Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 39: The Fifth Energy Level

Outside Sun Hao's house, a command vehicle was parked on the street. Three men in blue and white uniforms looked at the house on the surveillance screen in silence.

The youngest of the three, with dyed yellow hair, said impatiently: "How long do we have to wait? Is there still no news?"

Sitting opposite him, a young man with short black hair said coldly: "The police, army, hospital, and fire brigade have all been sent out. The known casualties have exceeded 7,000. The ruins caused by the battle alone are more than ten kilometers long and extend all the way to the suburbs. There is still no news from General Song. Who will care about this place?"

The short-haired young man leaning on the table said: "I heard that the news was blocked in Kyoto all day. The army has temporarily taken over various government agencies and major traffic arteries. There are too many witnesses at the scene, and the Internet is now in chaos. The Internet police can't block all the posts. It has been announced that it is a local earthquake, but many people still don't believe it."

The short-haired young man wondered: "Is it really a war? Can you fight with Old Song like this? He looks like a Level 5 expert. Could it be that some expert from the Flame Dragon Vanguard came to Tianjing to play beheading? Too crazy, right? "

"Maybe it was the Ice Castle. Who told us that we are completely at a disadvantage on the front line now." The crew-haired young man said, "And the True God Sect, isn't it said that Qing Chan is also at the fifth level? Maybe he is here."

"What a trouble." The yellow-haired boy sighed in annoyance, "I searched for a full nine hours, more than two thousand surveillance cameras. I finally locked on to Li Anping and sent Xia Yunyun here. I thought he must have been promoted this time. But now Old Man Song is missing. What if he dies!"

The process of Li Anping killing Song Bang in the hotel had long been investigated by a group of people under the pressure of Song Bang, and the matter involving Xia Yunyun and Li Qian was also investigated. Although some people despised Song Bang's character, for them, Li Anping had to be arrested.

Just as the three people in the command car were sighing, the door of the command car opened, and a man in military uniform walked in and asked: "Three officers, how long do we have to wait? Many citizens have gathered outside the cordon, and some even broke in without listening to the advice."

The three looked at each other, and finally the young man with short black hair said: "Colonel, wait for ten minutes and then take action."

After the colonel left, the young man with short black hair said: "Just wait for ten minutes. If there is no news after ten minutes, go in and arrest Xia Yunyun and others first, and then go back to the headquarters immediately to see what the situation is now."

"No problem." The other two said in unison.

The young man with short black hair said calmly: "Be careful, Sun Hao and Qian Duoduo are not easy to deal with."

Who knew that at this moment, four figures appeared in the surveillance camera facing the gate of Sun Hao's house, and Sun Hao, Qian Duoduo, Xia Yunyun, and Li Qian walked out one after another with their heads in their arms.

"They surrendered?" The yellow-haired boy said in surprise.

The young man with short black hair hurriedly said to the microphone: "Attention, all units, do not shoot, stay alert."

"No one shoot!"

After saying that, he looked at the four people who had walked to the street and were surrounded by more than a dozen soldiers and said: "What should we do? They surrendered."

"It's a wise move. Otherwise, even if they rushed out unscathed, their lives would be over." The young man with a crew cut said: "At least there is still room for negotiation. After all, except for Li Anping, the other four people did not offend Mr. Song to death."

He continued: "Although the focus is no longer on Li Anping, we can't come here in vain. They should know where Li Anping went, so let's take them all back to the headquarters first."


In the woods, after the white knife flashed, Song Bang appeared intact in the distance.

'How is it possible. ' Li Anping stood there, looking at Song Bang who was chopped by the high-frequency knife, and felt incredible: 'Although the high-frequency knife is too sharp, I can only feel a slight resistance, but I definitely chopped him just now. ’

Seeing Li Anping's surprised expression, Song Bang smiled.

The bullet time ability is very strong, exceeding the speed of sound, and it is completely crushing when facing most ability users. But when the ability is not activated, Song Bang's body appears a little fragile. When the ability is activated, he can dodge almost all attacks, but the ability cannot be activated 24 hours a day.

This situation did not change until he reached level five.

The biggest difference between level five ability users and level one to four ability users is that the body of the ability user begins to change towards inhumanity. They begin to transform their bodies based on their own abilities.

For example, Xia Liekong's eight dragons and eight phases of power allow him to have eight kinds of power clones. As long as any one of them is still alive, he can be reborn.

The same is true for Qingchan. He has a terrifying amount of mind energy and a body after being transformed into a giant. They all use their abilities to transform their bodies. Or evolution.

However, Qingchan has only been a level five ability user for a short time, and his body evolution is still relatively rough. He is also a relatively weak one among level five ability users.

