."

The butler said with a smile: "Young Master, in just a few seconds, he played with Li Anping. Even a fifth-level ability user cannot defeat the Young Master. Now that the Song family has suffered a huge defeat, I am afraid that the Young Master will be the emperor's choice next year." Take the lead.”

"Haha, don't be careless. After all, the nine royal families have deep heritage. But now I have the sharp sword Li Anping in my hand, which can clear all obstacles for me." Zhang Hai smiled, licked his lips, and said slowly: " For example, this time, I have blamed all the things I did this time on the Wang family, the Gao family, and the Xiao family. "

The butler's eyes lit up and he praised him: "Young Master is so smart, I am convinced now. I'm afraid that this position of unification is within easy reach."

Zhang Hai laughed, his face was extremely proud, and his heart was full of joy. Unexpectedly, this time he only planned to avenge his brother's madness, but he got an unexpected surprise and discovered that he could use Li Anping's power to attack his political opponents.

But what he didn't expect was that Li Anping had Li Qian's ability to monitor a large number of people's information.

At the same time, there was a sudden sound in the sky, and Li Anping had brought a wave of air and landed at the door of Zhang Family Manor.



Four heavily armed soldiers stood at the gate and shouted. They didn't show any panic when they saw Li Anping coming from the sky. After all, they had seen many people with abilities in front of the Zhang family, and Li Anping, who could fly, was not the first one.

In Li Anping's eyes, the four soldiers in front of him were no different from babies, and they completely ignored each other's full armor. He asked lightly: "Is this the Zhang Mansion? The manor of the Zhang family, one of the nine royal families?"

"This is the Tianjing Zhang Family." The leading soldier said coldly: "Are you an ability user? Which department of Daxia Longque do you belong to? Since you know that this is the Tianjing Zhang Family, how dare you break in randomly?"

Li Anping nodded. It only took him 8 hours to confirm that the whole incident was controlled by Zhang Hai from the Zhang family, so he came directly through the air. He came down just now to ask the guard, just to confirm that he had chosen the right place.

"I'm just here to make sure I'm not in the wrong place." Li Anping glanced at the four soldiers. The next moment, a powerful force erupted from his feet. He had already risen into the air, and the air beneath his feet exploded, making a series of loud noises. He had already Leap to the sky above the Zhang family mansion.

As for where he originally stood, a strong wind burst out after he exerted his strength, blowing the four soldiers to the ground. The sonic boom produced by breaking the speed of sound made their heads hurt.

The four of them could only look at the shrinking black spots in the sky with horrified faces.

Then Li Anping's voice came from the sky. The powerful vocal cords, lung capacity and physical fitness caused a huge sound, like a thunderous voice, which spread throughout the entire Zhang Mansion.

"I am Li Anping. In ten minutes I will destroy the entire Zhang Mansion. Anyone who doesn't want to die should get out of here."

"Say it again, in ten minutes I will destroy all the buildings in the Zhang Mansion under my feet. Anyone who doesn't want to die will get out of here."

Li Anping said it three times in a row, spreading his thunderous voice throughout a ten-mile radius.

boom! This time it seemed like a powder keg was lit. Countless figures ran out of the room like ants, looking at the direction of the sound in the sky.

It's a pity that Li Anping has flown too high and too far. Even if they use all their eyesight, they can only see a small black dot.

The various servants, staff, etc. all looked at the sky with curious faces. Most of them are not qualified to have access to information about Li Anping. They don't know who Li Anping is or what he has done, so they have no reaction to what Li Anping just said. This is not only their absolute confidence in the nine royal families in Daxia, but also the fact that these people have lived in peaceful times for a long time and have no sense of vigilance at all.

"What's going on? Is it a military exercise?"

"Is it some kid's prank?"

"Li Anping? Who is that?"

There were also some people who were clear-headed and knew about Li Anping, and they had already started running out of the manor.

Zhang Hai walked out of the room, gritted his teeth and looked in the direction of Li Anping in the sky: "This bastard! How did he find me? How dare he? How dare he come here! He is looking for death!"

He shouted to the people around him: "Hurry up and notify the army! Notify the Guard Hall! Notify Daxia Longque! Notify the Imperial City! Li Anping has rebelled!"

The Zhang family leader Yanheng also came from a nearby room at this time. He looked at Zhang Hai who was giving orders and asked: "Xiao Hai, what's going on? Why is this little beast Li Anping here!"

Zhang Haisheng was afraid that his actions would be criticized by his grandfather and he would lose his qualifications as heir, so he lied and said: "Grandpa, I don't know. It seems that the research institute he opened during this time has a relationship with us in terms of procurement." competition.”

"This little beast is so courageous." Zhang Yanheng frowned and said, "Does he want to start a war with the whole of Daxia? How can he have such courage? Even if he kills us, the whole world will be our enemy, and he will never survive. !”

Five minutes later, Li Anping saw that almost no one at his feet had any chance of escaping. He clenched his fist impatiently and punched the tallest tower in the manor.

With a bang, violent thoughts mixed with the air, flying like a white dragon, directly smashing the tower into pieces, and collapsed in front of everyone.

Then Li Anping's thunderous shout spread throughout the manor again: "There are still five minutes left. If you don't want to die, get out of here."

This time it was like adding water to a frying pan, and the whole manor instantly started boiling. Seeing that the tower was attacked by an unknown person, the servants and staff all fled out of the manor in panic.

Zhang Hai and Zhang Yanheng also walked quickly outside the manor. They cursed Li Anping and called everywhere for support. However, they still didn't believe that Li Anping would really overturn the entire manor.

So as they argued, complained, looked for connections, and looked for the army's time, the last five minutes were quickly wasted. Only a few ability users from the Zhang family and a group of soldiers came to Zhang Hai and Zhang Yanheng to protect them. And they had already reached the outskirts of the manor.

Li Anping casually pressed the call on his cell phone. He knew that someone must have come to plead for the Zhang family. He moved his ears and squinted his eyes to look at the sky several kilometers away to the west. He could see more than a dozen armed helicopters flying over at a place that was difficult for ordinary human eyesight to detect.

With a sneer, Li Anping turned his body upside down, moving his head and feet to align himself with the Zhang family's position.

Then with a bang, a huge wave of air erupted from the soles of Li Anping's feet. His figure completely disappeared and he quickly hit the Zhang Family Manor on the ground.

In mid-air, a black shadow was seen flying from top to bottom with a white air wave. A huge sonic boom spread throughout Zhang Mansion. Everyone looked up at the sky and could only see a black shadow rolling up. Layers of air waves came straight towards him with infinite power and might.

The next second, Li Anping had already punched downwards.

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