Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 38: The knife is fast! The sword is fast!

A flash of white light passed, and a building with more than ten floors was cut in half, and the upper part slowly fell to the ground.

The streets were full of panicked citizens running around. But facing the culprits Li Anping and Song Bang, ordinary humans were just a bunch of blind people. Running away without purpose would only speed up their death.

But what else can ordinary people do when they encounter such a battle like a natural disaster?

It has only been two minutes since Song Bang slashed the first knife.

But the battlefield of the two has moved more than ten kilometers. Wherever they passed, it was like a hurricane passing through, and all kinds of houses and buildings were cut open and collapsed in pieces.

Because their speed was so fast, even if they casually swung the sword, the air shock wave generated was enough to cut through the concrete wall.

The two fought and walked, and whether intentionally or unintentionally, they both fought in the direction of the suburbs, as if they didn't want to cause too many casualties in the city center.

No one spoke along the way, one because the speed was too fast, and the strong wind rushed in when they opened their mouths. One is that Song Bang relied on the ability of bullet time to increase his speed, so he dared not stop to talk. Who knows if Li Anping will attack him when he is talking and not using his ability.

It is even more impossible for him to use this precious time to talk after activating his ability. You know, bullet time has a duration. Even if Song Bang has reached the fifth energy level, this duration is not so luxurious that he can use it to talk.


The swords and swords collided, and after a violent collision, the two retreated to the back at the same time.

The two fought and walked all the way, and unknowingly they were far away from the city, and the surroundings had become a sea of ​​trees. Song Bang's heart was getting heavier and heavier, because the opponent's strength was far beyond his imagination.

It was the first time he encountered an opponent who could compete with him in speed head-on. Even the flying general, who was also famous for his speed, was not as good as him in a short-term instant burst.

Usually, he had to deal with people with abilities below level 5, and he would directly activate the bullet time and stab him. Most people with abilities often don't even know how they died when they meet him.

Li Anping is different. Not only can he keep up with Song Bang in speed, but he is also much stronger than Song Bang. What's more terrifying is that this is entirely achieved through Li Anping's own physical fitness.

At first, Song Bang thought that with such a strong burst, the opponent would be exhausted in a short time. Who knew that until now, Song Bang felt a little tired, but Li Anping didn't sweat a drop, and it looked no different from the beginning.

He couldn't see the limit of Li Anping's physical strength at all. On the contrary, his bullet time was almost at its limit.

'The average time I use bullet time is 300 seconds. So far, 200 seconds have passed. Considering the ups and downs of mental state and physical strength, I have a maximum of 60 seconds of safety time. '

Song Bang thought about all this in his mind like lightning, and saw that Li Anping had rushed up again. Unlike Song Bang, Li Anping, who was in such a high-speed state, found it difficult to think too much. He could only have a general goal, vague ideas, and fought more by instinct.

This is because the essence of bullet time and Li Anping's physical body reaching supersonic speed is different.

Song Bang's bullet time is faster by speeding up the flow of time in his body. From his perspective, it is not that he has become faster, but that the whole world has slowed down. In this slowed down world, he still thinks and moves as before the ability was activated.

So in this high-speed state, in this world with 0.01 seconds as the unit, he still has time to think and can make many subtle movements. He can even do things like eating with chopsticks, doing arithmetic problems, typing, and writing essays in this high-speed state.

But Li Anping is not like that. He relies entirely on his physical fitness to reach supersonic speed. To maintain such a fast speed, it is difficult for him to do the subtle movements he can do at ordinary times, because every movement, every change of direction and rotation of a muscle means a huge reaction force, which means reducing speed.

So his high-frequency knife is a big way to go.

Cut the enemy into pieces with the fastest speed and the strongest force. This is his way.

Obviously, in this supersonic state, Li Anping, who has switched countless attacks and defenses every second, has no time to think too much.

'There are still 60 seconds, let's try. '

Thinking of this, Song Bang quickly stepped back, and at the same time, one hand reached into his arms. And Li Anping saw Song Bang retreating, and naturally followed him, slashing from top to bottom.

Song Bang raised his right hand to resist, and felt a huge force coming, and couldn't help shaking all over. But at the same time, his left hand also took out a flash bomb from the tactical pocket in his arms. Then he closed his eyes.

The speed of light is about 300,000 kilometers per second. When the flash bomb exploded in front of Li Anping, he had no time to close his eyes, dodge, etc. He could only feel a flash of white light in front of his eyes, and then his whole eyes were white, and he could no longer see anything.

A great sense of threat emerged from his heart, and Li Anping jumped with both legs, and he had already used all his strength to escape backwards.