Song Bang has already reached the fifth level of ability for many years, and his physical evolution is very closely integrated with his own abilities. This has always been his biggest trump card.

Bullet time does not increase Song Bang's physical reaction and speed, but adjusts his personal time flow rate. To use an analogy, it is to separate the part of time that belongs to him from this world, then accelerate it a hundred times, and then stuff it back into the original world.

When he reaches the fifth energy level, bullet time has an increasing impact on his body. His body began to age rapidly. But just when this body was approaching death, Song Bang finally understood some of the nature of his abilities.

He began to be able to consciously slow down the passage of time in his body.

At that time, Song Bang's physical aging slowed down, but his movements became slower and slower. He sometimes sat for a whole day, looking as if he was in a daze.

So he began to distinguish the aging speed of the body from the body's movement speed, and adjusted the different time flow rates.

He found that it was much easier to slow down the flow of time in his body than to speed it up.

During that time, he sometimes slept for months at a time. Sometimes I can go without eating or drinking for several months without any change. The changes in his body became smaller and smaller, and time seemed to have difficulty leaving traces on his body.

Until one day, he found that he didn't need to eat or drink. He doesn’t need to go to the bathroom or sleep. His body was infinitely still at a certain moment.

In almost a year, his life span was equivalent to one second.

He gained an almost unlimited lifespan and... immortality.

All harmful effects on the body will reduce the flow of time indefinitely. If someone chopped off his head with a knife, the changes in his muscles torn and bones torn would be extended to a hundred or even a thousand years in real time.

All beneficial effects on the body will be restored to the time flow rate. No matter how serious the injury is, when it is evenly distributed over a thousand years, it becomes insignificant.

On average, the wound from a decapitation of the head becomes a crack in a fiber of the neck every day.

A gunshot wound to the heart may, on average, turn into a few ruptured capillaries in the chest every day over a thousand years.

These trivial injuries can be healed every day just by relying on his physical strength, which is far beyond ordinary people.

This allows his body to remain intact no matter how much damage it takes.

This perfect body of time allows Song Bang to occupy a place among fifth-level ability users.

Song Bang named him - Shihe Immortal Body.

This is what truly differentiates fifth-level powerhouses from ordinary ability users, and what makes them truly most powerful.

Dehumanization of the body.

Li Anping naturally didn't know about Song Bang's Shihe immortality, and it was even less likely that Song Bang would take the initiative to tell his opponent.

‘There are still 15 seconds until the ion bullet time can be activated again. ’ Song Bang looked at Li Anping’s confused eyes and thought: ‘We can delay the time. ’

So he said to Li Anping: "There is no doubt that you did hit me just now. But as a fifth-level ability user, I have separated myself from the long river of time in the real world through my ability. No attack can hurt me. Effect. You will lose this battle."

‘I lied to you! ’ Song Bang said in his heart.

"How's it going? Are you frustrated?" Song Bang looked at Li Anping, who was expressionless and didn't know what he was thinking, and then smiled and said: "I already know your strength from the duel just now. You have great potential. To be honest, I I appreciate you very much. How about you become my subordinate? You can also cancel the matter."

‘I lied to you! Once I catch you, I will make you suffer a lot of torture and live worse than death! ! ’ Song Bang laughed wildly in his heart.

"Join me. With our strength, as long as we cooperate, plus Zhu Rong and the flying generals, it is possible to defeat the Ice Castle and rule the entire Eastern Continent. I can give you half of the highest power on this land..." Song Bon said eagerly.

But before he could say anything, the light of the sword slashed across his face again, cutting off the next words he wanted to say.

"You!" Song Bang looked at Li Anping coldly.

The other party didn't even look at it, but held the high-frequency knife tightly. The high-speed vibrating blade on it emitted a dark red light, like the demon fire in hell.

Regarding Song Bang's solicitation, Li Anping didn't even bother to answer a word.

What he was thinking was: ‘Try another thousand cuts. ’

Within a second, Song Bang's position was almost covered by dense sword light. The red light emitted by the blade was like infrared rays, dividing Song Bang's body into countless pieces.

Song Bang felt like he was hit by countless red lasers at the same time.

The next moment, the sound of swinging the knife reached Song Bang's ears, and the sound of the high-frequency knife cutting through the air was like thunder. Song Bang felt as if he heard a thousand thunder sounds exploding next to his ears at the same time.

The slash that exceeded the speed of sound brought up thousands of white shock waves visible to the naked eye, which were shot in all directions at the same time.


With a radius of a hundred meters, large tracts of woods were cut through the air, and the wind of the knife lifted countless branches, leaves, and soil into the sky.

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