Bang! Bang!

Unable to see, Li Anping bumped into several trees while retreating, slowing down.

Song Bang's attacks followed.

The high-frequency knife cut a huge wound on Li Anping's back from top to bottom without any hindrance. If Li Anping had not jumped into the sky at the last moment, he would have been cut into two halves by this knife.

But even so, a large basin of blood still sprayed out from his back, dyeing the surroundings red.

'There are still 28 seconds. '

Song Bang looked at Li Anping in the sky, and the next moment he ran to the opponent's landing point. In his eyes, jumping into the air was just a delay of death.

Who knew that Li Anping, who was in mid-air, had stepped on the air with his feet and rose to the sky again. Then he continued to perform the stepping on the void, and rose more than 300 meters in just a few seconds.

Then Li Anping flew faster and faster, and disappeared from Song Bang's eyes in a blink of an eye.

Song Bang thought about it, but he didn't catch up after all. There was no other reason, just because the duration of his bullet time was about to end. When he returned to normal, he would no longer be able to exceed the speed of sound, and it would be impossible for him to step on the air and fly. It was like falling from a height of several thousand meters, which was not pleasant for him.

When Li Anping flew all the way until he passed through the clouds and reached an altitude of 10,000 meters, his eyes had recovered their vision. At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the temperature around Li Anping had dropped to minus 50 degrees Celsius, and there were powerful strong winds and rolling clouds all around.

As the top of the troposphere in the atmosphere, the atmospheric movement here is constantly changing, which is much more complicated than at low altitude. Moreover, because of the increase in altitude, the air density decreases, and the reaction force of stepping on the void is much smaller.

Even Li Anping can't control the direction of flight completely freely in this situation.

So he stopped using stepping on the void and let himself fall to the ground.

Looking at the ground below that was getting bigger and bigger, Li Anping thought: 'Why didn't Song Bang catch up. '

'It stands to reason that with his speed, he can walk in the air, but he didn't catch up with such a good opportunity. '

'Is it because his ability has reached the time limit? Or is his body at the limit? '

'Catch up and see! ’

Li Anping was upside down, and then he stepped hard with his feet. A white air wave came out from under his feet, and his descent speed increased again. At the same time, Li Anping's ears moved slightly, and he had heard the sound of someone's feet stepping on the soil quickly, and the sound of clothes rubbing against the grass.

There was also the sound of breathing. The other party's breathing was very slow, without any panting. Li Anping didn't expect that the other party could still maintain such a calm breathing after such a fierce battle.

‘There! ’

Li Anping's eyes instantly locked onto a patch of grass one kilometer away, bent his legs, and stepped hard behind him.

There was a bang! He rushed towards Song Bang with a long air wave. The air vibrated, and the sound of breaking through the air spread in all directions, just like a fighter plane diving.

Song Bang, who was walking quickly in the grass, obviously heard the loud noise. He turned around and saw Li Anping in the air only a few hundred meters away from him.

‘How could it be so fast! My bullet time will take another 20 seconds to start again. ’

Song Bang’s speed is too far behind Li Anping’s when he doesn’t activate his ability. As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Li Anping’s high-frequency knife had already passed through his neck.

Then the knife light connected into a piece, like a knife light curtain that rolled up Song Bang.

On the other side, Sun Hao’s home was surrounded by fully armed troops.

Qian Duoduo sat under the window sill, holding a mirror in one hand and stretched it out. From the mirror, he could see that there were fully armed soldiers everywhere outside, armored vehicles, and even several tanks driving over.

Among the figures, there were also many people in blue and white uniforms, who were the ability users of Daxia Longque.

“It seems that Li Anping has caused a lot of trouble.” Qian Duoduo smiled: “They came here so quickly.”

“You can still laugh.” Sun Hao worriedly said: “What should I do now? There are so many people outside, I am not sure I can rush out alone.” After saying that, he glanced at Li Qian and Xia Yunyun next to him, and the eyes of the two girls were full of fear. Anyone surrounded by an army would not feel relaxed.

"It's not possible to rush out." Qian Duoduo said calmly: "There are at least five snipers, and more than 50 people are holding electromagnetic rifles. And I saw several of our acquaintances. It's too disadvantageous to have a head-on conflict. And once it's a direct conflict, the problem will be big.

"What should we do then?" Sun Hao said firmly: "At least send them out."

"You can rest assured for the time being. It makes sense for them to surround but not attack." Qian Duoduo looked at the densely packed gun muzzles in the mirror and said: "Let's wait and see."

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